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patch files for json support/string conversion
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RayZopf committed May 13, 2014
1 parent 3c80c42 commit 8e8b8b1
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Showing 3 changed files with 262 additions and 0 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions lslforge/haskell/LslForge.cabal.patch_20140417
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
< version: 0.1.6
> version:
< Copyright: Copyright (c) Robert Greayer 2008-2010, Others 2011-2012
> Copyright: Copyright (c) Robert Greayer 2008-2010, Others 2011-2014
< syb >= && <, fclabels > 0.4 && < 0.5
> syb >= && <, fclabels > 0.4 && < 0.5, json == 0.7.*
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
> cJsonAppend = -1;llcJsonAppend :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonAppend = IVal cJsonAppend
> cJsonArray = "\xfdd2";llcJsonArray :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonArray = SVal cJsonArray
> cJsonDelete = "\xfdd8";llcJsonDelete :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonDelete = SVal cJsonDelete
> cJsonFalse = "\xfdd7";llcJsonFalse :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonFalse = SVal cJsonFalse
> cJsonInvalid = "\xfdd0";llcJsonInvalid :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonInvalid = SVal cJsonInvalid
> cJsonNull = "\xfdd5";llcJsonNull :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonNull = SVal cJsonNull
> cJsonNumber = "\xfdd3";llcJsonNumber :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonNumber = SVal cJsonNumber
> cJsonObject = "\xfdd1";llcJsonObject :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonObject = SVal cJsonObject
> cJsonString = "\xfdd4";llcJsonString :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonString = SVal cJsonString
> cJsonTrue = "\xfdd6";llcJsonTrue :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a; llcJsonTrue = SVal cJsonTrue
< Constant "JSON_ARRAY" (SVal "\xfdd2"),
< Constant "JSON_DELETE" (SVal "\xfdd8"),
< Constant "JSON_FALSE" (SVal "\xfdd7"),
< Constant "JSON_INVALID" (SVal "\xfdd0"),
< Constant "JSON_NULL" (SVal "\xfdd5"),
< Constant "JSON_NUMBER" (SVal "\xfdd3"),
< Constant "JSON_OBJECT" (SVal "\xfdd1"),
< Constant "JSON_STRING" (SVal "\xfdd4"),
< Constant "JSON_TRUE" (SVal "\xfdd6"),
> Constant "JSON_APPEND" llcJsonAppend,
> Constant "JSON_ARRAY" llcJsonArray,
> Constant "JSON_DELETE" llcJsonDelete,
> Constant "JSON_FALSE" llcJsonFalse,
> Constant "JSON_INVALID" llcJsonInvalid,
> Constant "JSON_NULL" llcJsonNull,
> Constant "JSON_NUMBER" llcJsonNumber,
> Constant "JSON_OBJECT" llcJsonObject,
> Constant "JSON_STRING" llcJsonString,
> Constant "JSON_TRUE" llcJsonTrue,
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
> -- JSON functions
> llJson2List,
> llJsonGetValue,
> llJsonSetValue,
> llJsonValueType,
> llList2Json,
< import Language.Lsl.Internal.Constants(findConstVal)
> --import Language.Lsl.Internal.Constants(findConstVal)
> import Language.Lsl.Internal.Constants
> import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String(encodeString,decodeString)
> import qualified Text.JSON as J
> ("llJson2List",llJson2List),
> ("llJsonGetValue",llJsonGetValue),
> ("llJsonSetValue",llJsonSetValue),
> ("llJsonValueType",llJsonValueType),
> ("llList2Json",llList2Json),
< continueWith $ SVal $ escapeURL string maxResult
> continueWith $ SVal $ escapeURL (encodeString string) maxResult
< continueWith $ SVal $ take maxResult $ unEscapeString string
> continueWith $ SVal $ decodeString $ take maxResult $ unEscapeString string
> -- JSON functions
> llJson2List _ [SVal jsonstring] = continueWith $ LVal $
> case J.decode jsonstring of
> (J.Ok (J.JSArray a)) -> map js2lsl a
> (J.Ok (J.JSObject o)) -> concat $ map (\(k, v) -> [SVal k, js2lsl v]) $ J.fromJSObject o
> (J.Ok j) -> [SVal $ J.encode j]
> (J.Error _) -> [SVal jsonstring]
> llJsonGetValue _ [SVal jsonstring, LVal sp] = continueWith $ SVal $
> case mapM convSpecifier sp of
> (Just sp') -> case J.decodeStrict jsonstring >>= lookupDeep' sp' of
> (J.Ok j) -> lslValToString $ js2lsl j
> otherwise -> cJsonInvalid
> otherwise -> cJsonInvalid
> llJsonSetValue _ [SVal jsonstring, LVal sp, SVal val] = continueWith $ SVal $
> case mapM convSpecifier sp of
> (Just sp') -> case J.decodeStrict jsonstring >>=
> updateFieldDeep' sp' (decodeFromLsl val) of
> (J.Ok js) -> J.encode js
> (J.Error _) -> cJsonInvalid
> otherwise -> cJsonInvalid
> llJsonValueType _ [SVal jsonstring, LVal sp] = continueWith $ SVal $
> case mapM convSpecifier sp of
> (Just sp') -> case J.decodeStrict jsonstring >>= lookupDeep' sp' of
> (J.Ok v) -> jsonType v
> otherwise -> cJsonInvalid
> otherwise -> cJsonInvalid
> where
> jsonType :: J.JSValue -> String
> jsonType J.JSNull = cJsonNull
> jsonType (J.JSBool b) = if b then cJsonTrue else cJsonFalse
> jsonType (J.JSRational _ _) = cJsonNumber
> jsonType (J.JSString _) = cJsonString
> jsonType (J.JSArray _) = cJsonArray
> jsonType (J.JSObject _) = cJsonObject
> llList2Json _ [SVal typ, LVal list] = continueWith $ SVal $
> if typ == cJsonArray then J.encodeStrict $ J.JSArray $ map lsl2js list
> else if typ == cJsonObject then case l2al list of
> (Just al) -> J.encode (J.toJSObject al)
> _ -> cJsonInvalid
> else cJsonInvalid
> where
> lsl2js :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a -> J.JSValue
> lsl2js (IVal i) = J.JSRational False $ toRational i
> lsl2js (FVal f) = J.JSRational True $ toRational f
> lsl2js s = decodeFromLsl $ lslValToString s
> l2al :: RealFloat a => [LSLValue a] -> Maybe [(String, J.JSValue)]
> l2al [] = Just []
> l2al ((SVal k):v:xs) = l2al xs >>= \ al -> return $ (k, lsl2js v):al
> l2al _ = Nothing
> convSpecifier :: RealFloat a => LSLValue a -> Maybe Specifier
> convSpecifier (IVal i) | i == cJsonAppend = Just Append
> | otherwise = Just $ Index i
> convSpecifier (SVal k) = Just $ Key k
> convSpecifier _ = Nothing
> js2lsl :: RealFloat a => J.JSValue -> LSLValue a
> js2lsl (J.JSBool b) = if b then llcJsonTrue else llcJsonFalse
> js2lsl (J.JSRational True r) = FVal $ fromRational r
> js2lsl (J.JSRational False r) = IVal $ floor r
> js2lsl jsval = SVal $ J.encode jsval
> decodeFromLsl :: String -> J.JSValue
> decodeFromLsl val | val == cJsonTrue = J.JSBool True
> | val == cJsonFalse = J.JSBool False
> | otherwise = case J.decode val of
> (J.Ok js) -> js
> _ -> J.JSString $ J.toJSString val
> --
> -- TODO: these functions should be in separated module, like Text.JSON.Specifier
> --
> data Specifier = Index Int | Append | Key String
> -- this function shoud be called lookup in separated module
> jsonLookup :: Specifier -> J.JSValue -> Maybe J.JSValue
> jsonLookup sp json = case lookup' sp json of
> (J.Ok j) -> Just j
> (J.Error _) -> Nothing
> findWithDefault :: J.JSValue -> Specifier -> J.JSValue -> J.JSValue
> findWithDefault d sp json = case lookup' sp json of
> (J.Ok j) -> j
> (J.Error _) -> d
> lookupDeep :: [Specifier] -> J.JSValue -> Maybe J.JSValue
> lookupDeep sp json = case lookupDeep' sp json of
> (J.Ok j) -> Just j
> (J.Error _) -> Nothing
> findDeepWithDefault :: J.JSValue -> [Specifier] -> J.JSValue -> J.JSValue
> findDeepWithDefault d sp json = case lookupDeep' sp json of
> (J.Ok j) -> j
> (J.Error _) -> d
> updateField :: Specifier -> J.JSValue -> J.JSValue -> Maybe J.JSValue
> updateField sp v json = case updateField' sp v json of
> (J.Ok j) -> Just j
> (J.Error _) -> Nothing
> updateFieldDeep :: [Specifier] -> J.JSValue -> J.JSValue -> Maybe J.JSValue
> updateFieldDeep sps v json = case updateFieldDeep' sps v json of
> (J.Ok j) -> Just j
> (J.Error _) -> Nothing
> delete :: Specifier -> J.JSValue -> Maybe J.JSValue
> delete sp json = case delete' sp json of
> (J.Ok j) -> Just j
> otherwise -> Nothing
> deleteDeep :: [Specifier] -> J.JSValue -> Maybe J.JSValue
> deleteDeep sp json = case deleteDeep' sp json of
> (J.Ok j) -> Just j
> otherwise -> Nothing
> lookup' :: Specifier -> J.JSValue -> J.Result J.JSValue
> lookup' (Index i) (J.JSArray list) | i >= 0 && i < length list = return $ list !! i
> lookup' (Key k) (J.JSObject obj) = case lookup k $ J.fromJSObject obj of
> (Just j) -> return j
> otherwise -> J.Error "Invalid specifier"
> lookup' _ _ = J.Error "Invalid specifier"
> lookupDeep' :: [Specifier] -> J.JSValue -> J.Result J.JSValue
> lookupDeep' [] json = return json
> lookupDeep' (sp:sps) json = lookup' sp json >>= lookupDeep' sps
> updateField' :: Specifier -> J.JSValue -> J.JSValue -> J.Result J.JSValue
> updateField' sp v js =
> case js of
> (J.JSArray l) -> case sp of
> Append -> return $ J.JSArray $ l ++ [v]
> (Index i) -> repl l i v
> otherwise -> J.Error "Invalid specifier"
> (J.JSObject o) -> case sp of
> (Key k) -> return $ J.JSObject $ J.toJSObject $ addToAL (J.fromJSObject o) k v
> otherwise -> J.Error "Invalid parameter"
> otherwise -> J.Error "Invalid specifier"
> repl :: [J.JSValue] -> Int -> J.JSValue -> J.Result J.JSValue
> repl [] _ _ = J.Error "Invalid specifier"
> repl _ i _ | i < 0 = J.Error "Invalid specifier"
> repl (x:xs) 0 v = return $ J.JSArray (v:xs)
> repl (x:xs) n v = repl xs (n - 1) v >>= \(J.JSArray t) -> return $ J.JSArray (x:t)
> updateFieldDeep' :: [Specifier] -> J.JSValue -> J.JSValue -> J.Result J.JSValue
> updateFieldDeep' [] v json = return v
> updateFieldDeep' (Append:sps) v j@(J.JSArray _) =
> updateFieldDeep' sps v (J.JSArray []) >>= \t -> updateField' Append t j
> updateFieldDeep' (sp:sps) v json =
> updateFieldDeep' sps v (findWithDefault def sp json) >>= \ t -> updateField' sp t json
> where def = case sps of
> [] -> J.JSNull
> Append:_ -> J.JSArray []
> (Index _):_ -> J.JSArray []
> (Key _):_ -> J.JSObject $ J.toJSObject []
> delete' :: Specifier -> J.JSValue -> J.Result J.JSValue
> delete' (Index i) (J.JSArray list) | i >= 0 && i < length list =
> return $ J.JSArray $ a ++ b where (a, (_:b)) = splitAt i list
> delete' (Key k) (J.JSObject obj) =
> return $ J.JSObject $ J.toJSObject $ delFromAL (J.fromJSObject obj) k
> delete' _ _ = J.Error "Invalid specifier"
> deleteDeep' :: [Specifier] -> J.JSValue -> J.Result J.JSValue
> deleteDeep' [] _ = J.Error "Invalid specifier"
> deleteDeep' [sp] json = delete' sp json
> deleteDeep' (sp:sps) json =
> lookup' sp json >>= deleteDeep' sps >>= \ t -> updateField' sp t json
> addToAL :: Eq k => [(k, v)] -> k -> v -> [(k, v)]
> addToAL [] k v = [(k, v)]
> addToAL (t@(x, _):xs) k v | x == k = (k, v):xs
> | otherwise = t:(addToAL xs k v)
> delFromAL :: Eq k => [(k, v)] -> k -> [(k, v)]
> delFromAL [] k = []
> delFromAL (t@(x, _):xs) k | x == k = xs
> | otherwise = t:(delFromAL xs k)

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