Releases: Rattlehead15/tachiyomiOCR
...and first patch!
Seems like the ocr model data got corrupted or something, and the results when scanning vertical text were terrible. Here's a new apk which should work fine. If you're still having trouble after updating, just delete your app data.
First update!
Hey guys! I finally got some time to work on this project. This is an update I wanted to make for a long time. It adds a much cleaner way of looking up the words you want from the OCR'd sentence, and it also adds the ability to export word definitions to anki! To do this you'll have to set up which deck you want to export to, which card type you want, and which fields to fill with what information. All of this can be done through the settings. Also, you'll need to have ankidroid installed. Another thing added is support for horizontal text instead of just vertical. When the OCR rectangle you select has a wide aspect ratio, the text will be interpreted as horizontal text.
Here's what the new dictionary looks like. Word selection works like Yomichan, you tap the first character from the word you want to look up.
One last thing: this update also includes the latest Tachiyomi update. This means that the lowest android version supported is now Android 6.
Disabled tachiyomi acra
Please update to this version so crash reports don't get sent to the tachiyomi team
Fixed crash in non-pager viewers
just a quick fix of a dumb issue i missed.
App can now be installed alongside tachiyomi
Also, updates to the original tachiyomi no longer prompt the user the update I strongly recommend updating to this version
First beta build
This is the very first release of Tachiyomi OCR. The dictionary lookup and ocr are already working but the dictionary can only look up individual words and only if they're not written in their all kana form.