pip install rx7
pip install --upgrade rx7
Variable | Description |
argv | sys.argv (return list of given arguments from terminal) |
ABC | Parent for classes which have abstractmethods |
exit | Equivalent sys.exit (returning exit code to terminal) |
environ | Returns environment variables in a dictionary format |
Function | Description |
p() | print() function. |
repeat(function,n) | Repeat F_Name function for n times. |
rev(v) (REMOVED 2.4.0) | Reverse v and returns it. (Everything like str,list,int) |
read(file) | Return content of the file. |
write(file,mode,text) | Write things you want in file content. (Read Doc String) |
wait(n)sleep(n) | Stop code executing for n seconds |
cls()clear() | It Clears the Terminal |
progressbar() (*removed in v3.1) | In-App Progressbar. (Read Doc String) |
cons_integer(Frst,Lst) | Return string from Frst to Lst (Read Doc String) (v1.7) |
force(tpl,*var) | Return tpl with adding var(s) to it. |
erase(tpl,*var) | Return tpl with removing var(s) from it. |
replace(tpl,ind,var) | Replace tpl[ind] with var |
insert(tpl,ind,var) | Set tpl[ind] to var. (Note that tpl[ind] will be tpl[ind+1]) |
pop(tpl,index) | Remove member with index of 'index' from a tuple |
wait_for(button) | Waits for user to press specific button. |
call_later(func,args,delay) | Call func(args) after delay time. |
convert_bytes(num) | convert bytes to (KB,MB,GB,TB) |
Input(prompt,default) | Prompt an input message with default answer (value) (ONLY ON WINDOWS) |
default_input() | Same as default_input |
restart_app() | Restart running python program |
active_window_title() | Return Active Window Title |
open_image(path) | Open image with default image viewer (Mac OS is not supported) |
download(url) | To download files with memory saver and progressbar |
extract(file,path,pwd) | Extract Zip file with password to path |
screenshot(name) | Take a screenshot and save it. |
func_info(function) | Print information of function |
Check_Type | Decorator that raise TypeError if function argument type is wrong (Read Help) |
Progressbar() | Generator of progressbar() which you can use it to do some stuff between your delays (Read Help) |
pixel_color(X,Y) | Return RGB color of pixel[X,Y] |
getpass(prompt) | Prompt for a password, with echo turned off. |
import_module(path) | Return given path (file with any extension) as a Module |
Function | Description |
choose(iter,k,duplicate) | Choose k random items from iterable or string. |
integer(Frst,Lst) | Choose integer in range [Frst,Lst] |
O1(decimal_nom=17) | Return x in interval [0,1) |
number(Frst,Lst) | Return x in interval [Frst,Lst] |
shuffle(iterable) | Return shuffled version of iterable |
Function | Description |
accname() | return account username you have logged in. |
pid() | Get pid number of terminal and return it. |
disk_usage(path) | ######## |
chdir | Change directory of terminal. |
SHUT_DOWN() | Shut Down the PC. |
RESTART() | Restart the PC. |
terminal_size() | Return terminal size in tuple (columns,lines). |
cwd() | Return Carrent Working Directory. |
ip_global() | Returns Global IP. |
ip_local() | Returns Local IP. |
ram_total() | Returns total ram of the system. |
ram_used() | Returns Used Space of the ram of the system. |
ram_free() | Returns Available (Free) space of system ram. |
boot_time() | Return system boot time in seconds since the epoch. |
device_name() | Returns Device Name |
ip_website(url) | Returns url ip address |
win10_notification() | Display windows 10 notification (READ DOCSTRING) (ONLY WIN10 SUPPORTED) |
cpu_count(logical=True) | Return the number of logical/physical CPUs in the system |
pyshell_execute_bit() | To determine whether Python shell is executing in 32bit or 64bit |
pids() | Return a list of current running PIDs |
pid_exists(pid) | Return True if pid exists else False |
cpu_percent() | Return the current CPU utilization as a percentage |
os_name() | Returns OS name of machine |
Function | Description |
size(path) | Return size of the file in byte(s). Also work on |
delete(path) | Use this to delete a file (Not folder). |
rename(path) | Rename files with this function. |
abspath(path) | Return absolute path of given path. |
exists(path) | Return Boolean. If exists True, else: False |
mdftime(path) | Get last modify time of the file. |
acstime(path) | Get last access time of the file. |
move(src,dst) | Move file from src to dst. (Read Doc String of copy func) |
copy(src,dst,metadata=True) | Copy file (with metadata) from src to dst. (Also work on folders) |
hide(path) | Hide given path. (It can be file or directory.) |
read_only(path,mode=True) | Make file or folder read-only. (Read Doc String) |
read(path) | Return content of the path |
write(path,text='',...) | Same as write function. |
isdir(path) | Return True for directory and False for others. |
isfile(path) | Return True for file and False for others. |
is_hidden(path) | Check whether path is hidden or not |
is_readonly(path) | Check whether path is readonly or not |
search_file(pattern,path,mode) | search for pattern in path (Read function doc string) |
search_content(path,word) | Search for word in all files in path, return list of files that contain word |
mkdir(path) | Make directory (More than one if its possible!) |
generate_tree(dir_path) | Returns a visual tree of dir_path |
get_drives() | (Windows only) Get currently available drives |
basename(path) | Returns the final component of a pathname |
dirname(path) | Returns the directory component of a pathname |
join_paths(path) | Joins multiple paths together and returns it |
MEMBERS (Family) | |
MEMBERS.all_exactdir | List of all things those are in exact directory |
MEMBERS.files_exactdir | List of files which are in exact directory |
MEMBERS.dirs_exactdir | List of dirs which are in exact directory |
MEMBERS.files_all | List of files which are in exact directory and all sub-directories |
MEMBERS.files_all_sep | List of files which are in exact directory and all sub-directories seprated by their directories |
MEMBERS.dirs_all | List of directories (Exact dir and all sub-dirs) |
MEMBERS.all_all_sep | List of everything thing in path (exact dir & sub-dirs) |
Function | Description |
print(*values, color, BG, style, end, sep) | Print txt with selected color,BG,style.(Read Doc String) |
switch(color,BG,style) | Change Terminal Attributes Until another Call. |
switch_default() | Restore Terminal Attributes. |
reset | =switch_default |
log_ (Family) | 5 Different Style.print with ready color and style |
Function | Description |
init() | Set Start Time. |
self.stop(self) | Stops Recording (You can not lap anymore) |
self.lap(self, save=True, round=15) | Rreturn time between start time. if save==True: add that time to self.laps |
self.laps | A list that contains all laps you have done |
self.reset(self, start=False) | Empty self.laps, if start is True: set start time to now |
self.last_lap(save=True) | Return elapsed time from last lap (save it in self.laps if save is true) |
timeit(code,setup, times,globals_) | Run the 'code' for 'times' times and return time it needs (all, not once) |
timer(f) | Decorator for functions to print out how much each call takes |
Function | Description |
Check_Type | Decorator that raise TypeError if function argument type is wrong (Read Help) |
overload | Make your function accept different kind of argument and structure with defining it more than once |
attach_to_all | Attach Decorator.decorator_all to all functions of a class (Class decorator) |
abstractmethod | A decorator indicating abstract methods. |
Function | Description |
run(command) | executes command live in terminal |
getoutput(commands) | runs the command in the background and returns the output |
size() | Returns the size of terminal in tuple (columns,rows) |
Function | Description |
wait_for_input(prompt) | Asks for user input, until they enter something else than whitespaces |
selective_input() | Check repository wiki for full documentation |
yesno_input(prompt, default) | wait for user to enter one of (yes ,no , y , n ). (Case insensitive) |
Input(prompt, default_value) | (Windows only) Types default value before getting user's input |
getpass(prompt) | Gets users input without showing their input (getpass.getpass() ) |
Function | Description |
is_connected(website) | Check for internet connection with trying to connect to website |
connection_checker | Decorator to check if internet is connected before calling the function |
ip_local() | Returns local ip |
ip_global() | Returns global ip |
ip_global(website) | returns ip of the given website |
url_exists(url) | Checks if a url exists (with requests module) (needs http[s]) |
url_links(URL) | Get all links that are used in a specific URL (All "a" tags from html source) (Needs 'http[s]') |
find_urls(text) | returns list of all urls in a string using regex |
is_url(URL) | checks if the string has the expression of a real url |
open_browser(url) | opens given url in the new tab of default browser |
- Using
import rx7 as rx
$ python -m rx7 --wiki (To open wiki page in browser)
$ python -m rx7 --colors (To show help for style class)
$ python -m rx7 --help (To open help menu)
Take a look at here for the changelog