This repository is archived. Up-to-date info, annoncements and news can be found on the Google Doc, Slack server, or the Discord server.
RamWorks is currently in the early process of developing a web operating system titled RamOS (name tenative). As previously stated, we are in very early stages of development. Please do not expect it to release for quite some time, but stay tuned for future updates. Please contribute to it with a pull request of you wish! We appreciate any help you can provide.
This is the new repository and host for the RamWorks docs (HD+, Ram Networks, LMN, etc). The school district in which RamWorks is located at have closed the ability to share Google docs with anyone outside of the district.
Main releases will be posted in the Releases tab, so make sure to filter them with the tags.
RamWorks projects less frequently updated will be posted in the main branch. Small updates or announcements may be posted in the readme.
Maybe some other projects will start their own repositories, so this one will be strictly Ram Networks. If you own a project, please do this!
theshmunguss1: Founder and Owner of RamWorks Development Group!
Yesn't: Co-Founder and Co-Owner of RamWorks Development Group!
DJshelfmushroom: Co-Owner of RamWorks Development Group