#Iteration Scope Change
A re-write with App SDK 2.0 of the Iteration Scope Change app from the App catalog with the addition of the following:
- an option to organize iteration scope changes by Project or Day (original option)
- support for an iteration scoped dashboard
- export functionality
This app parses the revision history to determine scope changes and does not require the lookback API.
App Settings include an Hour offset field. If this field is greater than 0, then it will ignore any changes that are made within this number of hours after the iteration begins.
This setting was added to accomodate sprint teams that might plan on the first day of the sprint and do not want to see those scope changes included in this report.
If you've just downloaded this from github and you want to do development, you're going to need to have these installed:
- node.js
- grunt-cli
- grunt-init
Since you're getting this from github, we assume you have the command line version of git also installed. If not, go get git.
If you have those three installed, just type this in the root directory here to get set up to develop:
npm install
- src/javascript: All the JS files saved here will be compiled into the target html file
- src/style: All of the stylesheets saved here will be compiled into the target html file
- test/fast: Fast jasmine tests go here. There should also be a helper file that is loaded first for creating mocks and doing other shortcuts (fastHelper.js) Tests should be in a file named -spec.js
- test/slow: Slow jasmine tests go here. There should also be a helper file that is loaded first for creating mocks and doing other shortcuts (slowHelper.js) Tests should be in a file named -spec.js
- templates: This is where templates that are used to create the production and debug html files live. The advantage of using these templates is that you can configure the behavior of the html around the JS.
- config.json: This file contains the configuration settings necessary to create the debug and production html files. Server is only used for debug, name, className and sdk are used for both.
- package.json: This file lists the dependencies for grunt
- auth.json: This file should NOT be checked in. Create this to run the slow test specs. It should look like: { "username":"you@company.com", "password":"secret" }
Use grunt debug to create the debug html file. You only need to run this when you have added new files to the src directories.
Use grunt build to create the production html file. We still have to copy the html file to a panel to test.
Use grunt test-fast to run the Jasmine tests in the fast directory. Typically, the tests in the fast directory are more pure unit tests and do not need to connect to Rally.
Use grunt test-slow to run the Jasmine tests in the slow directory. Typically, the tests in the slow directory are more like integration tests in that they require connecting to Rally and interacting with data.