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Main Codebase is private. If you need access please email me with details.

This is a simple Flask-based API server that provides endpoints to interact with the project PSTU RTC Project Management System. It allows you to add data using both POST and GET methods and retrieve the stored data from MySQL. This can be useful for various applications, including implementing a Research & Training Center management system.

Table of Contents


To run this API server, you need Python and Flask installed on your system.

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd rtc_project_backend
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Start the Flask development server:


The server should now be running at http://localhost:5000.


You can interact with the API server using HTTP requests. You can use tools like curl, Postman, or create your own client application.


Some of the endpoints need valid access token

Authentication Endpoints

POST /reset_password_request

  • Description: Request a password reset by providing an email address.
  • Example Request:
      "email": ""
  • Example Response:
      "message": "Password reset email sent",
      "statuscode": 200

POST /reset_password/<token>

  • Description: Reset password using a token received via email.

  • Example Request:

      "new_password": "new_password_value"
  • Example Response:

      "message": "Password reset successfully",
      "statuscode": 200,
      "email": ""

POST /register

  • Description: Register a new user.
  • Example Request:
      "username": "newuser",
      "email": "",
      "password": "password123",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Phone": "1234567890",
      "RoleID": 1
  • Example Response:
      "message": "User registered successfully. Admin will activate your account soon",
      "statuscode": 201

POST /login

  • Description: Login with username and password to get an access token.

  • Example Request:

    "username": "user",
    "password": "password123",
    "RoleID": 1
  • Example Response:

      "message": "Login successful",
      "user_id": 123,
      "statuscode": 200,
      "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9..."

POST /logout

  • Description: Logout and clear the access token.
  • Example Request:
    curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/auth/logout -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
  • Example Response:
      "message": "Logout successful",
      "statuscode": 200

File Download Endpoints

GET /download/seal/download/<filename>

  • Description: Download a seal file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Example Request in Postman:
    • Method: GET
    • URL: http://localhost:5000/download/seal/download/seal1.png
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
  • Response: [Downloaded file content]

GET /download/signature/download/<filename>

  • Description: Download a signature file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Example Request in Postman:
    • Method: GET
    • URL: http://localhost:5000/download/signature/download/signature1.png
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
  • Response: [Downloaded file content]

GET /download/profile-pic/download/<filename>

  • Description: Download a profile picture file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Example Request in Postman:
    • Method: GET
    • URL: http://localhost:5000/download/profile-pic/download/profile_pic1.jpg
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
  • Response: [Downloaded file content]

GET /download/methodology/download/<filename>

  • Description: Download a methodology file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Example Request in Postman:
    • Method: GET
    • URL: http://localhost:5000/download/methodology/download/methodology1.png
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
  • Response: [Downloaded file content]

GET /download/nid/download/<filename>

  • Description: Download a NID (National Identification) file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Example Request in Postman:
    • Method: GET
    • URL: http://localhost:5000/download/nid/download/nid1.jpg
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
  • Response: [Downloaded file content]

GET /download/project_softcopy/download/<filename>

  • Description: Download a project softcopy file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Example Request in Postman:
    • Method: GET
    • URL: http://localhost:5000/download/project_softcopy/download/project1.pdf
    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
  • Response: [Downloaded file content]

File Upload Endpoints

POST /upload/seal/upload

  • Description: Upload a seal file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Request Body: Form-data with key "file" containing the file to upload.
  • Response:
  "message": "Seal uploaded successfully",
  "statuscode": 200

POST /upload/signature/upload

  • Description: Upload a signature file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Request Body: Form-data with key "file" containing the file to upload.
  • Response:
      "message": "Signature uploaded successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

POST /upload/profile-pic/upload

  • Description: Upload a profile picture file.

  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.

  • Request Body: Form-data with key "file" containing the file to upload.

  • Response:

      "message": "Profile picture uploaded successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

POST /upload/methodology/upload

  • Description: Upload a methodology file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Request Body: Form-data with key "file" containing the file to upload.
  • Response:
      "message": "Methodology file uploaded successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

POST /upload/nid/upload

  • Description: Upload a NID (National Identification) file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Request Body: Form-data with key "file" containing the file to upload.
  • Response:
      "message": "NID file uploaded successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

POST /upload/project_softcopy/upload

  • Description: Upload a project softcopy file.
  • Authorization: Requires a valid access token with specific role permissions.
  • Request Body: Form-data with key "file" containing the file to upload.
  • Response:
      "message": "Project softcopy file uploaded successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

User Endpoints

GET /get_all_pending_users

  • Authorization: Admin or Supervisor role required.
  • Response:
      "TempUsers": [
          "UserID": 1,
          "Username": "john_doe",
          "Email": "",
          "FirstName": "John",
          "LastName": "Doe",
          "Phone": "123-456-7890",
          "RoleID": 2
          "UserID": 2,
          "Username": "jane_smith",
          "Email": "",
          "FirstName": "Jane",
          "LastName": "Smith",
          "Phone": "987-654-3210",
          "RoleID": 3
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_specific_pending_user/<user_id>

  • Authorization: Admin role required.
  • Response:
      "TempUser": {
        "UserID": 1,
        "Username": "john_doe",
        "Email": "",
        "FirstName": "John",
        "LastName": "Doe",
        "Phone": "123-456-7890",
        "RoleID": 2

PUT /update_pending_user/<user_id>

  • Authorization: Specific role permissions required.
  • Request Body:
      "Username": "updated_username",
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "Updated",
      "LastName": "User",
      "Phone": "999-888-7777",
      "RoleID": 3
  • Response:
      "message": "TempUser updated successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_specific_user/<user_id>

  • Authorization: JWT required; roles 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 allowed.
  • Description: Fetches user details from the database based on the user ID.
  • Response:
      "user": {
        "UserID": 1,
        "Username": "john_doe",
        "Email": "",
        "FirstName": "John",
        "LastName": "Doe",
        "Phone": "123-456-7890",
        "RoleID": 2,

PUT /update_user/<user_id>

  • Authorization: JWT required; roles 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 allowed.
  • Description: updates the details of a specific user identified by user_id.
  • Request Body:
      "Username": "updated_username",
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "Updated",
      "LastName": "User",
      "Phone": "999-888-7777",
  • Response:
      "message": "User updated successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

DELETE /delete_temp_user/<user_id>

  • Authorization: Admin role required.
  • Response:
      "message": "Pending User with id 1 deleted successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_user_name_of_specific_user/<user_id>

  • Authorization: JWT required; roles 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 allowed.
  • Description: Fetches the username of a user from the database based on the user ID.
  • Response:
      "Username": "john_doe",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_all_users_except_students

  • Authorization: JWT required; roles 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 allowed.
  • Description: Fetches user details from the database for users excluding the student role.
  • Response:
      "users": [
          "Userid": 1,
          "Username": "john_doe",
          "FirstName": "John",
          "LastName": "Doe",
          "SignatureLocation": "path/to/signature",
          "SealLocation": "path/to/seal",
          "ProfilePicLocation": "path/to/profile_pic"
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_only_student_users

  • Authorization: JWT required; roles 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 allowed.
  • Description: Fetches user details from the database for users with the student role only.
  • Response:
      "users": [
          "Userid": 5,
          "Username": "student1",
          "FirstName": "Student",
          "LastName": "One",
          "SignatureLocation": "path/to/signature",
          "SealLocation": "path/to/seal"
      "statuscode": 200

DELETE /approve_temp_user/<user_id>

  • Authorization: JWT required; only role 1 allowed (admin).
  • Description: Approves a temporary user and moves them to the Users table while deleting them from TempUsers.
  • Response:
      "message": "Pending UserID <user_id> approved successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /user_management_overview

  • Authorization: Admin role required.
  • Response:
      "total_users": 100,
      "total_pending_users": 10,
      "total_admin": 5,
      "total_researcher": 30,
      "total_reviewer": 20,
      "total_teacher": 15,
      "total_student": 30,
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_specific_user_minimum/<user_id>

  • Authorization: JWT required; roles 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 allowed.
  • Description: Fetches minimal user details from the database based on the user ID, including username, first name, last name, and profile picture location.
  • Response:
      "user": {
        "Username": "john_doe",
        "FirstName": "John",
        "LastName": "Doe",
        "ProfilePicLocation": "path/to/profile_pic"
      "statuscode": 200

Reviewer Endpoints

POST /set_reviewer_for_specific_project

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to role 1.
  • Description: Creates a new review for a project by setting a reviewer based on the provided ProjectID and ReviewerUserID.
  • Request Body: JSON
      "ProjectID": 123,
      "ReviewerUserID": 456
  • Response:
      "message": "Reviewer Set successfully",
      "statuscode": 201

GET /get_revieweruserid_for_specific_project/<int:project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to role 1.
  • Description: Fetches all ReviewerUserIDs associated with a specific project based on the provided project ID.
  • Response:
      "revieweruserid": [{ "ReviewerUserID": 123 }, { "ReviewerUserID": 456 }],
      "statuscode": 200

GET /review_dashboard

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves the total number of projects to review, completed reviews, pending reviews, review queue, and other relevant information for the review dashboard.
  • Response:
      "total_projects_to_review": 10,
      "completed_reviews": 5,
      "review_queue": 3,
      "pending_reviews": 5,
      "review_done": 2,
      "my_total_project": 7,
      "statuscode": 200

GET /update_picanviewornot/<int:project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Updates the PiCanViewOrNot status for a specific project, where 0 means cannot view and 1 means can view.
  • Response:
      "message": "Review PiCanViewOrNot updated successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_all_projects_pi_can_view_review

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves all projects that a PI (Principal Investigator) can view for review.
  • Response:
      "ProjectsPiCanViewReview": [
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ProjectTitle": "Research Project 1",
          "Description": "This is the description of the project 1.",
          "ProjectID": 2,
          "ProjectTitle": "Research Project 2",
          "Description": "This is the description of the project 2.",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_all_projects_have_to_review

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves all projects that the current user has to review.
  • Response:
      "ProjectHaveToReviewList": [
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ProjectTitle": "Research Project 1",
          "Description": "This is the description of the project 1.",
          "ProjectID": 3,
          "ProjectTitle": "Research Project 3",
          "Description": "This is the description of the project 3.",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /check_a_project_reviewed_or_not/<project_id>/<user_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Checks whether a specific project has been reviewed by a specific user.
  • Response:
    • If the project is reviewed:
        "ProjectReviewCheck": "Yes",
        "statuscode": 200
    • If the project is not reviewed:
        "ProjectReviewCheck": "No",
        "statuscode": 200

GET /get_reviews_for_specific_project/<project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves all reviews for a specific project based on the project ID.
  • Response:
      "reviews": [
          "ReviewID": 1,
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ReviewerUserID": 123,
          "Comments": "This is a review comment for the project.",
          "Points": 4.5,
          "PiCanViewOrNot": 0,
          "ReviewID": 2,
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ReviewerUserID": 456,
          "Comments": "Another review comment for the project.",
          "Points": 3.5,
          "PiCanViewOrNot": 1,
      "statuscode": 200

POST /create_reviews_specific_project

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Creates a new review for a specific project.
  • Request Body:
      "ProjectID": 1,
      "ReviewerUserID": 123,
      "Comments": "This is a review comment for the project.",
      "Points": 4.5
  • Response:
      "message": "Review created successfully",
      "statuscode": 201

POST /get_all_reviews_for_specific_reviewer

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves all reviews for a specific reviewer user and project.
  • Request Body:
      "ProjectID": 1,
      "ReviewerUserID": 123
  • Response:
      "reviews": [
          "ReviewID": 1,
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ReviewerUserID": 123,
          "Comments": "This is a review comment for the project.",
          "Points": 4.5,
          "PiCanViewOrNot": 0,
          "ReviewID": 2,
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ReviewerUserID": 123,
          "Comments": "Another review comment for the project.",
          "Points": 3.5,
          "PiCanViewOrNot": 1,
      "statuscode": 200

GET /review_panel_overview

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Provides an overview of the review panel statistics, including the number of reviewers who have given reviews, the number of projects that still need reviewers assigned, and the total number of projects and assigned reviewers.
  • Response:
      "reviewer_gave_review": 15,
      "need_to_assign_reviewer": 5,
      "assigned_reviewer": 20,
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_all_projects_have_to_set_reviewer

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all projects that still need a reviewer assigned.
  • Response:
      "ProjectHaveToSetReviewerList": [
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ProjectTitle": "Sample Project 1",
          "ProjectID": 2,
          "ProjectTitle": "Sample Project 2",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_all_projects_reviewer_given_review

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible only to role 1 (admin).
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all projects where reviewers have given their reviews.
  • Response:
      "projects": [
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ProjectTitle": "Sample Project 1",
          "ProjectID": 2,
          "ProjectTitle": "Sample Project 2",
      "statuscode": 200

ProjectUser Endpoints

GET /get_total_number_of_all_dashboard

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves various counts related to users and projects, including total users, projects, admins, researchers, reviewers, teachers, students, and projects with reports.
  • Response:
      "total_users": 100,
      "total_projects": 50,
      "total_admin": 5,
      "total_researcher": 20,
      "total_reviewer": 10,
      "total_teacher": 8,
      "total_student": 57,
      "total_project_report": 30,
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_self_project_dashboard

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves project-related statistics for the current user, including completed, total, pending, approved, rejected, running projects, and final reports submitted.
  • Response:
      "running_projects": 5,
      "rejected_projects": 2,
      "approved_projects": 15,
      "pending_projects": 10,
      "final_report_submitted": 20,
      "completed_projects": 30,
      "total_projects": 50,
      "statuscode": 200

Project Endpoints

GET /get_project_status_specific_project/<int:project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Retrieves the status of a specified project.
  • Response:
      "ProjectStatus": "Running",
      "statuscode": 200

PUT /update_projectstatus_point/<int:project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Description: Updates the project status and total points of a specific project.
  • Request Body Example:
      "ProjectStatus": "Approved",
      "TotalPoints": 100
  • Response:
      "message": "Project Status & Total Points updated successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /projects

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to role 1 (admin).

  • Description: Retrieves all projects.

  • Response:

    "projects": [
        "ProjectID": 1,
        "ProjectTitle": "Sample Project 1",
        "CreatorUserID": 123,
        "ProjectID": 2,
        "ProjectTitle": "Sample Project 2",
        "CreatorUserID": 456,
    "statuscode": 200

POST /create_projects

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  • Description: Creates a new project.

  • Request Body Example:

      "CodeByRTC": "ABC123",
      "DateRecieved": "2024-04-03",
      "ProjectTitle": "Research Project Title",
      "NatureOfResearchProposal": "Nature of Research Proposal",
  • Response:

      "message": "Project created successfully",
      "statuscode": 201

GET /projects/<int:project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • Description: Retrieves details of a specific project.
  • Response:
      "project": {
        "ProjectID": 1,
        "ProjectTitle": "Sample Project",
        "CreatorUserID": 123,
        "ProjectStatus": "Pending",
      "statuscode": 200

DELETE /projects/<int:project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to role 1 (admin).
  • Description: Deletes a project and its related data.
  • Response:
      "message": "Project with id 123 deleted successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

PUT /update_project/<int:project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, and 4.

  • Description: Updates the basic information of a project.

  • Request Body Example:

      "CodeByRTC": "12345",
      "ProjectTitle": "Updated Project Title",
      "NatureOfResearchProposal": "Updated Proposal",
  • Response:

      "message": "Project updated successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_admin_project_dashboard

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible only to users with role 1 (admin).
  • Description: Fetches a dashboard containing statistics related to projects in the system, such as the count of completed, pending, approved, rejected, running projects, and the number of final reports submitted.
  • Response:
      "running_projects": 3,
      "rejected_projects": 1,
      "approved_projects": 5,
      "pending_projects": 2,
      "final_report_submitted": 8,
      "completed_projects": 15,
      "total_projects": 34,
      "statuscode": 200

GET /myprojects/user/<int:user_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication.
  • Description: Retrieves all projects associated with the self user.
  • Response:
      "projects": [
          "ProjectID": 1,
          "ProjectTitle": "Project 1",
          "ProjectID": 2,
          "ProjectTitle": "Project 2",
      "statuscode": 200

Notification Endpoints

POST /request_project_deletion_to_admin/<int:project_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 2, 3, 4, and 5 (teachers).
  • Description: Allows teachers to request project deletion to the admin.
  • Request Body Example:
      "CodeByRTC": "12345",
      "ProjectTitle": "Updated Project Title",
      "NatureOfResearchProposal": "Updated Proposal",
  • Response:
      "message": "Project deletion request sent successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

DELETE /delete_project_request/<int:notification_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to role 1 (admin).
  • Description: Allows the admin to delete a project requested for deletion based on the notification ID.
  • Response:
      "message": "Project with id {project_id} deleted successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_self_notification

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (admin and supervisors).
  • Description: Retrieves notifications for the current user (admin or supervisor) in descending order based on timestamp.
  • Response Example:
      "MyNotifications": [...],
      "statuscode": 200

PUT /mark_as_unread/<int:notification_id> and PUT /mark_as_read/<int:notification_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (teachers).
  • Description: Marks a notification as unread or read based on the notification ID.
  • Response Example (for both endpoints):
      "message": "Notification marked as unread/read successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_all_notification

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to role 1 (admin).
  • Description: Retrieves all notifications in descending order based on timestamp.
  • Response Example:
      "AllNotifications": [...],
      "statuscode": 200

PUT /mark_all_as_read

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (teachers).
  • Description: Marks all notifications for the current user as read.
  • Response Example:
      "message": "Notification marked as read successfully",
      "statuscode": 200

GET /get_specific_notification/<int:notification_id>

  • Authorization: Requires JWT authentication; accessible to roles 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • Description: Retrieves a specific notification based on the notification ID.
  • Response Example:
      "Notification": {...},
      "statuscode": 200


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