This Python script automatically enters users to giveaways by searching for the query terms "giveaway" and "retweet". This project was inspired by a Reddit post created a while back detailing a script that also entered the user to giveaways on Twitter. Seeing upon how successful the user was at winning, I decided to create my own version using Python and the Tweepy package.
- Automatically Enter User to Giveaways
- Undo Follow function
- Undo Retweet function
- Undo Favorite function
- Tag friends if specified in giveaways
- Python 3.0+
- Tweepy
- Twitter API Credentials
- Clone or download the repository
- Open "" and replace placeholder text for API creditials with your generated keys for twitter
#Twitter API information
consumer_key = "CONSUMER_KEY"
consumer_secret = "CONSUMER_SECRET"
access_key = "ACCESS_KEY"
access_secret = "ACCESS_SECRET"
- The script will automatically terminate after it operates through 7500 tweets
To run giveaway:
- Edit query term to search for or leave the default 'giveaway retweet'
- Open Terminal and CD into repository directory
- Type python
- Operation ends after it operates through 7500 tweets
To run the "un" functions:
- Comment out all the code within the nested for loops
- Uncomment
- Open Terminal and CD into repository directory
- Type python
if __name__ == "__main__":
for j in range (0, 5):
for i in range (0, 10):
print ("Passthrough: " + str(i+1) + " Loop: " + str(j+1))
search_func("giveaway retweet", 150)
randx = random.randint(15,35)
if j < 5:
print("Waiting " + str(randx) + " min...")
elif j == 5:
- There is currently a max follow limit of 5000. Once that cap is reached, account must unfollow all accounts listed under 'following'.
- There is a cap of 1000 follows per day. Must unfollow if cap is reached
- Automate unfollow when cap limit is reached.
All source code in this app is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.