Team Members: Kadir Diwan, Arfah Upade, Rajeev Bandi.
This project was developed for a 72 hour long Hackathon named "BUGSQUASH" which was conducted by our college SIES GST. This project was developed under the Open Category, ultimately bagging 1st Place in the same. This Project is a PDF to EXCEL converter designed specifically on Mumbai University Marksheet (SEM 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 ) since the marksheets obtained are not very format friendly to convert into an excel format even using online tools.
We used Python Regular Expressions to solve this problem. The result document was taken as the input and the output was shown on the WebApp made using Flask. We also added some visualizations for better understanding of the input data.
PDF to be Uploaded (Input) (Blurred for Confidentiality since it has real data of students)=> It can be uploaded on the webapp
Excel received (Output) => Noisy/Unformatted PDF converted into a neat Excel form
Analysis: The output obtained is stored in the server and the analysis for the same is shown