NGO_Xchange is a platform to make NGO transaction secure and transparent. Main goal is to solve all conflicts arise in donor's mind and regain their trust towards NGO(Non-Government Organization).
- NGO's Paper work will be reduced.
- Transaction done by any user become transparent and secure.
- User can easily identify any fraudulent thread.
- All participant node can track transaction.
- Ethereum
- Truffle
- React
- Metamask browser extension
Install nodejs.
For building local blockchain network install ganache.
clone the repository ( Let download in folder name "final1")
- Install truffle globally and install all node dependencies
npm install
npm install -g truffle
- Compile and migrate to local blockchain network
truffle compile
truffle migrate
- Set path of Mongo DB(USERNAME = username of your root(OS-X))
/Users/"USERNAME"/Downloads/mongod/bin/mongod --dbpath=/Users/"USERNAME"/Downloads/mongodb-path
- Connect to MongoDB
cd final1
npm run dev
- Run the server on localhost
npm start