April 2020
🔨 Three.js main concepts. Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library and application programming interface (API) used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser. Three.js uses WebGL. From Udemy '3D Programming with JavaScript and the Three.js 3D Library: Create 3D computer graphics, using webgl in a cross-browser environment. Learn about 3D Graphical space, and 3D Depth'.
See demo on Heroku.
Concepts covered:
- Scene, camera, renderer.
- Geometry: points/vertices normal, segments/edge, faces/faces normal, meshes.
- Shapes: Cube, sphere, torus, custom geometry.
- Movement and Vector3, position, rotation.
- Text geometry.
- MeshBasicMaterial: not affected by light.
- MeshNormalMaterial: not affected by light but each faces has a different color.
- MeshDepthMaterial: not affected by light butassign different colors according to the distance from camera.
- MeshLambertMaterial: affected by light, for non-shiny surfaces, without specular highlights.
- MeshPhongMateriall: affected by light, for shiny surfaces with specular highlights.
- MeshStandardMaterial: affected by light, standard physically based material, using Metallic-Roughness workflow.
Note: A specular highlight is the bright spot of light that appears on shiny objects when illuminated.
- Ambiant light: illuminates everywhere in the same level. It doesn't come from a specific direction.
- Hemisphere light: fades as it goess from the top to the bottom. It doesn't come from a specific direction.
- Directional light: comes from a light source and aims to a direction (like the sun light).
- Point light: radiates from a single point to all directions. The light fades as a function of the distance from the light source like a bulb.
- Spot light: is a light that comes from a single point (like a spot) and it forms a cone shape.
- Perspective camera: mimics how the human eye sees. It gives a perspective to the scene - closer objects would look bigger than farther objects.
- Orthographic camera: doesn't give a perspective to the scene. Object's size stays the same, no mater what is the distance from the camera.
- Keyboard Events
- Mouse Events / Mouse picking
- Raycast (intersectObjects) / browser coordinate vs world coordinate
- Textures (TextureLoader)
- Panorama / 'Power Of Two' Rule
- Cast shadows (add shadows from the objects). Only works with spot lights and directional lights
Warning: WebGL / material or hardware acceleration has to be enabled in your browser. The use of WebGL needs a strong GPU (quite decent NVidia or AMD Graphic card) to work fluidly. It won't work without it, even with a powerfull CPU.
How to enable WebGL in your browser?
Clone, the local-version branch.
npm install
node app.js
Open the app using http://localhost:3000/
See demo on Heroku.
- 3D Programming with JavaScript and the Three.js 3D Library
- threejs
- How to deploy your app to the web using Express.js and Heroku
- How To Create an HTTPS Server on Localhost using Express
- Utilisation de moteurs de modèles avec Express
- Make Better Textures, The 'Power Of Two' Rule & Proper Image Dimensions