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New features in the IDE
these are the relevant Settings for user logging (the defaults are shown):
- Settings.UserLogs = true (False: user log calls are ignored)
- Settings.UserLogPrefix = "user" (message prefix)
- Settings.UserLogTime = True (False: no timestamp)
- Debug.setUserLogfile("absolute-path-to-file")
to write a user log message:
Debug.user("text", args …)
where text is a string according to the rules of Java String.format().
the messages look so:
[user-prefix optional-timestamp] message-text with filled in arg values
Being in Jython scripting one might as well use this:
Debug.user("some text with placeholders" % (list-of-args …))
the settings for Sikuli's logging with the defaults:
- Settings.ActionLogs = true (message prefix: [LOG])
- Settings.InfoLogs = true (message prefix: [INFO])
- Settings.DebugLogs = false (message prefix: [DEBUG])
- Settings.LogTime = false
- Debug.setLogfile("absolute-path-to-file") to redirect the Sikuli messages to a file
There is a new button "more-options"
that opens the an additional options pane
ISSUE: before closing the pane or leaving the options: click Save, if you changed something (no auto save currently)
Options on Save
- creation of the html file is switched off as default
- deletion of unused images (not referenced in the script) is switched on as default
Options on Run
- before running a script all changed open named scripts can be saved automatically. For untitled scripts you get a chance to save to a named script or ignore.
- it is possible to highlight all searches generally for 2 seconds with this option (alternative to slow motion, which only highlights mouse targets)
IDE Layout
You can switch to an alternate layout of the IDE window (option "Activate the new layout..."), which does not show the command bar at left and has the message area at the right side (better for wide screens).
These options allow to selectively switch back.
Hint double-click on the message area title hides it and brings it back again
Messages to show
You might as a default switch on/off the Settings options ActionLogs, InfoLogs, DebugLogs
TextSearch and OCR
find("some text") and Region.text() are currently switched off in the default with respect to the many issues.
If you know what you are doing, you can switch it on here.
The related Settings options to be used (set to true) with Sikuli API (or outside the IDE):
Settings.OcrTextSearch to switch on finding text
Settings.OcrTextRead to switch on the Region.text() function
ISSUE: improvements for the text features are planned with version 1.1
Activate the new ... see "IDE Layout" above
Checked/On: show the known image thumbs --- Unchecked/Off: show the new image labels
There is a new compact script text layout
showing the images/patterns as text labels in line height. hovering shows the image and clicking opens the known Preview dialog. For a pattern you see the similarity and the target offset if applicable.
HINT: an image name in the label like [?! some_lost_image_png !?] means, that the image could not be found in the current bundle at time of loading the script or when switching back from plain text view.
Image capture button / label
When working with the command bar on the left side (generating Sikuli commands) with auto capture off, you will have the little camera symbol as image placeholder having image thumbs switched on. In the image label view you will see labels like this [CLICK_TO_CAPTURE]. These placeholders need to be replaced by real images before running the script: just click and you will get into the capture prompt.
The new Region label
Clicking on it will reopen the capture prompt.
Show script as plain text
additionally you can show your scripts generally as plain text (no image thumbs or image labels)(switched of by default). Image capture, Image load and create Region still work as expected.
ISSUE: in text view synchronous change of image names (in the script and in the folder as with thumbs/labels preview) is not yet supported (so DO NOT change image names in the text view! If you have switched on "delete not referenced images at save", you might loose images! ).
HINT: There is a new option in the View menu, to switch between thumb/label view and plain text view.
- there is an apply button (with a feedback), so you can switch between the tabs without the need to leave the dialog by clicking ok.
- the exact() problem is solved the way, that the maximum similarity is 0.99
- the actual similarity is shown as text
- the similarity slider (selected) can be moved with the left/right keys
This is totally revised. Changed tabs are marked with a *
On quitting the IDE you get the choices
Cancel aborts the quit
Quit immediately will ignore all changes and quit without saving anything
Save all and Quit will save all named scripts and let you select for the untitled
When running a script you have the following behavior
- with "autosave all" switched on
- all named scripts are auto saved
- for each changed untitled scripts (from left to right) you get the save dialog (which can be cancelled)
- with "autosave all" switched off
- you get the following choices
Cancel aborts the run
Run immediately will ignore all changes and run without saving anything
Save all and Run will save all named scripts and let you select for the untitled