Diet Analyzer is an application that can be used by people which have some allergic reactions due to some food items and they struggle in detecting those items. Using this application, they can keep track of what they eat daily and when the allergic reaction occurs so that the patterns can be anaylzed to point out the appropirate food item that causes allergic reaction. You can get the Windows Build Here.
- Sass
- Angular
- ElectronJs
- TypeScript
- Feature to analyze the daily diets of people
- Using ML to auto-recognize the pattern and point out the food item
- Suggesting diet tips to the people considering what nutrients they are taking and what they are lacking
Q: Why did you make this?
A: I just started with the Angular and ElectronJs. This simple project helped me in understanding them better.
Q: Which features of Angular have you used in this project?
A: I have used most of the features like, Routing, Guards, Pipes, Services, Angular-Material etc.