WTicks enables you to convert the selenium recorded scripts to simple standalone webdriverio scripts.
To Get Started, you can simply upload the .side file here. Select the Test case / suite, and then WTicks will fetch all the locators used, name those locators and then you can have your generated script.
Please refer to the output structure and suggest if required.
- Suite = Object with List of Test Cases
- Test Case = Object with List of Commands
Here we detect all the locators used by the user. it will assume the a particular command's comment as the name of the locator used in it.
Let's say if the script has:
{target: "#foo", command: "verifyText", comment: "fooButton", value: "foo"}
{target: "#foo", command: "click", comment: "since we verified the fooButton now we can click it"}
{target: "#foo", command: "verifyText", comment: "registeredButton", value: "registered"}
It will assume the name of the locator: "#foo" as "fooButton" but not as "since we...." / "registeredButton". as it first appeared.
Test Cases are parsed in the order as arranged in recorder.
- First we request for the Test Case / Suite after the selection, we would fetch its associated locators and for which,
- we would request you to fill the name for the locators before generating the script if not found the file that was uploaded. so assign them a valid js variable / function name. [NOTE: duplicate names are not allowed]
Now we map each command inside the script to a webdriverio command then finally we combine to generate the script.
Selenium Command | WebdriverIO Command |
click | $(...).click() |
type | $(...).setValue() |
echo | console.log(...) |
uncheck | if $(...).isSelected() $(...).click() |
check | if !$(...).isSelected() $(...).click() |
open | browser.url(...) |
pause | browser.pause(...) |
sendKeys | browser.sendKeys([Key....,...]) |
debugger | browser.debug() |
setWindowSize | browser.size(..., ...) |
runScript | browser.script(...) |
assertText or verifyText | expect($(...)).toHaveText(...) |
assertTitle or verifyTitle | expect(browser).toHaveTitle(...) |
assertElementPresent or verifyElementPresent | expect($(...)).toBePresent() |
assertEditable or verifyEditable | expect($(...)).toBeEnabled() |
assertChecked or verifyChecked | expect($(...)).toBeChecked() |
assertValue or verifyValue | expect($(...)).toHaveValue(...) |
assertNotText or verifyNotText | expect($(...)).not.toHaveText(...) |
assertNotTitle or verifyNotTitle | expect(browser).not.toHaveTitle(...) |
assertElementNotPresent or verifyElementPresent | expect($(...)).not.toBePresent() |
assertNotEditable or verifyNotEditable | expect($(...)).not.toBeEnabled() |
assertNotChecked or verifyNotChecked | expect($(...)).not.toBeChecked() |
assertNotValue or verifyNotValue | expect($(...)).not .toHaveValue(...) |
waitForElementEditable | $(...).waitForEnabled({ timeout: ..., reverse: false }) |
waitForElementNotEditable | $(...).waitForEnabled({ timeout: ..., reverse: true }) |
waitForElementPresent | $(...).waitForExist({ timeout: ..., reverse: false}) |
waitForElementNotPresent | $(...).waitForExist({ timeout: ..., reverse: true}) |
waitForElementVisible | $(...).waitForDisplayed({ timeout: ..., reverse: false }) |
waitForElementNotVisible | $(...).waitForDisplayed({ timeout: ..., reverse: true }) |
import { remote, Key } from "webdriverio"; // Key is for sendKeys command
import { expect } from "expect-webdriverio";
// above lines for the imports required for performing assertions and running a standalone runner
// if you are using browser runner to execute the scripts then you can ignore the below configuration for the browser
const browser = await remote({
capabilities: {
browserName: "chrome",
"goog:chromeOptions": {
args: process.env.CI ? ["headless", "disable-gpu"] : [],
class Locators {
$(location) {
return browser.$(location); // you can either have it like this or simply $(location)
get search_bar_location() {
return this.$("#\\:Ril56\\:-label");
get youtube_search_bar() {
return this.$("#\\:Ril56\\:");
get search_bar_icon() {
return this.$(".MuiInputAdornment-root > span");
get tooltip() {
return this.$(".MuiTooltip-tooltip"); // $(".MuiTooltip-tooltip"); would do if you are running in WDIO Test runner: https://webdriver.io/docs/setuptypes/#the-wdio-testrunner
get body() {
// name of the function = name of the locator associated with it
return this.$("#__next"); // locator
const pageClass = new Locators();
async function validating_the_search_bar() {
// name of the function = name of the test case
await browser.url("https://yticks.vercel.app/video"); // mapped webdriverio commands
await browser.setWindowSize(518, 480);
await expect(pageClass.search_bar_location).toHaveText(
"Paste a valid Youtube URL"
await expect(pageClass.youtube_search_bar).toBePresent();
await pageClass.youtube_search_bar.click();
await expect(pageClass.search_bar_icon).toBePresent();
await pageClass.search_bar_icon.click();
await browser.pause(600);
await pageClass.search_bar_icon.click();
await expect(pageClass.tooltip).toHaveText("Invalid Input");
await pageClass.youtube_search_bar.click();
await pageClass.body.click();
await pageClass.youtube_search_bar.setValue("checking");
await expect(pageClass.search_bar_location).toHaveText(
"Paste a valid Youtube URL"
await pageClass.search_bar_icon.click();
await expect(pageClass.tooltip).toBePresent();
await pageClass.youtube_search_bar.click();
(async () => {
// list of test cases to run in case of the suite, it will list all the names of the test cases to run here
await validating_the_search_bar();
await browser.deleteSession(); // deletes the session after executing the cases
// not required if used in the WDIO Test Runner
- Create a npm package
npm init
on a directory - In package.json mention
type: "module"
- Create a file, copy the generated script, run it.
There are several commands I missed as mentioned here: https://www.selenium.dev/selenium-ide/docs/en/api/commands, part of the reason is because i am looking for the expected webdriverio command or else it is selenium specific, either way I might have missed too, Happy to take note some critical misses.