iTwin connector enables a wide range of both Bentley and third-party design applications to contribute data to an iTwin.
Requires Python 3 (e.g. 3.9.1) Python Downloads
Go to Extractor root folder <PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER/Extractor>
Run following command using Command Prompt from Extractor root folder to install dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Enter device data in Excel format.
There is already sample data provided in Excel file. Modify this particular file <PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER/Extractor/extractor/input/samplesheet.xlsx> to change the data.
A. Go to Connector root folder <PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER/Connector> and create an .env file with the following content.
# This file contains secrets - don't commit or share it!
# Excel file resides at <PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER/Extractor/extractor/input/samplesheet.xlsx>
IMJS_DATA_SOURCE = samplesheet.xlsx
IMJS_CLIENT_ID = imodeljs-electron-test
IMJS_REDIRECT_URI = http://localhost:3000/signin-callback
IMJS_SCOPE = openid email profile organization imodelhub context-registry-service:read-only product-settings-service projectwise-share urlps-third-party
B. Run the following script from Connector root folder <PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER/Connector> using Command Prompt.
1. npm install
2. npm run start
All devices should have a unique DeviceId.