This is a microservice-based project that allows users to submit solutions to coding problems, with a primary focus on algorithms and data structures.
Currently the judge works with only C++ and Java solutions.
The project consists of the following components:
Frontend: The frontend is written in Next.js and Tailwind CSS. It provides the user interface for submitting solutions and interacting with the system.
Backend Services:
- Authentication Service: This service handles user authentication and authorization.
- Judge Service: The judge service is responsible for producing submitted solutions to the worker nodes, and storing the verdicts of the solutions.
- Judger Nodes: These are the worker nodes that execute the submitted solutions and provide the results to the judge service.
- Data Service: The data service uses a GraphQL server to handle data storage and retrieval of problems, submissions.
- Frontend: Next.js, Tailwind CSS
- Backend
- Authentication, Judge: Express
- Data Service: GraphQL
- Database: MongoDB