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Repository files navigation

Vercel Clone

Tech Stack

This is not a monorepo and each folder is a seperate service. Folder names should be self-explanatory. For backend I've used following tech, for packages, you could also check package.json.

  • AWS : Used extensively, to deploy, run, store code.
  • Redis: Used for storing project status etc

For frontend

  • React
  • Tailwind and Radix UI
  • Vite for bundling

Running the code

For frontend, do npm install and npm run dev to start vite server.

For backend:

  • Set the AWS secret values in .env file.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your AWS access key"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your aws secret key"
CLOUDFLARE_STORAGE_ENDPOINT="your cloudfront endpoint to connect to s3"
  • Just do npm install and npx ts-node-dev src/index.ts or you can also build it using tsc or esbuild etc. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your AWS access key" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your aws secret key" CLOUDFLARE_STORAGE_ENDPOINT="your cloudfront endpoint to connect to s3"