Group members :- Aditya Jha - B23MT1007 Raghav Maliwal- B23EE1039 Sohom Sarkar - B23ME1068 Krish Patel - B23CY1010
Greetings, Here we have our project of Matrices Operations Toolkit. Below are the operations which can be performed in this toolkit:-
- Sum
- Difference
- Scalar Multiplication
- Pre Multiplication
- Post Multiplication
- Transpose
- Co factor
- Determinant
- Adjoint
- Inverse of matrix
Also, below are features of our code:-
- NxM calculator
- we can exit the operation after any calculation
- use the answer for another operation in the given list
- additional edge cases checked - eg:- checking if inverse possible, checking if determinant of the given order is possible
- interacting UI
How to Execute the code:-
- Run the given program
- After running, you will see a welcome message with the list of operation with their input specifiers (which are basically numbers which correspond to the respective operation), with an additional exit option
- After entering any of the choice of operation provided, you'll get the message to enter the number of rows and columns of the first matrix. Note:- Only positive integer values are accepted for entering the order of matrix
- Then if your given matrix is of order N x M, it shows Enter N x M Matrix, then you enter the elements of the matrix
- After entering the elements in the matrix, you get a confirmation message to whether to continue the operation through Y/N, (it's purpose is to give the user a chance to change the operation if he/she mistakenly chose wrong operation)
- After that depending on the operation, the I/O panel continues to take input and print required output.
- Also after displaying the result, the answer can be reused according to the user's wish, with the corresponding input instructions
Environment used - We have executed and run the code with the gcc compiler in VS Code, only in C language.