This is a sample module for developers to build module for EWPT.
This is a Module for 'Essential WP Tools' WordPress Plugin, and require installation of the core plugin.
EWPT Website: Essential WP Tools Download on
GitHub Release: Download on Github Releases
EWPT Modules: Download Modules Packages
- Contributors: @ractstudio
- Donate link:
- Requires at least: 5.0 (WordPress Version)
- Tested up to WP: 6.6 (WordPress Version) (Should work on the later version)
- Tested up to EWPT: 2.1.0 (Essential WP Tools Version) (Should work on the later version)
- Stable version: 0.1.0 (only for EWPT module developer)
- Requires PHP: 7.4
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI:
"Sample Module" is licensed under the GPL v2 or later.