Just a collection of some cool styles that you can just add on to your next UWP project!
- App Bar Styles
- Button Styles
- Content Dialog Styles
- Pivot Styles
- Toggle Button Styles
- Progress Ring Styles
The XAML Resource dictionary containing the style will be given here. Add it to your project the usual way!
Just for reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/controls-and-patterns/resourcedictionary-and-xaml-resource-references#merged-resource-dictionaries
<ControlName> <StyleName> Style <Index>
- Name of the control for which this style can be applied
- A descriptive name of the style
- An index is used to number similar named styles
and Index
are optional. Generally, any one of them should be mentioned
Ex. ProgressRingStyle1
- ControlName, 1
- Index
- Styles for each Controls are to be kept in separate folders
- If a control can only be used as part of another control, its folder must be placed inside its parent control's folder
Ex. ./Pivot/PivotHeader/
folder contains styles for Pivot Control. Because PivotHeader can only be used inside a Pivot, PivotHeader
folder is kept inside Pivot
You can do whatever you want :D
I will be very happy to know that I was of help to you. So, please tell let me know if you ever use this :)