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This project provides light integration over established React components, trying to keep configurations compatible with original project. All configurations you can specify in original projects, can be reused here.

Table of Contents


This project uses internal react-jsonschema-form extension mechanism, through ui:field option in uiSchema. The simplest example of using it out of the box, is like this:

import Form from "react-jsonschema-form";
import fields from "react-jsonschema-form-extras";

  <Form fields={fields}/>,

If you have additional extensions, that are not part of this project, you can enable them, like this

import Form from "react-jsonschema-form";
import otherFields from "other-fields";
import fields from "react-jsonschema-form-extras";

let allFields = Object.assign({}, fields, otherFields);

  <Form fields={allFields}/>,

You can load only one field you need if want to keep the bundle small.

import Form from "react-jsonschema-form";
import { TypeaheadField } from "react-jsonschema-form-extras/lib/TypeaheadField";

  <Form fields={{ typeahead: TypeaheadField }}/>,

Edit p3z45m8rpq

If you want multiple fields:

import Form from "react-jsonschema-form";
import { TypeaheadField } from "react-jsonschema-form-extras/lib/TypeaheadField";
import ReactDatePicker from "react-jsonschema-form-extras/lib/ReactDatePicker";

  <Form fields={{ typeahead: TypeaheadField, rdp: ReactDatePicker }}/>,

Edit wnyl7n07zk

Composite array field (compositeArray)


This is a simple UI pattern, where you want to separate entering a new value to the array and working with existing values.


The simplest uiSchema configuration would be:

  "ui:field": "compositeArray",
  "inputField": "typeahead",
  "arrayField": "table",
  "typeahead": { },
  "table": { }

This means the final field will be presented in 2 parts

  • initial input with typeahead field
  • array field in table form

You can specify configurations for each field representation independently.


There are only 2 properties needed for it to work

  • inputField field from form registry to use as a new field input presentation
  • arrayField field from form registry to use to present existing array values

Collapsible fields (collapsible)


Collapsible helps you to hide content, that might take up too much space on the screen an expand it if user wishes.


The simplest uiSchema configuration would be:

  "ui:field": "collapsible",
  "collapse": {
    "field": "table"

This is a hidden table field configuration, which will be presented as collapsed schema title name.


You can customize presentation of collapsible field, with "collapse" object in uiSchema

  • field string an actual hidden field to use
  • collapsed boolean - indicating initial state (default true)
  • icon object icons configuration in enabled and disabled state
    • enabled string icon, when the field is shown (default glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down)
    • disabled string icon, when field is hidden (default glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right)
    • add string icon, to use in place of an add sign (default glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign)
  • separate boolean enable
    after collapse menu (default true)
  • wrapClassName string class name to use on a parent collapse menu div (default lead)
  • addTo string array field name, to which icon will be added enables an add icon, that will be shown besides collapsible icon
  • addElement (experimental) representation element for add function (for example if you want to show modal on add icon press, here where this would be)
    • function(schema, uiSchema, onChange) that returns React Component to render for add function
    • string field definition from react-jsonschema-form catalogue
  • actions (experimental) allows to add additional actions to collapsible menu
    • array of objects that allows to render any kind of action you need, which will be sourced from formContext allActions configuration
      • component string name of the component, that will be sourced from formContext.allActions object
      • props object additional properties for rendered component
  • legend (experimental) allows to add additional information under collapsed field
    • string text to be rendered under collapsible field
    • object that allows to render any kind of legend you need, which will be sourced from formContext legends configuration
      • component string name of the component, that will be sourced from formContext.legends object
      • props object additional properties for rendered component

Additional feature of the Collapsible field is to allow adding empty value to hidden array, it's enabled with addTo feature, which can be either self which assumes that Collapsible field is the target array, or it can be a property field.

Field schema title used as a header of the collapsible action.


Using specific legend in collapsible field.


We have a firstName field, which is collapsible and we need to display a LanguageLegend, which would notify user of the language to use.


The simplest configuration with schema, uiSchema and formContext would look something like this

    import React from "react";
    import fields from "react-jsonschema-form-extras"

    let schema = {
      type: "object",
      properties: {
        firstName: { type: "string" }

    let uiSchema = {
      firstName: {
          "ui:field": "collapsible",
          collapse: {
            field: "StringField",
            legend: {
              component: "LanguageLegend",
              props: {
                language: "EN"

    let formContext = {
      legends: {
        LanguageLegend: (props) => (<h1>Expected {props.language} characters</h1>)

    <Form formContext={formContext} schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} fields={fields}>

Alternative input fields (altInput)


You want to enter the same field in 2 different ways. For example if a field might be a string and number


The simplest configuration would look something like this

  "ui:field": "altInput",
  "defInput": "typeahead",
  "altInput": "asyncTypeahead",
  "typeahead": { },
  "asyncTypeahead": { }

In this case user would be able to enter the same field, either by using async typeahead or regular one.


In order to configure presentation there are few options

  • defInput string registry field to use as primary input method
  • altInput string registry field to use as an alternative input method
  • altInputSeparator string string to use in between those 2 presentations

Typeahead, based on react-bootstrap-typeahead (typeahead)


This is a wrap of react-bootstrap-typeahead, which allows you to use this project in your jsonschema-form


The simplest configuration would be

  "ui:field": "typeahead",
  "typeahead": {
     "options": [ { "state": "New York" }, { "code": "Washington" }],
     "labelKey": "state"

In this case the typeahead would only have 2 options - New York and Washigton


All properties that you specify under typeahead will be used in the original project.

  • focusOnMount focusOn typeahead, after it was mounted to page
  • typeahead all properties that you specify under typeahead will be used in the original project. Additionally, there are few project specific properties
    • labelKey have more flexibility in configuration
    • labelKey string used a labelKey in typeahead project
    • labelKey array in this case array is a list of fields in original object, which are combined in a single string with a space separator
    • labelKey object with fields array of fields to use, separator string separator to use between fields
    • cleanAfterSelection boolean clean selection after component was selected (default false)
    • mapping object that maps selected object to schema object

For complete list of configurations refer to react-bootstrap-typeahead

Here are some use case examples

With following options

    "name": "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "author": "Mark Twain"
    "name": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "author": "Mark Twain"

Label key

With labelKey name there will be 2 options

  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

With labelKey [ "author", "name" ], options will be

  • Mark Twain Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

With lableKey { fields: [ "author", "name" ], separator: " - " }, options will be

  • Mark Twain - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Mapping can be one of

  • not specified, in this case selection is sent to the formData as is
  • string which is field name in typeahead selected object
  • object with fields corresponding to final schema fields and values, corresponding to fields in typeahead
  • function which will be called with typeahead selected objects, which ever value you specify will be used

Mapping as undefined (we accept values as is)

  "mapping": undefined

would result in

  • { "name": "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "author": "Mark Twain" }
  • { "name": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "author": "Mark Twain" }

Mapping as string (we want only name of the book)

  "mapping": "name"

would result in

  • "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
  • "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Mapping as object (we want to change mapping to creator and book)

  "mapping": {
    "creator": "author",
    "book": "name"

would result in

  • { book: "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", creator: "Mark Twain" }
  • { book: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", creator: "Mark Twain" }

Mapping as function (let's say we want to take a first name of the author)

 let uiSchema = {
    mapping: (event) => event.creator.split(" ")[0]

would result in

  • "Mark"
  • "Mark"

Async Typeahead based on react-bootstrap-typeahead (asyncTypeahead)


This is a wrap around async functionality of typeahead, supporting some additional defaults.


The simplest configuration would be

  "ui:field": "asyncTypeahead",
  "asyncTypeahead": {
     "url": ""

This will result in typeahead search with${query}


Async typeahead extends default configuration list for typeahead, by adding few properties under asyncTypeahead

  • focusOnMount focusOn typeahead, after it was mounted to page
  • asyncTypeahead all properties that you specify under typeahead will be used in the original project.
    • url search url, that will be used during autocomplete
    • search function that will be querying server for data, which takes 2 parameters, and must return a Promise with a json result
      • url configured URL
      • query typed query string
    • optionsPath path to options array in response
    • labelKey have more flexibility in configuration
      • labelKey string used a labelKey in typeahead project
      • labelKey array in this case array is a list of fields in original object, which are combined in a single string with a space separator
      • labelKey object with fields array of fields to use, separator string separator to use between fields
    • cleanAfterSelection boolean clean selection after component was selected (default false)
    • overrideOptions if true, the user can type any text in the input field (or select an option, then modify it), and it will be saved in the RJSF model (default false)
    • mapping object that maps selected object to schema object

For example, let's consider query with Was on url

By default field will query results with -

Let's say we want to override it and query -

Here is how we can do that:

let uiSchema = {
  "ui:field": "asyncTypeahead",
  asyncTypeahead: {
    url: "",
    search: (url, query) => fetch(`${url}?name=${query}&maxSize=1`)

That is it.

For complete list of async typeahead configurations refer to react-bootstrap-typeahead

RTE, based on react-rte (rte)


This is a simple field, that allows you to enter RTE text inside your string field.


The simplest configuration would be

  "ui:field": "rte",
  "rte": {
     "format": "html"


The only property this field requires is format

  • format string an rte output format (default html)
  • updateOnBlur boolean allows for RTE update parent form only after edit finished, to minimize calculations and redraw (default false)

As with other projects, all configurations, that you'll configure under uiSchema rte field will be transferred to the actual component.

Tables, based on react-bootstrap-table (table)


This component wraps react-bootstrap-table for array components, with smart default configurations.


The simplest configuration would be

"ui:field": "table"


You can use table field without any predefined configurations, it will generate default table schema with columns.

  • tableCols an array of react-bootstrap-table configurations, that override default generated configurations for the field.
  • focusOnAdd column number, when set, adding new row to the table, it will focus on a specified column.

By default table component will generate table columns, based on an array schema, with editables, based on field types.

You can reuse react-jsonschema-form Components, in table column editing, to do that, you need to define

  • field property in tableCols override section, with uiSchema to use for the field.

For example let's say we have allergy array, with allergyName coming from server source, we can enable asyncTypeahead on allergyName field in tableCols override like this:

let uiSchema = {
  allergies: {
    classNames: "col-md-12",
    "ui:field": "table",
    table: {
      tableCols: [
          dataField: "allergyName",
          field: "asyncTypeahead",
          uiSchema: {
            "ui:field": "asyncTypeahead",
            asyncTypeahead: {
              bodyContainer: true,
              url: "/allergies/typeahead"

Columns order

By default order of columns is defined by schema properties field order. It might be not always reliable, so there is a way to override it. By default the order will follow order of columns in tableCols configuration.

let schema = {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    medications: {
      type: 'array',
      items: {
        type: "object",
        properties: {
          dosage: { type: "number" },
          name: { type: "string" }

let uiSchema = {
  medications: {
    "ui:field": "table",
    table: {
      tableCols: [
          dataField: "name",
          dataField: "dosage",

Here although in medications property schema dosage goes before name, it will be shown first due to tableCols order of columns.

Cell dataFormat

react-bootstrap-table provides custom dataFormat for rendering data in columns. We needed to support serialized configuration, so we extended native functionality, with string configuration,

  • object dataFormat can be a string which translates into field name in the object.
  • date-time & date string dataFormat is a format of string presentation, that is generated with moment.js

For example, let's say we have an allergies table, with identifier, which consists of some numeric id and string name. When showing to the user, we want to show only name. Here is how we can do this:

let schema = {
   type: 'object',
    properties: {
      allergies: {
        type: 'array',
        items: {
          type: "object",
          properties: {
            identified: {
              type: "object",
              properties: {
                id: { type: "string"},
                name: { type: "string" }
            added: { type: "date-time" }

let uiSchema = {
  medications: {
    "ui:field": "table",
    table: {
      tableCols: [
          dataField: "identifier",
          dataFormat: "name"
          dataField: "dosage",
          dataFormat: "YYYY-MM-DD"

In this case dataFormat on identifier field, will translate into selecting name field in identifier object.

Additional column actions

If you need to define additional column actions to the left or to the right of column content you can do that in a standard way with uiSchema with leftActions or rightActions defined

let uiSchema = {
    table: {
      leftActions: [
          action: "delete",
          className: "col-md-1",
          columnClassName: "col-md-1",
          editColumnClassName: "col-md-1",
          icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-minus"
      rightActions: [
          action: "delete",
          icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-minus",
          text: "Remove"

Both left and right actions can accept full column configuration, that will be appended to the rendered column,

For example, to define delete on each column, you can:

let uiSchema = {
    table: {
      leftActions: [
          dataField: "delete-button",
          dataFormat: (cell, row, enumObject, rowIndex, formData, onChange) => (
            <span onClick={() => onChange(formData.filter((el, i) => rowIndex !== i))}>"Remove All"</span>
          editable: false,
          displayName: "Left Panel"
      rightActions: [
          action: "delete",
          icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-minus",
          text: "Delete",
          displayName: "Right Panel"

In left panel, we have defined delete with a standard react-bootstrap-table format, the only difference is dataFormat signature changed, appending original formData and onChange callback to relay changes to the listening component.

Right panel is defined with small syntactic sugar to simpify action defintion

  • action can be either delete string or function, that is equivalent on onClick function with cell, row, enumObject, rowIndex, formData, onChange parameters
  • icon icon to use for the column
  • text text to use for the column
  • displayName column name

React Day Picker, based on react-day-picker (rdp)


Allows you to use react-day-picker as input ui:field. This component works only with string formatted as date and date-time.


The simplest configuration would be

  "ui:field": "rdp"


All configurations, that you'll configure under uiSchema rdp field will be transferred to the actual component.

For example to enable Today button, you would need to specify following uiSchema

  "ui:field": "rdp",
  "rdp": {
    "dayPickerProps": {
      "todayButton": "Today"

For the full list of properties refer to React Day Picker.

Table Expandable Row Component


to enable expandable row in table component


to expand table rows

 "table": {


All configurations, that you'll configure under uiSchema table field will be transferred to the actual component.

For example to enable ExpandRow button, you would need to specify following uiSchema

  "table": {


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If you are having issues, please let us know here or on StackOverflow.


The project is licensed under the Apache Licence 2.0.