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Travis CMake 2.8.11 required

CMake module for easy test integration.


This CMake module provides an easy interface for adding tests to your project. Instead of defining each test case in a separate file, building the test binary, defining the test case, etc. you simply add a test file with everything included. Each file contains everything to know about the tests to run, so no additional configuration is required in CMake.

In short, this module is a script for extracting all parameters for add_executable() and add_test() from a source file. But in combination with different configurations for the same source file, one may define lots of tests in just one source file.

Let's look at a small example: You have a function to calculate the square of a number. If you want to test this function with common CMake functions, you'll need at least one source file calls for add_executable() and add_test() for each corner case. With CMake-easytest it is as simple as this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mymath.h"

int main()
	printf("%d\n", myquad(MYINT));

/* CMake-easytest configuration.
 * CONFIGS: negative zero positive
 * COMPILE-negative: -DMYINT=-2
 * PASS-negative: 4
 * COMPILE-zero: -DMYINT=0
 * PASS-zero: 0
 * COMPILE-positive: -DMYINT=2
 * PASS-positive: 4
easy_add_test(PREFIX myquad SOURCES test.c myquad.c)

Include into your project

To use CMake-easytest, simply add this repository as git submodule into your own repository

mkdir externals
git submodule add git:// externals/CMake-easytest

and externals/CMake-easytest/cmake to your CMAKE_MODULE_PATH



Adding a test file

For adding a new test file, simply call easy_add_test() with the following parameters:

  • PREFIX: (required) Prefix for tests. Tests will be named ${PREFIX}_${CONFIG}.
  • SOURCES: (required) Source files for the test binary. Only the first file is evaluated for the easytest configuration, additional files will be used for compilation only.
  • CONFIGS: Set configurations to add test cases for. If not defined, the CONFIGS key in the main source file will be used. It is recommended to use this option only, if not all configurations defined in the main source file should be handled.
  • NOBINARY: Do not build a binary. This may be useful for testing a binary build in other parts of your project. Enabling this flag will result in not calling the compile and post-compile hooks.

Configuration in main source file

The main (first) source file will be evaluated for the test configurations. Each key must be terminated with a colon. The following keys may be defined to set parameters for creating the tests. Except for CONFIGS, each key may be defined global as KEY, or for a specific configuration as KEY-CONFIG, where the configuration-specific key will overwrite the global value. Each key may be defined multiple times - the values will be concatenated (delimited by a single space).

  • CONFIGS: Space-delimited list of configurations defined in this test file. If neither this key, nor the parameter in easy_add_test() is set, CONFIGS will be left blank and only one test named PREFIX will be created.
  • DEPENDS: Targets the binary target depends on.
  • COMPILE_FLAGS: Add compile definitions for the test binary, e.g. -DWITH_ERROR.
  • COMPILE_INCLUDES: Add include directories for the test binary, e.g. ../src.
  • LINK: List of libraries to link the binary against.
  • LINK_FLAGS: Linker flags for binary.
  • RUN: How to run the test. If not set, the binary will be called without any arguments.
  • ENVIRONMENT: Environment variables for running the test.
  • PASS: Set the tests PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION attribute.
  • FAIL: Set the tests FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION attribute.

Note: It is not recommended to use PASS and FAIL for complex expressions over multiple lines. Consider to combine this module with tools like LLVM FileCheck.

The key values will be stripped from leading and trailing whitespace.

As for CMake's configure_file, you may use @VAR@ to use variables to be substituted. The following variables are available to get some information about the test to be built:

  • @BINARY@: Path to the binary. This is equivalent to $<TARGET_FILE:testbin-${PREFIX}-${CONFIG}>.
  • @SOURCEFILE@: Path to the main source file.

Additional keys may be defined and evaluated by custom hooks (see below).


It may be necessary to modify steps of the test definition, e.g. to use a special command for building the test binary. To accomplish this, you may define the following macros to override the internal ones:


    This hook may be used to setup variables before all other hooks beeing called. The intention is to e.g. set variables depending on the configuration and re-read other keys that may use one or more of these variables.

    If this hook is defined, all common keys will be re-read after calling this hook.


    • TEST_TARGET: Test target name.
    • BINARY_TARGET: Binary target name.
    • CONFIG: The configuration to build. You may use this to search for custom keys (see below). You don't need to search for common keys, as these have been searched before. Access them via EASYTEST_${KEY}.
    • MAIN_SOURCE: The main source file, where to search for configuration keys and other data.

    Note: You must not use this hook to set variables that don't change per configuration. Common variables may be set via the normal set() command before calling easy_add_test().

  • easytest_hook_compile(TARGET CONFIG MAIN_SOURCE ...)

    This hook adds a new executable target for test configuration CONFIG. It may be replaced to call a custom build script.


    • TARGET: Target name to use for binary. This name must be used, otherwise other hooks can't find the binary.
    • CONFIG: The configuration to build. You may use this to search for custom keys (see below). You don't need to search for common keys, as these have been searched before. Access them via EASYTEST_${KEY}.
    • MAIN_SOURCE: The main source file, where to search for configuration keys and other data.
    • ...: All additional parameters are source files for building the binary target.

    Note: This hook is for compile-tasks only. If you just want to e.g. add custom flags to the target, the next hook will be yours!

  • easytest_hook_post_compile(BINARY_TARGET CONFIG MAIN_SOURCE)

    This hook will be used to modify the binary test target for your needs, e.g. to add specific compile flags not set in the test file. At the time of writing the intention was to e.g. call other functions for the executable target, to e.g. register code coverage and sanitizers done by external CMake modules.


    • BINARY_TARGET: Binary target name.
    • CONFIG: The configuration to build. You may use this to search for custom keys (see below). You don't need to search for common keys, as these have been searched before. Access them via EASYTEST_${KEY}.
    • MAIN_SOURCE: The main source file, where to search for configuration keys and other data.

    This hook adds a new test target for test configuration CONFIG. It may be replaced to configure specific test runs.


    • TEST_TARGET: Target name to use for test. This name must be used, otherwise other hooks can't find the binary.
    • BINARY_TARGET: Binary target name.
    • CONFIG: The configuration to build. You may use this to search for custom keys (see below). You don't need to search for common keys, as these have been searched before. Access them via EASYTEST_${KEY}.
    • MAIN_SOURCE: The main source file, where to search for configuration keys and other data.
  • easytest_hook_post_test(TEST_TARGET CONFIG MAIN_SOURCE)

    This hook may be used to configure the test target, e.g. set dependencies.


    • TEST_TARGET: Test target name.
    • CONFIG: The configuration to build. You may use this to search for custom keys (see below). You don't need to search for common keys, as these have been searched before. Access them via EASYTEST_${KEY}.
    • MAIN_SOURCE: The main source file, where to search for configuration keys and other data.

Accessing keys

All common keys can be accessed via EASYTEST_${KEY} variables.

To get custom keys for custom hooks you may use easytest_get_key(KEY DEST MAIN_SOURCE). It will search for KEY in MAIN_SOURCE and stores all matches in DEST. Remember to call this function for KEY and KEY-CONFIG, if the key may be defined global and per configuration.


  • Try to avoid using hooks for everything. E.g. if your tests use OpenMP, don't define the easytest_hook_post_compile hook for adding the OpenMP compiler flags, as they can be accessed with the OpenMP_C_FLAGS variable. You might consider using something like this:

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <omp.h>
     int main ()
     #pragma omp parallel
     		printf("%d of %d\n", omp_get_thread_num() + 1, omp_get_num_threads());
     /* CMake-easytest configuration.
      * LINK: %OpenMP_C_FLAGS
  • This also applies to the creation of tests: Instead of defining the easytest_hook_test hook to sort the output of the test case above by rank, you might consider to use variables:

     find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
     set(sort "sort -n")
     easy_add_test(PREFIX OpenMP_thread_num SOURCES openmp.c)

    And use them in the test file:

     /* CMake-easytest configuration.
      * LINK: %OpenMP_C_FLAGS
      * RUN-CHECK: %BINARY | %sort
      * PASS: 1.*2.*3.*4
  • Don't fragment the test data: put as much information as possible into the test file to build and run the test. Otherwise, it quickly becomes incomprehensible, if the test configurations are spread over several files as CMake and CMake-easytest configurations.


Anyone is welcome to contribute. Simply fork this repository, make your changes in an own branch and create a pull-request for your change. Please do only one feature per pull-request.

You found a bug? Please fill out an issue and include all data to reproduce the bug.


Alexander Haase


CMake-easytest is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Copyright © 2017 RWTH Aachen University, Federal Republic of Germany.