This is the same application as 'invertedushape' a but I'm trying out a different step now. I'm packing up the script and dependencies into a docker container and build and run that container on the different hosts.
There is also a version for heroku and directly on github and gitlab here:
Does the script work?
- Add your secrets to .Renviron
- Restart the R session
- Run the script
Does the docker container work? Try out the docker image by building the container "docker build -t . "
docker build -t dockerized_script .
Run the docker container, supplying the .Renviron secrets
"docker run --env-file .Renviron "
docker run --env-file .Renviron dockerized_script
(their docs are quite good, so follow those before mine)
Build a docker container (will default to be labeled 'latest')
docker build -t .
and push it to the registry
docker push
See relevant docs from gitlab about how to set up a container registry and run it.
I modified their example from the link above to only do two things
- build the container and push it to registry
- pull the container and run it
(because my container ends with a command to run the script I don't even need to specify what script to run. If I run the container it runs the script)
What I did have to do was explicitly tell gitlab to pass the environmental variables with the -e option in docker run.
docker run -e apikey=$apikey -e apisecretkey=$apisecretkey -e access_token=$access_token -e access_token_secret=$access_token_secret $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE
Have permissions to push and pull from the registry gcloud auth configure-docker
hostname: (I'm in europe) imagename: dockerize_script [PROJECT-ID] (I think secret so I'm not giving it) combine into [HOSTNAME]/[PROJECT-ID]/[IMAGE]
docker tag [SOURCE_IMAGE] [HOSTNAME]/[PROJECT-ID]/[IMAGE] (or use docker build)
docker build -t{PROJECT-ID}/dockerize_script:latest .
docker push{PROJECT-ID}/dockerize_script:latest
(I think we can now create a cloud function based on the container and a cloud scheduler to fire them off)
on second hand, maybe cloud build is the better option
This repo lives on both github and gitlab
git remote add gitlab
git remote add github
Commit files
git push -u gitlab main
git push -u github main