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Mike Amundsen edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

Pre-Fest REST API Workshop

With Shelby Switzer and Mike Amundsen

This year we are holding a pre-fest workshop for anyone new to REST or hypermedia. The workshop will introduce you to the basics of REST, with a combination of fun presentations, discussion, and hands-on hypermedia projects. You’ll come away from the day’s event with a better understanding of REST and hypermedia, the knowledge to build a REST Service and a REST/Hypermedia Client, and a working example of a running REST service and Hypermedia client.

This workshop is on Wednesday, September 13.


  1. Fielding’s REST
  2. Hypermedia
  3. APIs
  4. Loose-Coupling
  5. Avoiding Hard Versioning

Desired Outcomes

  • Understand REST and Hypermedia
  • Know how to build a REST Service
  • Know how to build a REST/Hypermedia Client
  • Know what it takes to build services that can change without breaking clients
  • Have an example of a running REST service and Hypermedia client


This is our starting schedule plan. It's a work in-progress, so feedback is welcome! Feel free to contribute suggestions by filing issues on this site's issue tracker.

Morning: REST and Servers (3hrs)

Pre-reqs: Docker installed

  1. What is REST? (45min)
  2. Designing (45min)
    1. Understanding your clients and use cases
    2. Identifying resources
    3. Picking a hypermedia format
      1. HAL
      2. Collection+JSON
      3. JSON API
      4. Siren
      5. others

BREAK (15/30min)

  1. Implementing (45min)
    1. The open data sets
    2. Introduction to API-in-a-Box
    3. Building hypermedia APIs with API-in-a-Box
  2. Validating (45min)
    1. Test your hypermedia API
    2. Open Discussion/Q&A on REST servers


Afternoon: REST and Client Apps (3hrs)

  1. The Basics of a REST Client (45min)
    1. REST is Hypermedia: A short review
    2. Understanding H-Factors
    3. Dealing with the OAA challenge
    4. Self-Description and Adaptability
  2. Designing (45min)
    1. The Anatomy of a REST/Hypermedia Client
    2. Hypermedia Types and the HTML DOM
      1. HAL
      2. Siren
      3. Collection+JSON
    3. A Visual Model

BREAK (15/30min)

  1. Implementing (45min)
    1. The HTML SPA Client
    2. Scripting a Collection+JSON Client
      1. Debug
      2. Title
      3. Links
      4. Items
      5. Queries
      6. Templates
      7. Errors
  2. Validating (45min)
    1. Test your Cj Client against a Cj server
    2. Open Discussion/Q&A on Hypermedia clients
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