Alex Reppel 21 January 2022
Now, my interest is in business history, especially the history of Silicon Valley and the time during the 1970s and 1980s when the concept of personal computing emerged.
I am interested in the stories that led to the development of personal computing. I also like to explore data visually. While very often that means exploring numerical data, today, I am going to visualise text instead.
This is a topic that I am really passionate about … and for this video, I am using a network chart to visualise links between people that appear in the same stories together.
Data for this project is taken from the website where members of the original Macintosh development team share anecdotes about their time working at Apple, which was then called Apple Computer, Inc. because they were building, well, computers.
The content on the website is published under a creative commons license, which means we are able to use it for this project.
The question, then, is how to get from the website into a network graph?
First, we need to extract the people and topics that appear in anecdotes together. Here, you see one such anecdote, which very helpfully already includes a list of characters and topics.
This is what we are after. While we could extract that data programmatically, for this demonstration, I have manually copied characters and topics for the first seven stories into a spreadsheet.
For this, I have created two files (available in the assets/data/
directory). The first file is the most important one and contains links
between entities. This is the file from which we will create our
network. The second file is optional and allows us to add attributes to
each entity. We see two attributes, both of which I have coded manually:
A broad category
to distinguish people and topics, and a more detailed
This is all we need to get started.
We begin by loading the necessary libraries.
# Graph objects
# Data manipulation
# Data visualisation
# Arranging graphs
Before I begin converting that data into a network graph, I would like to say a few words about these kind of graphs.
There are many things to consider when working with network graphs, two of which I believe are essential.
First, we have to distinguish between so-called undirected
graphs. Second, we have to distinguish between graphs that
are weighted
and those that are non-weighted
I have generated four examples to illustrate this. You can see them here and the all use the same data set.
On the left you see two undirected graphs and on the right you see two directed graphs. The top row shows non-weighted graphs, and the bottom row shows weighted graphs.
While not particularly precise in mathematical terms, I like to think of undirected graphs as indicating a mutual link or relationship, such as between, say, a married couple. This is different in directed graphs, where the link or relationship may not be mutual. One person may be in love with another person, but that does not necessarily mean that their feelings are reciprocated.
Now, a weighted graph means that the link or relationship between two entities is qualified in some shape or form. In a non-weighted graph, we may show that two people have met at least once. That’s it. In a weighted graph, we can distinguish the number of times they have met, or, in our case, the number of times they appear together in a story.
I should also clarify the terminology I use. So far, I have spoken of
, but the technical term that is commonly used is nodes
. Similarly, I have spoken of links
or relationships
the more appropriate term is perhaps edges
Now, this will be sufficient for the time being and we can now begin creating a network graph.
The first step is to load the data from our two external files.
EDGES <- read.csv("assets/data/Macintosh-edges.csv")
NODES <- read.csv("assets/data/Macintosh-nodes.csv")
We can quickly confirm that everything went well by looking at the first few lines of the two data frames we’ve just created.
## from to
## 1 Bill Atkinson Jef Raskin
## 2 Bill Atkinson Steve Jobs
## 3 Bill Atkinson Susan Kare
## 4 Jef Raskin Steve Jobs
## 5 Jef Raskin Susan Kare
## 6 Steve Jobs Susan Kare
## name description category
## 1 Andy Hertzfeld Software Person
## 2 Bill Atkinson Software Person
## 3 Burrell Smith Hardware Person
## 4 Jef Raskin Manager Person
## 5 Steve Jobs Manager Person
## 6 Steve Wozniak Hardware Person
Sure enough, everything looks good. We have successfully loaded all the
data we need to create a graph object
But before we do that, I am quickly creating another column in the
data frame where I combine the description
and category
each node. We will call this column label
NODES$label <- sprintf(
"%s (%s)", NODES$description, NODES$category)
It is now time to initialise our graph object. All we have to do is to
create it from our EDGES
data frame. Because our network visualises
people and topics that appear together in the same stories, our graph
will be undirected.
GRAPH <- graph_from_data_frame(
directed = FALSE)
Let’s quickly explore the graph object by displaying it in the form of a table.
## # A tbl_graph: 33 nodes and 235 edges
## #
## # An undirected multigraph with 1 component
## #
## # Node Data: 33 × 1 (active)
## name
## <chr>
## 1 Bill Atkinson
## 2 Jef Raskin
## 3 Steve Jobs
## 4 Inspiration
## 5 MacPaint
## 6 QuickDraw
## # … with 27 more rows
## #
## # Edge Data: 235 × 2
## from to
## <int> <int>
## 1 1 2
## 2 1 3
## 3 1 29
## # … with 232 more rows
We see that our graph object contains a total of 235 edges between 33 unique nodes.
A different, and perhaps more readable, way of showing a network is in the form of an adjacency matrix. The following table shows a subset of our graph object.
## 4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## Bill Atkinson Jef Raskin Joanna Hoffman Susan Kare
## Bill Atkinson . 2 1 1
## Jef Raskin 2 . . 1
## Joanna Hoffman 1 . . .
## Susan Kare 1 1 . .
Here, we see for example that the Bill Atkinson
and Jef Raskin
appear together in two stories, while everyone else appears together
only once.
If we want to create a weighted graph, a quick way to do that is by
loading the adjacency matrix of our existing GRAPH
object into the new
WEIGHTED_GRAPH <- graph.adjacency(
mode = "undirected",
weighted = TRUE)
Once again displaying a graph object as a table shows us what has
changed. Here, we can see an additional column to store the weight
between nodes.
## # A tbl_graph: 33 nodes and 204 edges
## #
## # An undirected simple graph with 1 component
## #
## # Node Data: 33 × 1 (active)
## name
## <chr>
## 1 Bill Atkinson
## 2 Jef Raskin
## 3 Steve Jobs
## 4 Inspiration
## 5 MacPaint
## 6 QuickDraw
## # … with 27 more rows
## #
## # Edge Data: 204 × 3
## from to weight
## <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 1 2 2
## 2 1 3 2
## 3 1 4 1
## # … with 201 more rows
It is now time to add attributes for each node from the NODES
frame. An easy way of merging data from the NODES
data frame into our
object is to use the left_join()
function and to
match nodes by name
as_tbl_graph() %>%
left_join(NODES, by = c("name" = "name"))
Once again, we can confirm that everything worked well by showing the graph object as a table.
## # A tbl_graph: 33 nodes and 204 edges
## #
## # An undirected simple graph with 1 component
## #
## # Node Data: 33 × 4 (active)
## name description category label
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Bill Atkinson Software Person Software (Person)
## 2 Jef Raskin Manager Person Manager (Person)
## 3 Steve Jobs Manager Person Manager (Person)
## 4 Inspiration Concept Topic Concept (Topic)
## 5 MacPaint Product Topic Product (Topic)
## 6 QuickDraw Technology Topic Technology (Topic)
## # … with 27 more rows
## #
## # Edge Data: 204 × 3
## from to weight
## <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 1 2 2
## 2 1 3 2
## 3 1 4 1
## # … with 201 more rows
Sure enough, all attributes from the NODES
data frame were
successfully added.
An interesting application of network analysis is to calculate the
shortest path between nodes. In this example, we list all the shortest
paths between two persons: Victor Bull
and Susan Kare
Sure enough, we are presented with several paths between the two, each with a length of four.
WEIGHTED_GRAPH, from = "Victor Bull", to = "Susan Kare")
## $res
## $res[[1]]
## + 4/33 vertices, named, from 30e682c:
## [1] Victor Bull Apple II Bill Atkinson Susan Kare
## $res[[2]]
## + 4/33 vertices, named, from 30e682c:
## [1] Victor Bull Steve Wozniak Jef Raskin Susan Kare
## $res[[3]]
## + 4/33 vertices, named, from 30e682c:
## [1] Victor Bull Andy Hertzfeld Jef Raskin Susan Kare
## $res[[4]]
## + 4/33 vertices, named, from 30e682c:
## [1] Victor Bull Prototypes Jef Raskin Susan Kare
## $res[[5]]
## + 4/33 vertices, named, from 30e682c:
## [1] Victor Bull Apple II Jef Raskin Susan Kare
## $res[[6]]
## + 4/33 vertices, named, from 30e682c:
## [1] Victor Bull Steve Wozniak Steve Jobs Susan Kare
## $nrgeo
## [1] 1 4 1 6 6 6 6 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 17 1 1 1
## [26] 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1
Another interesting application of network analysis is the calculation
of how prominent a node is within the network. This is done by
calculating one of a number of centrality
measures. For this
illustration, I have picked two:
- First, degree centrality: For undirected graphs, degree centrality is the sum of incoming and outgoing edges
- Second, betweeness centrality: Betweeness centrality is a measure to highlight a node’s position between other nodes in the network. One application taken from the literature is “a person’s role in allowing information to pass from one part of the network to the other” ref
OK, let’s begin with degree centrality, which is quickly calculated
using the centrality_degree()
as_tbl_graph() %>%
activate(nodes) %>% # tidygraph
mutate(centrality = centrality_degree()) # tidyverse
Similarly, we can calculate betweeness centrality using the
as_tbl_graph() %>%
activate(nodes) %>% # tidygraph
mutate(betweenness = betweenness(WEIGHTED_GRAPH)) # tidyverse
In a small network such as ours, these calculations are done almost instantaneous. For larger networks with thousands, millions, or even billions of nodes, however, these calculations can be computationally expensive.
Before we move on, I would like to create one more measure, one that I
find useful to create small multiples of a network graph later on. It is
to split degree_centrality
into five categories as a measure of
as_tbl_graph() %>%
mutate(popularity = as.character(cut(centrality_degree(mode = "in"),
breaks = 5,
labels = c(
"1. very low popularity",
"2. low popularity",
"3. medium popularity",
"4. high popularity",
"5. very high popularity")
Before we start plotting our graph object, let’s have a quick look at it again. Once again shown here as a table, we can see that the centrality measures were added as new columns.
## # A tbl_graph: 33 nodes and 204 edges
## #
## # An undirected simple graph with 1 component
## #
## # Node Data: 33 × 7 (active)
## name description category label central… betwee… popula…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 Bill Atkinson Software Person Software (Person) 22 56.9 5. ver…
## 2 Jef Raskin Manager Person Manager (Person) 20 65.6 4. hig…
## 3 Steve Jobs Manager Person Manager (Person) 19 38.7 4. hig…
## 4 Inspiration Concept Topic Concept (Topic) 7 0.217 1. ver…
## 5 MacPaint Product Topic Product (Topic) 7 0.217 1. ver…
## 6 QuickDraw Technology Topic Technology (Topic) 7 0.217 1. ver…
## # … with 27 more rows
## #
## # Edge Data: 204 × 3
## from to weight
## <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 1 2 2
## 2 1 3 2
## 3 1 4 1
## # … with 201 more rows
This is good and allows us to use them when plotting our network graph.
Plotting a graph in R is both quick and
easy to customise with the ggplot2
package, or, in our case, the
package that combines the power of the excellent network
analysis tool igraph
with the power of the ggplot2
First, we specify a colour palette. We could import one of the pre-defined palettes from ColorBrewer, but for this example, I have copied the values for a qualitative palette for up to 11 categories.
Although not necessary, I prefer to overwrite the last item in the list
with the colour gray
colour_palette <- c(
colour_palette <- replace(colour_palette, length(colour_palette), "gray")
OK, the first step is to initialise the graph. This looks much more complicated than it actually is. We wouldn’t ahve to do much if we were happy with the default presentation.
However, I have a tendency to tinker with different options until I find a style that I like. I also prefer to put this into a function, which I can call with different variations of my data set.
This example here allows me to specify different data sets and layouts to arrange my graph. So far, I haven’t spoken about layouts, but you will see later on how they influence the arrangement of nodes.
With this function, I am also able to specify how data should be
represented by two different visual variables: The SIZE
of each node
and their FILL
plot_graph <- function(DATA, LAYOUT, SIZE, FILL, RATIO=0.75) {
plot <- ggraph(DATA, layout = LAYOUT) +
geom_edge_link(color = "black", alpha = 0.15) +
aes_string(size = SIZE, fill = FILL),
colour = "white", shape = 21,
stroke = 1, show.legend = TRUE) +
aes(label = name), repel = TRUE) +
size = "none",
fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5))) +
scale_fill_manual(values = colour_palette) +
theme_graph() +
aspect.ratio = RATIO,
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
plot.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.justification = "left",
legend.title = element_blank()
) +
title = paste0(
" stories from the early Mac development team (",
min(EDGES_ALL$year), " to ", max(EDGES_ALL$year), ")"),
subtitle = paste0(
'"', LAYOUT, '" layout, ', SIZE, ' (size), ', FILL, ' (fill).'),
caption = paste0(
"Created with R, igraph & ggraph; ",
"data collected from (creative commons)."))
Swiftly moving on, let’s generate our first plot!
To keep things simple, I have selected only nodes representing a
and also specified the
layout – or kk
layout – which is one of many
layouts supported by the
igraph network analysis tool.
induced_subgraph( # data
"kk", # layout
"centrality", # size
"label" # fill
## Warning: `aes_string()` was deprecated in ggplot2 3.0.0.
## ℹ Please use tidy evaluation ideoms with `aes()`
## Warning: Using the `size` aesthetic in this geom was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` in the `default_aes` field and elsewhere instead.
In this example, the SIZE
attribute represents degree_centrality
each node and the FILL
attribute represents a node’s label
, that is
a combination of the attributes description
and category
We can already being exploring the graph. For example, we can speculate about some of the dynamics within the network, such as the fact that two of the five Hardware Engineers seem to play a central role in the stories that we extracted from the website.
Interesting is also the role of the five Managers in the network, two of which–Steve Jobs and Mike Markkula–were co-founders of Apple Computer and one–Mike Scott–was the firm’s President at the time. But it is a different manager, Jef Raskin, who seems to play a much more central role in these stories, even though he was neither a co-founder nor was he part of the firm’s senior management team at the time.
For those familiar with the early history of Apple Computer, Jef Raskin’s exposed position does, of course, not come as a surprise. While our graph relates to the early history of Apple Computer, it visualises anecdotes from the early days of the Macintosh project. It was Jef Raskin who started the project and who led it for the first couple of years before he was sidelined by one of the co-founders, Steve Jobs, and eventually left the company.
We can explore the graph further by creating a series of small multiples
using the popularity
measure that we calculated earlier.
induced_subgraph( # data
"kk", # layout
"centrality", # size
"label" # fill
) +
facet_nodes(~ popularity)
What we have done is essentially representing degree_centrality
in two
different ways: First, with the SIZE
of each node, and then again, in
aggregated form, to create small multiples. This is not good practice,
but nicely illustrates the use of small multiples.
Looking at these graphs, we see for exmaple that our earlier suspicion
have been confirmed: The nodes with the highest popularity
are the two Hardware Engineers Steve Wozniak, the
inventor of the first two Apple computers and another co-founder, and
Burrell Smith, the main designer of the first Macintosh hardware. They
are accompanied in that category by Bill Atkinson who played a pivotal
role in creating Macintosh. Amongst other things, he designed the
graphics routines that made it possible to display overlapping windows.
Now common place, this was an incredible achievement at the time on a
computer as underpowered as the first Macintosh.
This is probably enough for one tutorial. But before we end, I would like to show you a combination of different layout and centrality measures.
I won’t be able to go into too much detail here, but these examples
demonstrate a few things. First, network graphs can get very complex
very quickly. Remember, we are currently only showing a total of 235
edges between 33 unique nodes. Second, it is very easy to combine
different kinds of entities, such as persons and topics. Together, they
allow us to get essentially a “bird’s eye view” on the collective
anecdotes used for this project. Third, part of the process of exploring
network graphs is to identify a suitable centrality measure and network
layout. For example, betweenness
seems to be a good measure if we want
to identify nodes that keep the network together, or, in our case, those
that draw individual anecdotes together into the story of the early
Macintosh development.
To me, experimenting with different layouts and centrality measures is what makes visual network analysis interesting. I am new to this and still learning, but in the future, I hope to be able to develop this project further, perhaps creating an interactive graph to allow visitors to access anecdotes on the website by selecting a combination of people and topics in the graph.