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Paul Walk edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 9 revisions

Labels for classification of user stories

The labelling scheme uses labels with colours. Labels with the same colour belong in a common 'vocabulary'.

Blue labels (stakeholders)

  • funder
  • repository operator
  • researcher
  • service provider (services other than the repository holding the data)

Further stakeholders can be added when needed.

Green Labels (phases in the 'life' of a DMP)

these are adapted from this UCF Research Lifecycle model

  • planning phase
  • project phase
  • post-project phase

Yellow Labels (the subject of the information being conveyed in the DMP)

  • access control (related to privacy)
  • format
  • volume (size/quantity/number of files etc.)
  • financial (what budget and costings are allocated or projected)
  • integration/automation (a user story which explicitly requires or directly implies automation or integration with some other system)
  • licensing
  • metadata (what metadata is associated with the data resource)
  • methodologies (for things like collection, preservation, reuse)
  • other policies (policies which are important or have been implemented in the DMP)
  • preservation policy
  • repository (where the data resource will be kept)
  • reuse (statements about intended reuse)
  • security
  • storage (technical and other requirements for storing the data)

Red labels (to organise the processing of user-story - not used to classify the content)

  • question (this user-story will have a comment seeking some clarification)
  • duplicate (this user-story appears to be a duplicate)