A 32-bit RISC-V core written in Verilog and an instruction set simulator supporting RV32IMAF. This core has been tested on Xilinix Vivado 2020.2 Simulator.
- The processor is in-order, single-issue scalar core.
- The CPU has five-stage pipeline- Instruction Fetch, Instruction Decode, Execution, Memory and Write-Back.
- Branch Prediction Unit with 2-bit branch predictor designed using PC-Gshare branch predictor. It consists of Branch Target Buffer, Return Address Stack and Direction Predictor.
- I-Cache and D-Cache are 8KB size, 2-way set associative, with block size of 32 bytes.
- I-TLB and D-TLB are translation lookaside buffers (TLB) for I-Cache and D-cache respectively, uses Economic Value Added policy as replacement block.
- Whisbone B3 bus is designed to access Memory and UART 1650 Peripheral.
- Main Memory is of size 1MB.
- UART programable baud rate peripheral is taken from http://www.opencores.org/cores/uart16550/
- Working Frequency is 50MHz on Xilinx Vertex xc7vx485tffg1761-2 FPGA.
Name | Range |
Main Memory | 0x00000000 - 0x000F_FFFF |
Boot Address | 0x0000_0400 |
ROM | 0x0000_0000 - 0x0001_FFFF |
RAM | 0x0002_0000 - 0x000F_FFFF |
Stack pointer Address | 0x000F_EFFC |
UART Peripheral | 0x5f10_0600 |
Name | Description |
clk_in1_n | Clock Input negative |
clk_in1_p | Clock input postive |
rst_in | Async reset, active-high. |
srx_pad_i | Receiver Input pin |
stx_pad_o | Transmitter Output pin |
int_in | 3-bit Interrupt input |