netscanner - TCP/UDP scanner to find open or closed ports
you have to run this command to install the program
$ go get
netscanner 0.1 : TCP/UDP port scanner
Usage: netscanner <command>
sp,scanport - scan a singular port: usage sp,scanport <protocol> <hostname> <port> (ex. scanport tcp 127.0.01 80)
in,initscan - scan the first 1023 ports: usage in,initscan <protocol> <hostname> <savefilebool>(ex. initscan udp false)
cs,completescan - scan all the ports: usage cs,completescan <protocol> <hostname> <savefilebool>(ex. completescan tcp true)
sft,scanfromto - scan the ports from a port given to another port given: usage sft,scanfromto <protocol> <hostname> <startport> <endport> <savefile>(ex. sft tcp 80 443 true)
h,help - shows this text
v,version - show the current version of the program
info,information - shows some information about the program
msp,maskscanport - scan a port of all the IPs in Subnet: usage msp,maskscanport <protocol> <hostname> <port> <savefilebool>(ex. msp tcp true)
<protocol> - protocol to use - can be tcp or udp
<hostname> - hostname of the target - ex.
<port> - port to scan
<savefile> - bool that saves the scan in a file - true / false
<startport> - port to start scanning
<endport> - last port to scan
<hostname>(for mask scan) - must contain /24 or /32
$ netscanner sp tcp 80
Port status service
80/tcp, Closed, http
Scan started at : 2020-03-07 12:16:08.4845743 +0100 CET m=+0.002086201
And finished at : 2020-03-07 12:16:08.4854596 +0100 CET m=+0.002971501