James Martin 2440022050
Dave Aurellio 2440010012
Javier Islamey 2440016672
Lucky Laurens 2440028104
ResumAI is a website that able to recommend a job based on candidate skills or experiences that contain in their resume.
- Job Recommender.
- Login, Signup, Logout with Firebase Auth.
- Cloud Storage with Firebase Storage to store user resumes.
- Extract Skills or experiences on their resume by using spacy NLP NER (Named Entity Recognition).
- Convert bunch of skills to TF-IDF vector.
- Use KNN algorithm to do similarity matching with the provided datasets.
- Recommend and display the jobs based on the KNN result.
- Install and run react
npm install
npm start
- Install all python packages in requirement.txt
cd server
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run server on run.py
cd server
python run.py