A Bridge is deemed to connect 2 different LAN segment
LAN -------MAC Bridge MAC -------- LAN
Source-Route Bridging is designed for interconnecting token ring segments into a bigger LAN.
Originally, Source-Route Bridging was deemed as a universal method for creating large-scale networks. However in actual world, source-route can not meet client's requirement.
The headers of token ring frames that must travers source-route bridge (the frame contains routing information that is used by the bridges to forward the frame thru source-route bridged LAN from src to des), the routing info describes precisely which bridges and segments the frame must traverse to arrive at the des.
The Source Node is responsible for inserting the routing information into the headers of the token ring frames that must be delivered thru Source-Rout Bridge.
Source-Route Bridge requires each node to be able to discover and memorize routing information to DES accessible thru Source-Route Bridge.
Each Ring shall be assigned a unique number.
Each bridge shall be assigned a unique number with each ring to which the bridge is connected.
Like a transparently bridged LAN, source-route allows redundant paths to exist with a single source-route bridged route LAN. This redundant path helps to be utilized to recover from network component failure.
As designed spec, the source-route bridging got only 2 ports, in order to be bypassed this weired obstacle, can require a significant amount of additional equipment.
A neat solution was devised, it allows multiport source-route bridges to be created, so an abstraction called 'virtual ring'. The operation of such a bridge counts that virtual ring as a regular ring and inserts an extra route designator into all routes and spanning explorers crossing the bridge.
- DLSw, Data Link SW