sudo whoami
✗ sudo whoami Password: root
✗ whoami pintred
chmod < number >
原理詳見 https://blog.csdn.net/u013197629/article/details/73608613 )(三組數字的意義)
chmod 666
chmod 777
chmod 755
➜ desktop ls -l StaceyKent.png
-rw-r--r--@ 1 pintred staff 173305 4 28 00:32 StaceyKent.png
➜ desktop chmod 666 StaceyKent.png
➜ desktop ls -l StaceyKent.png
-rw-rw-rw-@ 1 pintred staff 173305 4 28 00:32 StaceyKent.png
- permission
開放權限攸關 chmod 後面所接的三組數字。
chmod a+x <file>
// all user can write file.
chmod u+x <file>
// only owner can write file.
who got the file
u: user 擁有者 g: group 群組 o: others 其他人
(to be continued...)