K8s 架構圖
etcd (log)
| | ----- get ------ ____ Node____
| Core API (Auth) | ----- list ----- | Kuberlet |
|__________________| -------------
| |
| |
| |
| Resorces Controll (cotains Node Controller)
Event Listener (by Scheduler)
* etcd: to save status of node
* code API Server: the core of K8s, it has many modules that provide services, and
every module has its own memory to save status.
* Kuberlet: a software that install in node, communicating with core API Server.
* Resources Controll: such as Controller Manager.
* Event Listner: by Scheduler.
K8s Process
(1) Event Listener listens status of Node, and log it.
(2) API call relative method for the resorce to Pod depends on (1).
(3) Node using get/list method to have result of Pod from API, and to do relative task to Pod Instance.
Queenie 小心得
其實 K8s API 就像是陳時中和唐鳳,某 pod 像是口罩或口罩供應服務,而 Node 像是藥局,
而 Node 藥局(在聆聽陳與唐的規範後)對 pod 口罩實例作出相應行為。