Quantitative Conservation Lab - University of Washington
- United States of America
- @conversesj
- sconver@uw.edu
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Petracca_etal_2023_BiologicalConservation PublicForked from lisannepetracca/Petracca_etal_2023_BiologicalConservation
Petracca LP, B Gardner, BT Maletzke, and SJ Converse. 2023. Merging integrated population models and individual-based models to project population dynamics of recolonizing species. Biological Conse…
Edwards_etal_2021_AnimalConservation PublicEdwards HA, SJ Converse, KD Swan, and A Moehrenschlager. 2022. Trading off hatching success and cost in the captive breeding of Whooping Cranes. Animal Conservation 25:101-109.
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Royle_and_Converse_2014_MEE PublicRoyle J.A. and S.J. Converse. 2014. Hierarchical spatial capture-recapture models: modeling population density in stratified populations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:37-43.
Regehr_etal_2018_ScientificReports PublicForked from njhostet/Regehr_etal_2018_ScientificReports
Regehr, E. V., N. J. Hostetter, R. R. Wilson, K. D. Rode, M. S. Martin, and S. J. Converse. 2018. Integrated Population Modeling Provides the First Empirical Estimates of Vital Rates and Abundance …
Lloyd_etal_2019_AnimalConservation PublicForked from njhostet/Lloyd_etal_2019_AnimalConservation
Lloyd, N. A., N. J. Hostetter, C. L. Jackson, S. J. Converse, and A. Moehrenschlager. 2019. Optimizing release strategies: a stepping-stone approach to reintroduction. Animal Conservation 22:105–115.
Barzen_etal_2018_TheCondor PublicBarzen JA, SJ Converse, PH Adler, A Lacy, E Gray, and A Gossens. 2018. Examination of multiple working hypotheses to address reproductive failure in reintroduced Whooping Cranes. The Condor 120:632…
- Delap_etal_InReview_TwoSuburbs Public
This is a repository for code and data for an in-review manuscript on the effects of suburban development on bird communities.
Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Delap_etal_InReview_TwoSuburbs’s past year of commit activity - Warlick_etal_2025_Ecosphere Public
Evaluating mark-resight survey design for Steller sea lions using simulation
Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Warlick_etal_2025_Ecosphere’s past year of commit activity - Petracca_etal_2023_BiologicalConservation Public Forked from lisannepetracca/Petracca_etal_2023_BiologicalConservation
Petracca LP, B Gardner, BT Maletzke, and SJ Converse. 2023. Merging integrated population models and individual-based models to project population dynamics of recolonizing species. Biological Conservation.
Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Petracca_etal_2023_BiologicalConservation’s past year of commit activity - Thompson_etal_2024_NeoBiota Public
Thompson BK, Olden JD, Converse SJ. 2024. Evaluating spatially explicit management alternatives for an invasive species in a riverine network. NeoBiota.
Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Thompson_etal_2024_NeoBiota’s past year of commit activity - Brusa_et_al_2024_Ecosphere Public
Contains data and code for Brusa et al. 2024. Correcting for measurement errors in a long-term aerial survey with auxiliary photographic data. Ecosphere DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4961.
Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Brusa_et_al_2024_Ecosphere’s past year of commit activity - Sipe_etal_2023_Ecosphere Public Forked from sipeha/Sipe_etal
Sipe H, IN Keren, and SJ Converse. 2023. Integrating community science and agency-collected monitoring data to expand monitoring capacity at large spatial scales. Ecology and Evolution.
Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Sipe_etal_2023_Ecosphere’s past year of commit activity - Sorel_etal_mgmt_modeling Public
Code and data associated with manuscript on modeling Wenatchee spring Chinook salmon population responses to habitat restoration and hatchery management strategies
Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Sorel_etal_mgmt_modeling’s past year of commit activity