- Qovery is the fastest way to deploy your full-stack apps on any Cloud provider.
- ℹ️ The API is stable and still in development.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.3
- Package version: 1.0.3
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://www.qovery.com
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/qovery/qovery-client-python.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/qovery/qovery-client-python.git
Then import the package:
import qovery
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import qovery
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import qovery
from qovery.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://api.qovery.com
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = qovery.Configuration(
host = "https://api.qovery.com"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): bearerAuth
configuration = qovery.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with qovery.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = qovery.AccountInfoApi(api_client)
account_info_edit_request = qovery.AccountInfoEditRequest() # AccountInfoEditRequest | (optional)
# Edit account information
api_response = api_instance.edit_account_information(account_info_edit_request=account_info_edit_request)
print("The response of AccountInfoApi->edit_account_information:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AccountInfoApi->edit_account_information: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to https://api.qovery.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountInfoApi | edit_account_information | PUT /account | Edit account information |
AccountInfoApi | get_account_information | GET /account | Get Account information |
ApplicationActionsApi | deploy_application | POST /application/{applicationId}/deploy | Deploy application |
ApplicationActionsApi | reboot_application | POST /application/{applicationId}/restart-service | Reboot application |
ApplicationActionsApi | restart_application | POST /application/{applicationId}/restart | Deprecated - Restart application |
ApplicationActionsApi | stop_application | POST /application/{applicationId}/stop | Stop application |
ApplicationConfigurationApi | edit_advanced_settings | PUT /application/{applicationId}/advancedSettings | Edit advanced settings |
ApplicationConfigurationApi | edit_application_network | PUT /application/{applicationId}/network | Edit Application Network |
ApplicationConfigurationApi | get_advanced_settings | GET /application/{applicationId}/advancedSettings | Get advanced settings |
ApplicationConfigurationApi | get_application_network | GET /application/{applicationId}/network | Get Application Network information |
ApplicationDeploymentHistoryApi | list_application_deployment_history | GET /application/{applicationId}/deploymentHistory | List application deploys |
ApplicationDeploymentRestrictionApi | create_application_deployment_restriction | POST /application/{applicationId}/deploymentRestriction | Create an application deployment restriction |
ApplicationDeploymentRestrictionApi | delete_application_deployment_restriction | DELETE /application/{applicationId}/deploymentRestriction/{deploymentRestrictionId} | Delete an application deployment restriction |
ApplicationDeploymentRestrictionApi | edit_application_deployment_restriction | PUT /application/{applicationId}/deploymentRestriction/{deploymentRestrictionId} | Edit an application deployment restriction |
ApplicationDeploymentRestrictionApi | get_application_deployment_restrictions | GET /application/{applicationId}/deploymentRestriction | Get application deployment restrictions |
ApplicationEnvironmentVariableApi | create_application_environment_variable | POST /application/{applicationId}/environmentVariable | Add an environment variable to the application |
ApplicationEnvironmentVariableApi | create_application_environment_variable_alias | POST /application/{applicationId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/alias | Create an environment variable alias at the application level |
ApplicationEnvironmentVariableApi | create_application_environment_variable_override | POST /application/{applicationId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/override | Create an environment variable override at the application level |
ApplicationEnvironmentVariableApi | delete_application_environment_variable | DELETE /application/{applicationId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Delete an environment variable from an application |
ApplicationEnvironmentVariableApi | edit_application_environment_variable | PUT /application/{applicationId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Edit an environment variable belonging to the application |
ApplicationEnvironmentVariableApi | import_environment_variable | POST /application/{applicationId}/environmentVariable/import | Import variables |
ApplicationEnvironmentVariableApi | list_application_environment_variable | GET /application/{applicationId}/environmentVariable | List environment variables |
ApplicationLogsApi | list_application_log | GET /application/{applicationId}/log | List logs |
ApplicationMainCallsApi | delete_application | DELETE /application/{applicationId} | Delete application |
ApplicationMainCallsApi | edit_application | PUT /application/{applicationId} | Edit application |
ApplicationMainCallsApi | get_application | GET /application/{applicationId} | Get application by ID |
ApplicationMainCallsApi | get_application_status | GET /application/{applicationId}/status | Get application status |
ApplicationMainCallsApi | list_application_commit | GET /application/{applicationId}/commit | List last commits |
ApplicationMainCallsApi | list_application_contributor | GET /application/{applicationId}/contributor | List contributors |
ApplicationMainCallsApi | list_application_links | GET /application/{applicationId}/link | List all URLs of the application |
ApplicationSecretApi | create_application_secret | POST /application/{applicationId}/secret | Add a secret to the application |
ApplicationSecretApi | create_application_secret_alias | POST /application/{applicationId}/secret/{secretId}/alias | Create a secret alias at the application level |
ApplicationSecretApi | create_application_secret_override | POST /application/{applicationId}/secret/{secretId}/override | Create a secret override at the application level |
ApplicationSecretApi | delete_application_secret | DELETE /application/{applicationId}/secret/{secretId} | Delete a secret from an application |
ApplicationSecretApi | edit_application_secret | PUT /application/{applicationId}/secret/{secretId} | Edit a secret belonging to the application |
ApplicationSecretApi | list_application_secrets | GET /application/{applicationId}/secret | List application secrets |
ApplicationsApi | clone_application | POST /application/{applicationId}/clone | Clone application |
ApplicationsApi | create_application | POST /environment/{environmentId}/application | Create an application |
ApplicationsApi | get_default_application_advanced_settings | GET /defaultApplicationAdvancedSettings | List default application advanced settings |
ApplicationsApi | get_environment_application_status | GET /environment/{environmentId}/application/status | List all environment applications statuses |
ApplicationsApi | get_environment_application_supported_languages | GET /environment/{environmentId}/application/supportedLanguage | List supported languages |
ApplicationsApi | list_application | GET /environment/{environmentId}/application | List applications |
BackupsApi | add_backup_database | POST /database/{databaseId}/backup | Add a backup to the Database |
BackupsApi | list_database_backup | GET /database/{databaseId}/backup | List database backups |
BackupsApi | remove_database_backup | DELETE /database/{databaseId}/backup/{backupId} | Remove database backup |
BillingApi | add_credit_card | POST /organization/{organizationId}/creditCard | Add credit card |
BillingApi | add_credit_code | POST /organization/{organizationId}/creditCode | Add credit code |
BillingApi | change_plan | POST /organization/{organizationId}/changePlan | Change organization plan |
BillingApi | delete_credit_card | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/creditCard/{creditCardId} | Delete credit card |
BillingApi | edit_organization_billing_info | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/billingInfo | Edit Organization Billing Info |
BillingApi | generate_billing_usage_report | POST /organization/{organizationId}/billingUsageReport | Generate organization billing usage report |
BillingApi | get_cluster_current_cost | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/currentCost | Get cluster current cost |
BillingApi | get_organization_billing_external_id | GET /organization/{organizationId}/billingExternalId | Get organization billing external ID |
BillingApi | get_organization_billing_info | GET /organization/{organizationId}/billingInfo | Get organization billing info |
BillingApi | get_organization_billing_status | GET /organization/{organizationId}/billingStatus | Get organization billing status |
BillingApi | get_organization_current_cost | GET /organization/{organizationId}/currentCost | Get organization current cost |
BillingApi | get_organization_invoice | GET /organization/{organizationId}/invoice/{invoiceId} | Get organization invoice |
BillingApi | get_organization_invoice_pdf | GET /organization/{organizationId}/invoice/{invoiceId}/download | Get invoice link |
BillingApi | list_organization_credit_cards | GET /organization/{organizationId}/creditCard | List organization credit cards |
BillingApi | list_organization_invoice | GET /organization/{organizationId}/invoice | List organization invoices |
BillingApi | organization_download_all_invoices | POST /organization/{organizationId}/downloadInvoices | Download all invoices |
CloudProviderApi | list_aws_features | GET /aws/clusterFeature | List AWS features available |
CloudProviderApi | list_aws_instance_type | GET /aws/instanceType | List AWS available instance types |
CloudProviderApi | list_aws_managed_database_instance_type | GET /aws/managedDatabase/instanceType/{region}/{databaseType} | List AWS available managed database instance types |
CloudProviderApi | list_aws_managed_database_type | GET /aws/managedDatabase/type | List AWS available managed database types |
CloudProviderApi | list_aws_regions | GET /aws/region | List AWS regions |
CloudProviderApi | list_awsec2_instance_type | GET /aws/ec2/instanceType/{region} | List AWS EC2 available instance types |
CloudProviderApi | list_awseks_instance_type | GET /aws/eks/instanceType/{region} | List AWS EKS available instance types |
CloudProviderApi | list_cloud_provider | GET /cloudProvider | List Cloud providers available |
CloudProviderApi | list_gcp_features | GET /gcp/clusterFeature | List GCP features available |
CloudProviderApi | list_gcp_gke_instance_type | GET /gcp/instanceType/{region} | List GCP GKE available instance types |
CloudProviderApi | list_gcp_regions | GET /gcp/region | List GCP regions |
CloudProviderApi | list_scaleway_features | GET /scaleway/clusterFeature | List Scaleway features available |
CloudProviderApi | list_scaleway_instance_type | GET /scaleway/instanceType | List Scaleway available instance types |
CloudProviderApi | list_scaleway_kapsule_instance_type | GET /scaleway/instanceType/{zone} | List Scaleway Kapsule available instance types |
CloudProviderApi | list_scaleway_regions | GET /scaleway/region | List Scaleway regions |
CloudProviderApi | list_scw_managed_database_instance_type | GET /scaleway/managedDatabase/instanceType/{zone}/{databaseType} | List Scaleway available managed database instance types |
CloudProviderApi | list_scw_managed_database_type | GET /scaleway/managedDatabase/type | List Scaleway available managed database types |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | create_aws_credentials | POST /organization/{organizationId}/aws/credentials | Create AWS credentials set |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | create_gcp_credentials | POST /organization/{organizationId}/gcp/credentials | Create GCP credentials set |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | create_scaleway_credentials | POST /organization/{organizationId}/scaleway/credentials | Create Scaleway credentials set |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | delete_aws_credentials | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/aws/credentials/{credentialsId} | Delete a set of AWS credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | delete_gcp_credentials | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/gcp/credentials/{credentialsId} | Delete a set of GCP credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | delete_scaleway_credentials | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/scaleway/credentials/{credentialsId} | Delete a set of Scaleway credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | edit_aws_credentials | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/aws/credentials/{credentialsId} | Edit a set of AWS credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | edit_gcp_credentials | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/gcp/credentials/{credentialsId} | Edit a set of GCP credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | edit_scaleway_credentials | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/scaleway/credentials/{credentialsId} | Edit a set of Scaleway credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | get_aws_credentials | GET /organization/{organizationId}/aws/credentials/{credentialsId} | Get a set of AWS credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | get_gcp_credentials | GET /organization/{organizationId}/gcp/credentials/{credentialsId} | Get a set of GCP credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | get_scaleway_credentials | GET /organization/{organizationId}/scaleway/credentials/{credentialsId} | Get a set of Scaleway credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | list_aws_credentials | GET /organization/{organizationId}/aws/credentials | List AWS credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | list_gcp_credentials | GET /organization/{organizationId}/gcp/credentials | List GCP credentials |
CloudProviderCredentialsApi | list_scaleway_credentials | GET /organization/{organizationId}/scaleway/credentials | List Scaleway credentials |
ClustersApi | create_cluster | POST /organization/{organizationId}/cluster | Create a cluster |
ClustersApi | delete_cluster | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId} | Delete a cluster |
ClustersApi | deploy_cluster | POST /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/deploy | Deploy a cluster |
ClustersApi | edit_cluster | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId} | Edit a cluster |
ClustersApi | edit_cluster_advanced_settings | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/advancedSettings | Edit advanced settings |
ClustersApi | edit_cluster_kubeconfig | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/kubeconfig | Edit cluster kubeconfig |
ClustersApi | edit_routing_table | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/routingTable | Edit routing table |
ClustersApi | get_cluster_advanced_settings | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/advancedSettings | Get advanced settings |
ClustersApi | get_cluster_kubeconfig | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/kubeconfig | Get cluster kubeconfig |
ClustersApi | get_cluster_readiness_status | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/isReady | Know if a cluster is ready to be deployed or not |
ClustersApi | get_cluster_status | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/status | Get cluster status |
ClustersApi | get_default_cluster_advanced_settings | GET /defaultClusterAdvancedSettings | List default cluster advanced settings |
ClustersApi | get_installation_helm_values | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/installationHelmValues | Get cluster helm values for self managed installation |
ClustersApi | get_organization_cloud_provider_info | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/cloudProviderInfo | Get cluster cloud provider info and credentials |
ClustersApi | get_organization_cluster_status | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/status | List all clusters statuses |
ClustersApi | get_routing_table | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/routingTable | Get routing table |
ClustersApi | list_cluster_logs | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/logs | List Cluster Logs |
ClustersApi | list_organization_cluster | GET /organization/{organizationId}/cluster | List organization clusters |
ClustersApi | specify_cluster_cloud_provider_info | POST /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/cloudProviderInfo | Specify cluster cloud provider info and credentials |
ClustersApi | stop_cluster | POST /organization/{organizationId}/cluster/{clusterId}/stop | Stop cluster |
ContainerActionsApi | deploy_container | POST /container/{containerId}/deploy | Deploy container |
ContainerActionsApi | reboot_container | POST /container/{containerId}/restart-service | Reboot container |
ContainerActionsApi | restart_container | POST /container/{containerId}/restart | Deprecated - Restart container |
ContainerActionsApi | stop_container | POST /container/{containerId}/stop | Stop container |
ContainerConfigurationApi | edit_container_advanced_settings | PUT /container/{containerId}/advancedSettings | Edit advanced settings |
ContainerConfigurationApi | edit_container_network | PUT /container/{containerId}/network | Edit Container Network |
ContainerConfigurationApi | get_container_advanced_settings | GET /container/{containerId}/advancedSettings | Get advanced settings |
ContainerConfigurationApi | get_container_network | GET /container/{containerId}/network | Get Container Network information |
ContainerCustomDomainApi | create_container_custom_domain | POST /container/{containerId}/customDomain | Add custom domain to the container. |
ContainerCustomDomainApi | delete_container_custom_domain | DELETE /container/{containerId}/customDomain/{customDomainId} | Delete a Custom Domain |
ContainerCustomDomainApi | edit_container_custom_domain | PUT /container/{containerId}/customDomain/{customDomainId} | Edit a Custom Domain |
ContainerCustomDomainApi | get_container_custom_domain_status | GET /container/{containerId}/customDomain/{customDomainId}/status | Get Custom Domain status |
ContainerCustomDomainApi | list_container_custom_domain | GET /container/{containerId}/customDomain | List container custom domains |
ContainerDeploymentHistoryApi | list_container_deployment_history | GET /container/{containerId}/deploymentHistory | List container deployments |
ContainerEnvironmentVariableApi | create_container_environment_variable | POST /container/{containerId}/environmentVariable | Add an environment variable to the container |
ContainerEnvironmentVariableApi | create_container_environment_variable_alias | POST /container/{containerId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/alias | Create an environment variable alias at the container level |
ContainerEnvironmentVariableApi | create_container_environment_variable_override | POST /container/{containerId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/override | Create an environment variable override at the container level |
ContainerEnvironmentVariableApi | delete_container_environment_variable | DELETE /container/{containerId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Delete an environment variable from a container |
ContainerEnvironmentVariableApi | edit_container_environment_variable | PUT /container/{containerId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Edit an environment variable belonging to the container |
ContainerEnvironmentVariableApi | import_container_environment_variable | POST /container/{containerId}/environmentVariable/import | Import variables |
ContainerEnvironmentVariableApi | list_container_environment_variable | GET /container/{containerId}/environmentVariable | List environment variables |
ContainerLogsApi | list_container_log | GET /container/{containerId}/log | List logs |
ContainerMainCallsApi | delete_container | DELETE /container/{containerId} | Delete container |
ContainerMainCallsApi | edit_container | PUT /container/{containerId} | Edit container |
ContainerMainCallsApi | get_container | GET /container/{containerId} | Get container by ID |
ContainerMainCallsApi | get_container_status | GET /container/{containerId}/status | Get container status |
ContainerMainCallsApi | list_container_links | GET /container/{containerId}/link | List all URLs of the container |
ContainerRegistriesApi | create_container_registry | POST /organization/{organizationId}/containerRegistry | Create a container registry |
ContainerRegistriesApi | delete_container_registry | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/containerRegistry/{containerRegistryId} | Delete a container registry |
ContainerRegistriesApi | edit_container_registry | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/containerRegistry/{containerRegistryId} | Edit a container registry |
ContainerRegistriesApi | get_container_registry | GET /organization/{organizationId}/containerRegistry/{containerRegistryId} | Get a container registry |
ContainerRegistriesApi | list_available_container_registry | GET /availableContainerRegistry | List supported container registries |
ContainerRegistriesApi | list_container_registry | GET /organization/{organizationId}/containerRegistry | List organization container registries |
ContainerSecretApi | create_container_secret | POST /container/{containerId}/secret | Add a secret to the container |
ContainerSecretApi | create_container_secret_alias | POST /container/{containerId}/secret/{secretId}/alias | Create a secret alias at the container level |
ContainerSecretApi | create_container_secret_override | POST /container/{containerId}/secret/{secretId}/override | Create a secret override at the container level |
ContainerSecretApi | delete_container_secret | DELETE /container/{containerId}/secret/{secretId} | Delete a secret from an container |
ContainerSecretApi | edit_container_secret | PUT /container/{containerId}/secret/{secretId} | Edit a secret belonging to the container |
ContainerSecretApi | list_container_secrets | GET /container/{containerId}/secret | List container secrets |
ContainersApi | auto_deploy_container_environments | POST /organization/{organizationId}/container/deploy | Auto deploy containers |
ContainersApi | clone_container | POST /container/{containerId}/clone | Clone container |
ContainersApi | create_container | POST /environment/{environmentId}/container | Create a container |
ContainersApi | get_container_registry_container_status | GET /organization/{organizationId}/containerRegistry/{containerRegistryId}/container/status | List all container registry container statuses |
ContainersApi | get_default_container_advanced_settings | GET /defaultContainerAdvancedSettings | List default container advanced settings |
ContainersApi | get_environment_container_status | GET /environment/{environmentId}/container/status | List all environment container statuses |
ContainersApi | list_container | GET /environment/{environmentId}/container | List containers |
ContainersApi | preview_container_environments | POST /organization/{organizationId}/container/preview | Preview container environments |
CustomDomainApi | create_application_custom_domain | POST /application/{applicationId}/customDomain | Add custom domain to the application. |
CustomDomainApi | delete_custom_domain | DELETE /application/{applicationId}/customDomain/{customDomainId} | Delete a Custom Domain |
CustomDomainApi | edit_custom_domain | PUT /application/{applicationId}/customDomain/{customDomainId} | Edit a Custom Domain |
CustomDomainApi | get_custom_domain_status | GET /application/{applicationId}/customDomain/{customDomainId}/status | Get Custom Domain status |
CustomDomainApi | list_application_custom_domain | GET /application/{applicationId}/customDomain | List application custom domains |
DatabaseActionsApi | deploy_database | POST /database/{databaseId}/deploy | Deploy database |
DatabaseActionsApi | reboot_database | POST /database/{databaseId}/restart-service | Retart database |
DatabaseActionsApi | restart_database | POST /database/{databaseId}/restart | Deprecated - Restart database |
DatabaseActionsApi | stop_database | POST /database/{databaseId}/stop | Stop database |
DatabaseApplicationApi | list_database_application | GET /database/{databaseId}/application | List applications using the database |
DatabaseApplicationApi | remove_application_from_database | DELETE /database/{databaseId}/application/{targetApplicationId} | Remove an application from this database |
DatabaseDeploymentHistoryApi | list_database_deployment_history | GET /database/{databaseId}/deploymentHistory | List database deploys |
DatabaseMainCallsApi | delete_database | DELETE /database/{databaseId} | Delete a database |
DatabaseMainCallsApi | edit_database | PUT /database/{databaseId} | Edit a database |
DatabaseMainCallsApi | edit_database_credentials | PUT /database/{databaseId}/masterCredentials | Edit database master credentials |
DatabaseMainCallsApi | get_database | GET /database/{databaseId} | Get database by ID |
DatabaseMainCallsApi | get_database_master_credentials | GET /database/{databaseId}/masterCredentials | Get master credentials of the database |
DatabaseMainCallsApi | get_database_status | GET /database/{databaseId}/status | Get database status |
DatabaseMainCallsApi | list_database_version | GET /database/{databaseId}/version | List eligible versions for the database |
DatabasesApi | clone_database | POST /database/{databaseId}/clone | Clone database |
DatabasesApi | create_database | POST /environment/{environmentId}/database | Create a database |
DatabasesApi | get_environment_database_status | GET /environment/{environmentId}/database/status | List all environment databases statuses |
DatabasesApi | list_database | GET /environment/{environmentId}/database | List environment databases |
DatabasesApi | list_environment_database_config | GET /environment/{environmentId}/databaseConfiguration | List eligible database types, versions and modes for the environment |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | attach_service_to_deployment_stage | PUT /deploymentStage/{deploymentStageId}/service/{serviceId} | Attach service to deployment stage |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | create_environment_deployment_stage | POST /environment/{environmentId}/deploymentStage | Create environment deployment stage |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | delete_deployment_stage | DELETE /deploymentStage/{deploymentStageId} | Delete deployment stage |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | edit_deployment_stage | PUT /deploymentStage/{deploymentStageId} | Edit deployment stage |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | get_deployment_stage | GET /deploymentStage/{deploymentStageId} | Get Deployment Stage |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | get_service_deployment_stage | GET /service/{serviceId}/deploymentStage | Get Service Deployment Stage |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | list_environment_deployment_stage | GET /environment/{environmentId}/deploymentStage | List environment deployment stage |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | move_after_deployment_stage | PUT /deploymentStage/{deploymentStageId}/moveAfter/{stageId} | Move deployment stage after requested stage |
DeploymentStageMainCallsApi | move_before_deployment_stage | PUT /deploymentStage/{deploymentStageId}/moveBefore/{stageId} | Move deployment stage before requested stage |
EnvironmentApi | deploy_all_applications | POST /environment/{environmentId}/application/deploy | Deploy applications |
EnvironmentActionsApi | cancel_environment_deployment | POST /environment/{environmentId}/cancelDeployment | Cancel environment deployment |
EnvironmentActionsApi | clone_environment | POST /environment/{environmentId}/clone | Clone environment |
EnvironmentActionsApi | delete_selected_services | POST /environment/{environmentId}/service/delete | Delete services |
EnvironmentActionsApi | deploy_all_services | POST /environment/{environmentId}/service/deploy | Deploy services |
EnvironmentActionsApi | deploy_environment | POST /environment/{environmentId}/deploy | Deploy environment |
EnvironmentActionsApi | reboot_services | POST /environment/{environmentId}/service/restart-service | Reboot services |
EnvironmentActionsApi | restart_environment | POST /environment/{environmentId}/restart | Deprecated - Restart environment |
EnvironmentActionsApi | stop_environment | POST /environment/{environmentId}/stop | Stop environment |
EnvironmentActionsApi | stop_selected_services | POST /environment/{environmentId}/service/stop | Stop services |
EnvironmentDeploymentHistoryApi | list_environment_deployment_history | GET /environment/{environmentId}/deploymentHistory | List environment deployments |
EnvironmentDeploymentRuleApi | edit_environment_deployment_rule | PUT /environment/{environmentId}/deploymentRule/{deploymentRuleId} | Edit an environment deployment rule |
EnvironmentDeploymentRuleApi | get_environment_deployment_rule | GET /environment/{environmentId}/deploymentRule | Get environment deployment rule |
EnvironmentExportApi | export_environment_configuration_into_terraform | GET /environment/{environmentId}/terraformExport | Export full environment and its resources into Terraform manifests |
EnvironmentLogsApi | list_environment_log | GET /environment/{environmentId}/log | List environment deployment logs |
EnvironmentLogsApi | list_environment_logs | GET /environment/{environmentId}/logs | List environment deployment logs v2 |
EnvironmentMainCallsApi | delete_environment | DELETE /environment/{environmentId} | Delete an environment |
EnvironmentMainCallsApi | edit_environment | PUT /environment/{environmentId} | Edit an environment |
EnvironmentMainCallsApi | get_environment | GET /environment/{environmentId} | Get environment by ID |
EnvironmentMainCallsApi | get_environment_status | GET /environment/{environmentId}/status | Get environment status |
EnvironmentMainCallsApi | get_environment_statuses | GET /environment/{environmentId}/statuses | Get environment statuses with services status |
EnvironmentMainCallsApi | get_environment_statuses_with_stages | GET /environment/{environmentId}/statusesWithStages | Get environment statuses with stages |
EnvironmentSecretApi | create_environment_secret | POST /environment/{environmentId}/secret | Add a secret to the environment |
EnvironmentSecretApi | create_environment_secret_alias | POST /environment/{environmentId}/secret/{secretId}/alias | Create a secret alias at the environment level |
EnvironmentSecretApi | create_environment_secret_override | POST /environment/{environmentId}/secret/{secretId}/override | Create a secret override at the environment level |
EnvironmentSecretApi | delete_environment_secret | DELETE /environment/{environmentId}/secret/{secretId} | Delete a secret from the environment |
EnvironmentSecretApi | edit_environment_secret | PUT /environment/{environmentId}/secret/{secretId} | Edit a secret belonging to the environment |
EnvironmentSecretApi | list_environment_secrets | GET /environment/{environmentId}/secret | List environment secrets |
EnvironmentVariableApi | create_environment_environment_variable | POST /environment/{environmentId}/environmentVariable | Add an environment variable to the environment |
EnvironmentVariableApi | create_environment_environment_variable_alias | POST /environment/{environmentId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/alias | Create an environment variable alias at the environment level |
EnvironmentVariableApi | create_environment_environment_variable_override | POST /environment/{environmentId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/override | Create an environment variable override at the environment level |
EnvironmentVariableApi | delete_environment_environment_variable | DELETE /environment/{environmentId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Delete an environment variable from an environment |
EnvironmentVariableApi | edit_environment_environment_variable | PUT /environment/{environmentId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Edit an environment variable belonging to the environment |
EnvironmentVariableApi | list_environment_environment_variable | GET /environment/{environmentId}/environmentVariable | List environment variables |
EnvironmentsApi | create_environment | POST /project/{projectId}/environment | Create an environment |
EnvironmentsApi | get_project_environment_service_number | GET /project/{projectId}/environment/stats | List total number of services for each environment of the project |
EnvironmentsApi | get_project_environments_status | GET /project/{projectId}/environment/status | List environments statuses |
EnvironmentsApi | list_environment | GET /project/{projectId}/environment | List environments |
GitRepositoriesApi | get_bitbucket_repositories | GET /account/bitbucket/repository | Get bitbucket repositories of the connected user |
GitRepositoriesApi | get_bitbucket_repository_branches | GET /account/bitbucket/repository/branch | Get bitbucket branches of the specified repository |
GitRepositoriesApi | get_git_provider_account | GET /account/gitAuthProvider | Get git provider accounts |
GitRepositoriesApi | get_github_repositories | GET /account/github/repository | Get github repositories of the connected user |
GitRepositoriesApi | get_github_repository_branches | GET /account/github/repository/branch | Get github branches of the specified repository |
GitRepositoriesApi | get_gitlab_repositories | GET /account/gitlab/repository | Get gitlab repositories of the connected user |
GitRepositoriesApi | get_gitlab_repository_branches | GET /account/gitlab/repository/branch | Get gitlab branches of the specified repository |
GithubAppApi | organization_github_app_connect | POST /organization/{organizationId}/github/connect | Connect a github account to an organization |
GithubAppApi | organization_github_app_disconnect | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/github/disconnect | Disconnect a github account from an organization |
HelmActionsApi | deploy_helm | POST /helm/{helmId}/deploy | Deploy helm |
HelmActionsApi | restart_helm | POST /helm/{helmId}/restart | Deprecated - Restart helm |
HelmActionsApi | stop_helm | POST /helm/{helmId}/stop | Stop helm |
HelmConfigurationApi | edit_helm_advanced_settings | PUT /helm/{helmId}/advancedSettings | Edit advanced settings |
HelmConfigurationApi | get_helm_advanced_settings | GET /helm/{helmId}/advancedSettings | Get advanced settings |
HelmCustomDomainApi | create_helm_custom_domain | POST /helm/{helmId}/customDomain | Add custom domain to the helm. |
HelmCustomDomainApi | delete_helm_custom_domain | DELETE /helm/{helmId}/customDomain/{customDomainId} | Delete a Custom Domain |
HelmCustomDomainApi | edit_helm_custom_domain | PUT /helm/{helmId}/customDomain/{customDomainId} | Edit a Custom Domain |
HelmCustomDomainApi | get_helm_custom_domain | GET /helm/{helmId}/customDomain/{customDomainId} | Get a Custom Domain |
HelmCustomDomainApi | list_helm_custom_domain | GET /helm/{helmId}/customDomain | List helm custom domains |
HelmDeploymentHistoryApi | list_helm_deployment_history | GET /helm/{helmId}/deploymentHistory | List helm deployments |
HelmDeploymentRestrictionApi | create_helm_deployment_restriction | POST /helm/{helmId}/deploymentRestriction | Create a helm deployment restriction |
HelmDeploymentRestrictionApi | delete_helm_deployment_restriction | DELETE /helm/{helmId}/deploymentRestriction/{deploymentRestrictionId} | Delete a helm deployment restriction |
HelmDeploymentRestrictionApi | edit_helm_deployment_restriction | PUT /helm/{helmId}/deploymentRestriction/{deploymentRestrictionId} | Edit a helm deployment restriction |
HelmDeploymentRestrictionApi | get_helm_deployment_restrictions | GET /helm/{helmId}/deploymentRestriction | Get helm deployment restrictions |
HelmMainCallsApi | delete_helm | DELETE /helm/{helmId} | Delete helm |
HelmMainCallsApi | edit_helm | PUT /helm/{helmId} | Edit helm |
HelmMainCallsApi | get_helm | GET /helm/{helmId} | Get helm by ID |
HelmMainCallsApi | get_helm_status | GET /helm/{helmId}/status | Get helm status |
HelmMainCallsApi | list_helm_commit | GET /helm/{helmId}/commit | List last helm commits |
HelmMainCallsApi | list_helm_links | GET /helm/{helmId}/link | List all URLs of the helm |
HelmRepositoriesApi | create_helm_repository | POST /organization/{organizationId}/helmRepository | Create a helm repository |
HelmRepositoriesApi | delete_helm_repository | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/helmRepository/{helmRepositoryId} | Delete a helm repository |
HelmRepositoriesApi | edit_helm_repository | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/helmRepository/{helmRepositoryId} | Edit a helm repository |
HelmRepositoriesApi | get_helm_repository | GET /organization/{organizationId}/helmRepository/{helmRepositoryId} | Get a helm repository |
HelmRepositoriesApi | list_available_helm_repository | GET /availableHelmRepository | List supported helm repository |
HelmRepositoriesApi | list_helm_repository | GET /organization/{organizationId}/helmRepository | List organization helm repositories |
HelmsApi | clone_helm | POST /helm/{helmId}/clone | Clone helm |
HelmsApi | create_helm | POST /environment/{environmentId}/helm | Create a helm |
HelmsApi | create_helm_default_values | POST /environment/{environmentId}/helmDefaultValues | Get helm default values |
HelmsApi | get_default_helm_advanced_settings | GET /defaultHelmAdvancedSettings | List default helm advanced settings |
HelmsApi | get_environment_helm_status | GET /environment/{environmentId}/helm/status | List all environment helm statuses |
HelmsApi | list_helms | GET /environment/{environmentId}/helm | List helms |
JobActionsApi | deploy_job | POST /job/{jobId}/deploy | Deploy job |
JobActionsApi | restart_job | POST /job/{jobId}/restart | Deprecated - Restart job |
JobActionsApi | stop_job | POST /job/{jobId}/stop | Stop job |
JobConfigurationApi | edit_job_advanced_settings | PUT /job/{jobId}/advancedSettings | Edit advanced settings |
JobConfigurationApi | get_job_advanced_settings | GET /job/{jobId}/advancedSettings | Get advanced settings |
JobDeploymentHistoryApi | list_job_deployment_history | GET /job/{jobId}/deploymentHistory | List job deployments |
JobDeploymentRestrictionApi | create_job_deployment_restriction | POST /job/{jobId}/deploymentRestriction | Create a job deployment restriction |
JobDeploymentRestrictionApi | delete_job_deployment_restriction | DELETE /job/{jobId}/deploymentRestriction/{deploymentRestrictionId} | Delete a job deployment restriction |
JobDeploymentRestrictionApi | edit_job_deployment_restriction | PUT /job/{jobId}/deploymentRestriction/{deploymentRestrictionId} | Edit a job deployment restriction |
JobDeploymentRestrictionApi | get_job_deployment_restrictions | GET /job/{jobId}/deploymentRestriction | Get job deployment restrictions |
JobEnvironmentVariableApi | create_job_environment_variable | POST /job/{jobId}/environmentVariable | Add an environment variable to the job |
JobEnvironmentVariableApi | create_job_environment_variable_alias | POST /job/{jobId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/alias | Create an environment variable alias at the job level |
JobEnvironmentVariableApi | create_job_environment_variable_override | POST /job/{jobId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/override | Create an environment variable override at the job level |
JobEnvironmentVariableApi | delete_job_environment_variable | DELETE /job/{jobId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Delete an environment variable from a job |
JobEnvironmentVariableApi | edit_job_environment_variable | PUT /job/{jobId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Edit an environment variable belonging to the job |
JobEnvironmentVariableApi | import_job_environment_variable | POST /job/{jobId}/environmentVariable/import | Import variables |
JobEnvironmentVariableApi | list_job_environment_variable | GET /job/{jobId}/environmentVariable | List environment variables |
JobMainCallsApi | delete_job | DELETE /job/{jobId} | Delete job |
JobMainCallsApi | edit_job | PUT /job/{jobId} | Edit job |
JobMainCallsApi | get_job | GET /job/{jobId} | Get job by ID |
JobMainCallsApi | get_job_status | GET /job/{jobId}/status | Get job status |
JobMainCallsApi | list_job_commit | GET /job/{jobId}/commit | List last job commits |
JobSecretApi | create_job_secret | POST /job/{jobId}/secret | Add a secret to the job |
JobSecretApi | create_job_secret_alias | POST /job/{jobId}/secret/{secretId}/alias | Create a secret alias at the job level |
JobSecretApi | create_job_secret_override | POST /job/{jobId}/secret/{secretId}/override | Create a secret override at the job level |
JobSecretApi | delete_job_secret | DELETE /job/{jobId}/secret/{secretId} | Delete a secret from an job |
JobSecretApi | edit_job_secret | PUT /job/{jobId}/secret/{secretId} | Edit a secret belonging to the job |
JobSecretApi | list_job_secrets | GET /job/{jobId}/secret | List job secrets |
JobsApi | auto_deploy_job_environments | POST /organization/{organizationId}/job/deploy | Auto deploy jobs |
JobsApi | clone_job | POST /job/{jobId}/clone | Clone job |
JobsApi | create_job | POST /environment/{environmentId}/job | Create a job |
JobsApi | get_default_job_advanced_settings | GET /defaultJobAdvancedSettings | List default job advanced settings |
JobsApi | get_environment_job_status | GET /environment/{environmentId}/job/status | List all environment job statuses |
JobsApi | list_jobs | GET /environment/{environmentId}/job | List jobs |
MembersApi | delete_invite_member | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/inviteMember/{inviteId} | Remove an invited member |
MembersApi | delete_member | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/member | Remove a member |
MembersApi | edit_organization_member_role | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/member | Edit an organization member role |
MembersApi | get_member_invitation | GET /organization/{organizationId}/inviteMember/{inviteId} | Get member invitation |
MembersApi | get_organization_invited_members | GET /organization/{organizationId}/inviteMember | Get invited members |
MembersApi | get_organization_members | GET /organization/{organizationId}/member | Get organization members |
MembersApi | post_accept_invite_member | POST /organization/{organizationId}/inviteMember/{inviteId} | Accept Invite in the organization |
MembersApi | post_invite_member | POST /organization/{organizationId}/inviteMember | Invite someone in the organization |
MembersApi | post_organization_transfer_ownership | POST /organization/{organizationId}/transferOwnership | Transfer organization ownership to another user |
OrganizationAccountGitRepositoriesApi | get_organization_bitbucket_repositories | GET /organization/{organizationId}/account/bitbucket/repository | Get bitbucket repositories of the connected user |
OrganizationAccountGitRepositoriesApi | get_organization_bitbucket_repository_branches | GET /organization/{organizationId}/account/bitbucket/repository/branch | Get bitbucket branches of the specified repository |
OrganizationAccountGitRepositoriesApi | get_organization_git_provider_account | GET /organization/{organizationId}/account/gitAuthProvider | Get git provider accounts |
OrganizationAccountGitRepositoriesApi | get_organization_github_repositories | GET /organization/{organizationId}/account/github/repository | Get github repositories of the connected user |
OrganizationAccountGitRepositoriesApi | get_organization_github_repository_branches | GET /organization/{organizationId}/account/github/repository/branch | Get github branches of the specified repository |
OrganizationAccountGitRepositoriesApi | get_organization_gitlab_repositories | GET /organization/{organizationId}/account/gitlab/repository | Get gitlab repositories of the connected user |
OrganizationAccountGitRepositoriesApi | get_organization_gitlab_repository_branches | GET /organization/{organizationId}/account/gitlab/repository/branch | Get gitlab branches of the specified repository |
OrganizationApiTokenApi | create_organization_api_token | POST /organization/{organizationId}/apiToken | Create an organization api token |
OrganizationApiTokenApi | delete_organization_api_token | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/apiToken/{apiTokenId} | Delete organization api token |
OrganizationApiTokenApi | list_organization_api_tokens | GET /organization/{organizationId}/apiToken | List organization api tokens |
OrganizationCustomRoleApi | create_organization_custom_role | POST /organization/{organizationId}/customRole | Create an organization custom role |
OrganizationCustomRoleApi | delete_organization_custom_role | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/customRole/{customRoleId} | Delete organization custom role |
OrganizationCustomRoleApi | edit_organization_custom_role | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/customRole/{customRoleId} | Edit an organization custom role |
OrganizationCustomRoleApi | get_organization_custom_role | GET /organization/{organizationId}/customRole/{customRoleId} | Get an organization custom role |
OrganizationCustomRoleApi | list_organization_custom_roles | GET /organization/{organizationId}/customRole | List organization custom roles |
OrganizationEventApi | get_organization_event_targets | GET /organization/{organizationId}/targets | Get available event targets to filter events |
OrganizationEventApi | get_organization_events | GET /organization/{organizationId}/events | Get all events inside the organization |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | create_git_token | POST /organization/{organizationId}/gitToken | Create a git token |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | create_organization | POST /organization | Create an organization |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | delete_git_token | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/gitToken/{gitTokenId} | Delete a git token |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | delete_organization | DELETE /organization/{organizationId} | Delete an organization |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | edit_git_token | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/gitToken/{gitTokenId} | Edit a git token |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | edit_organization | PUT /organization/{organizationId} | Edit an organization |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | get_git_token_associated_services | GET /organization/{organizationId}/gitToken/{gitTokenId}/associatedServices | Get organization git token associated services |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | get_organization | GET /organization/{organizationId} | Get organization by ID |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | get_organization_git_token | GET /organization/{organizationId}/gitToken/{gitTokenId} | Get organization git token |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | list_organization | GET /organization | List user organizations |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | list_organization_available_roles | GET /organization/{organizationId}/availableRole | List organization available roles |
OrganizationMainCallsApi | list_organization_git_tokens | GET /organization/{organizationId}/gitToken | List organization git tokens |
OrganizationWebhookApi | create_organization_webhook | POST /organization/{organizationId}/webhook | Create an organization webhook |
OrganizationWebhookApi | delete_organization_webhook | DELETE /organization/{organizationId}/webhook/{webhookId} | Delete organization webhook |
OrganizationWebhookApi | edit_organization_webhook | PUT /organization/{organizationId}/webhook/{webhookId} | Edit an organization webhook |
OrganizationWebhookApi | get_organization_webhook | GET /organization/{organizationId}/webhook/{webhookId} | Get an Organization webhook |
OrganizationWebhookApi | list_organization_web_hooks | GET /organization/{organizationId}/webhook | List organization webhooks |
ProjectDeploymentRuleApi | create_deployment_rule | POST /project/{projectId}/deploymentRule | Create a deployment rule |
ProjectDeploymentRuleApi | delete_project_deployment_rule | DELETE /project/{projectId}/deploymentRule/{deploymentRuleId} | Delete a project deployment rule |
ProjectDeploymentRuleApi | edit_project_deployemtn_rule | PUT /project/{projectId}/deploymentRule/{deploymentRuleId} | Edit a project deployment rule |
ProjectDeploymentRuleApi | get_project_deployment_rule | GET /project/{projectId}/deploymentRule/{deploymentRuleId} | Get a project deployment rule |
ProjectDeploymentRuleApi | list_project_deployment_rules | GET /project/{projectId}/deploymentRule | List project deployment rules |
ProjectDeploymentRuleApi | update_deployment_rules_priority_order | PUT /project/{projectId}/deploymentRule/order | Update deployment rules priority order |
ProjectEnvironmentVariableApi | create_project_environment_variable | POST /project/{projectId}/environmentVariable | Add an environment variable to the project |
ProjectEnvironmentVariableApi | create_project_environment_variable_alias | POST /project/{projectId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/alias | Create an environment variable alias at the project level |
ProjectEnvironmentVariableApi | create_project_environment_variable_override | POST /project/{projectId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId}/override | Create an environment variable override at the project level |
ProjectEnvironmentVariableApi | delete_project_environment_variable | DELETE /project/{projectId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Delete an environment variable from a project |
ProjectEnvironmentVariableApi | edit_project_environment_variable | PUT /project/{projectId}/environmentVariable/{environmentVariableId} | Edit an environment variable belonging to the project |
ProjectEnvironmentVariableApi | list_project_environment_variable | GET /project/{projectId}/environmentVariable | List project environment variables |
ProjectMainCallsApi | delete_project | DELETE /project/{projectId} | Delete a project |
ProjectMainCallsApi | edit_project | PUT /project/{projectId} | Edit a project |
ProjectMainCallsApi | get_project | GET /project/{projectId} | Get project by ID |
ProjectSecretApi | create_project_secret | POST /project/{projectId}/secret | Add a secret to the project |
ProjectSecretApi | create_project_secret_alias | POST /project/{projectId}/secret/{secretId}/alias | Create a secret alias at the project level |
ProjectSecretApi | create_project_secret_override | POST /project/{projectId}/secret/{secretId}/override | Create a secret override at the project level |
ProjectSecretApi | delete_project_secret | DELETE /project/{projectId}/secret/{secretId} | Delete a secret from a project |
ProjectSecretApi | edit_project_secret | PUT /project/{projectId}/secret/{secretId} | Edit a secret belonging to the project |
ProjectSecretApi | list_project_secrets | GET /project/{projectId}/secret | List project secrets |
ProjectsApi | create_project | POST /organization/{organizationId}/project | Create a project |
ProjectsApi | get_organization_project_stats | GET /organization/{organizationId}/project/stats | List total number of services and environments for each project of the organization |
ProjectsApi | list_project | GET /organization/{organizationId}/project | List projects |
ReferralRewardsApi | get_account_referral | GET /account/referral | Get your referral information |
ReferralRewardsApi | post_account_reward_claim | POST /account/rewardClaim | Claim a reward |
UserSignUpApi | create_user_sign_up | POST /admin/userSignUp | Send Sign Up request |
UserSignUpApi | get_user_sign_up | GET /admin/userSignUp | Get Sign up information |
VariableMainCallsApi | create_variable | POST /variable | Create a variable |
VariableMainCallsApi | create_variable_alias | POST /variable/{variableId}/alias | Create a variable alias |
VariableMainCallsApi | create_variable_override | POST /variable/{variableId}/override | Create a variable override |
VariableMainCallsApi | delete_variable | DELETE /variable/{variableId} | Delete a variable |
VariableMainCallsApi | edit_variable | PUT /variable/{variableId} | Edit a variable |
VariableMainCallsApi | import_environment_variables | POST /variable/import | Import variables |
VariableMainCallsApi | list_variables | GET /variable | List variables |
- APIVariableScopeEnum
- APIVariableTypeEnum
- AccountInfo
- AccountInfoEditRequest
- Application
- ApplicationAdvancedSettings
- ApplicationDeploymentRestriction
- ApplicationDeploymentRestrictionRequest
- ApplicationDeploymentRestrictionResponseList
- ApplicationEditRequest
- ApplicationGitRepository
- ApplicationGitRepositoryRequest
- ApplicationNetwork
- ApplicationNetworkRequest
- ApplicationRequest
- ApplicationResponseList
- AvailableContainerRegistryResponse
- AvailableContainerRegistryResponseList
- AvailableHelmRepositoryResponse
- AvailableHelmRepositoryResponseList
- AwsCredentialsRequest
- Backup
- BackupPaginatedResponseList
- BackupRequest
- BackupResponseList
- Base
- BaseJobResponse
- BaseJobResponseAllOfSource
- BaseJobResponseAllOfSourceOneOf
- BaseJobResponseAllOfSourceOneOf1
- BaseJobResponseAllOfSourceOneOf1Docker
- BillingEnd
- BillingExternalId
- BillingInfo
- BillingInfoRequest
- BillingPeriod
- BillingStart
- BillingStatus
- Budget
- BudgetThreshold
- BuildModeEnum
- BuildPackLanguageEnum
- CloneEnvironmentRequest
- CloneServiceRequest
- CloudProvider
- CloudProviderEnum
- CloudProviderResponseList
- Cluster
- ClusterAdvancedSettings
- ClusterCloudProviderInfo
- ClusterCloudProviderInfoCredentials
- ClusterCloudProviderInfoRequest
- ClusterCredentials
- ClusterCredentialsResponseList
- ClusterDeleteMode
- ClusterDeploymentStatusEnum
- ClusterFeature
- ClusterFeatureAcceptedValuesInner
- ClusterFeatureAwsExistingVpc
- ClusterFeatureGcpExistingVpc
- ClusterFeatureResponseList
- ClusterFeatureValue
- ClusterInstanceTypeResponseList
- ClusterInstanceTypeResponseListResultsInner
- ClusterLogs
- ClusterLogsDetails
- ClusterLogsError
- ClusterLogsErrorEventDetails
- ClusterLogsErrorEventDetailsTransmitter
- ClusterLogsErrorUnderlyingError
- ClusterLogsMessage
- ClusterLogsResponseList
- ClusterReadinessStatus
- ClusterRegion
- ClusterRegionResponseList
- ClusterRequest
- ClusterRequestFeaturesInner
- ClusterResponseList
- ClusterRoutingTable
- ClusterRoutingTableRequest
- ClusterRoutingTableResultsInner
- ClusterStateEnum
- ClusterStatus
- ClusterStatusGet
- ClusterStatusResponseList
- Commit
- CommitPaginatedResponseList
- CommitResponseList
- CommunityUsage
- CompanySizeEnum
- ContainerAdvancedSettings
- ContainerDeployRequest
- ContainerNetwork
- ContainerNetworkRequest
- ContainerRegistryKindEnum
- ContainerRegistryProviderDetailsResponse
- ContainerRegistryRequest
- ContainerRegistryRequestConfig
- ContainerRegistryResponse
- ContainerRegistryResponseAllOfCluster
- ContainerRegistryResponseList
- ContainerRequest
- ContainerResponse
- ContainerResponseList
- ContainerSource
- Cost
- CostRange
- CreateEnvironmentModeEnum
- CreateEnvironmentRequest
- Credentials
- CredentialsRequest
- CreditCard
- CreditCardRequest
- CreditCardResponseList
- CronJobResponse
- CronJobResponseAllOfSchedule
- CronJobResponseAllOfScheduleCronjob
- CurrentCost
- CustomDomain
- CustomDomainRequest
- CustomDomainResponseList
- CustomDomainStatusEnum
- Database
- DatabaseAccessibilityEnum
- DatabaseConfiguration
- DatabaseConfigurationResponseList
- DatabaseEditRequest
- DatabaseModeEnum
- DatabaseRequest
- DatabaseResponseList
- DatabaseTypeEnum
- DatabaseVersionMode
- DeleteMemberRequest
- DeployAllRequest
- DeployAllRequestApplicationsInner
- DeployAllRequestContainersInner
- DeployAllRequestHelmsInner
- DeployAllRequestJobsInner
- DeployRequest
- DeploymentHistory
- DeploymentHistoryApplication
- DeploymentHistoryContainer
- DeploymentHistoryDatabase
- DeploymentHistoryEnvironment
- DeploymentHistoryEnvironmentPaginatedResponseList
- DeploymentHistoryHelmResponse
- DeploymentHistoryHelmResponseAllOfRepository
- DeploymentHistoryJobResponse
- DeploymentHistoryJobResponseAllOfSchedule
- DeploymentHistoryPaginatedResponseList
- DeploymentHistoryResponseList
- DeploymentHistoryStatusEnum
- DeploymentRestrictionModeEnum
- DeploymentRestrictionTypeEnum
- DeploymentRuleRequest
- DeploymentStageRequest
- DeploymentStageResponse
- DeploymentStageResponseList
- DeploymentStageServiceResponse
- DeploymentStageWithServicesStatuses
- DoCredentialsRequest
- Environment
- EnvironmentAllOfCloudProvider
- EnvironmentApplicationsSupportedLanguage
- EnvironmentApplicationsSupportedLanguageList
- EnvironmentDeploymentRule
- EnvironmentDeploymentRuleEditRequest
- EnvironmentEditRequest
- EnvironmentLog
- EnvironmentLogPaginatedResponseList
- EnvironmentLogResponseList
- EnvironmentLogScope
- EnvironmentLogTypeEnum
- EnvironmentLogs
- EnvironmentLogsDetails
- EnvironmentLogsDetailsStage
- EnvironmentLogsDetailsTransmitter
- EnvironmentLogsError
- EnvironmentLogsErrorUnderlyingError
- EnvironmentLogsMessage
- EnvironmentModeEnum
- EnvironmentResponseList
- EnvironmentServiceIdsAllRequest
- EnvironmentStats
- EnvironmentStatsResponseList
- EnvironmentStatus
- EnvironmentStatusEventOriginEnum
- EnvironmentStatusList
- EnvironmentStatuses
- EnvironmentStatusesWithStages
- EnvironmentTotalNumber
- EnvironmentVariable
- EnvironmentVariableAlias
- EnvironmentVariableEditRequest
- EnvironmentVariableOverride
- EnvironmentVariableRequest
- EnvironmentVariableResponseList
- GcpCredentialsRequest
- GenericObjectCurrentCost
- GitAuthProvider
- GitAuthProviderResponseList
- GitProviderEnum
- GitRepository
- GitRepositoryBranch
- GitRepositoryBranchResponseList
- GitRepositoryResponseList
- GitTokenAssociatedServiceResponse
- GitTokenAssociatedServiceType
- GitTokenAssociatedServicesResponseList
- GitTokenRequest
- GitTokenResponse
- GitTokenResponseList
- Healthcheck
- HelmAdvancedSettings
- HelmDefaultValuesRequest
- HelmDeployRequest
- HelmDeploymentRestrictionRequest
- HelmDeploymentRestrictionResponse
- HelmDeploymentRestrictionResponseList
- HelmForceEvent
- HelmGitRepositoryRequest
- HelmPortProtocolEnum
- HelmPortRequest
- HelmPortRequestPortsInner
- HelmRepositoryKindEnum
- HelmRepositoryRequest
- HelmRepositoryRequestConfig
- HelmRepositoryResponse
- HelmRepositoryResponseList
- HelmRequest
- HelmRequestAllOfSource
- HelmRequestAllOfSourceOneOf
- HelmRequestAllOfSourceOneOf1
- HelmRequestAllOfSourceOneOf1HelmRepository
- HelmRequestAllOfValuesOverride
- HelmRequestAllOfValuesOverrideFile
- HelmRequestAllOfValuesOverrideFileGit
- HelmRequestAllOfValuesOverrideFileRaw
- HelmRequestAllOfValuesOverrideFileRawValues
- HelmResponse
- HelmResponseAllOfPorts
- HelmResponseAllOfSource
- HelmResponseAllOfSourceOneOf
- HelmResponseAllOfSourceOneOf1
- HelmResponseAllOfSourceOneOf1Repository
- HelmResponseAllOfSourceOneOf1RepositoryRepository
- HelmResponseAllOfSourceOneOfGit
- HelmResponseAllOfValuesOverride
- HelmResponseAllOfValuesOverrideFile
- HelmResponseAllOfValuesOverrideFileGit
- HelmResponseAllOfValuesOverrideFileRaw
- HelmResponseAllOfValuesOverrideFileRawValues
- HelmResponseList
- InviteMember
- InviteMemberRequest
- InviteMemberResponseList
- InviteMemberRoleEnum
- InviteStatusEnum
- Invoice
- InvoiceResponseList
- InvoiceStatusEnum
- JobAdvancedSettings
- JobDeployRequest
- JobDeploymentRestrictionRequest
- JobDeploymentRestrictionResponse
- JobDeploymentRestrictionResponseList
- JobForceEvent
- JobRequest
- JobRequestAllOfSchedule
- JobRequestAllOfScheduleCronjob
- JobRequestAllOfScheduleOnStart
- JobRequestAllOfSource
- JobRequestAllOfSourceDocker
- JobRequestAllOfSourceImage
- JobResponse
- JobResponseList
- JobScheduleEvent
- Key
- KubernetesEnum
- LifecycleJobResponse
- LifecycleJobResponseAllOfSchedule
- Link
- LinkResponseList
- LinkedServiceTypeEnum
- ListContainerDeploymentHistory200Response
- ListDatabaseDeploymentHistory200Response
- ListHelmDeploymentHistory200Response
- ListJobDeploymentHistory200Response
- Log
- LogPaginatedResponseList
- LogResponseList
- ManagedDatabaseInstanceTypeResponse
- ManagedDatabaseInstanceTypeResponseList
- ManagedDatabaseTypeResponse
- ManagedDatabaseTypeResponseList
- Member
- MemberResponseList
- MemberRoleUpdateRequest
- Name
- Organization
- OrganizationApiToken
- OrganizationApiTokenCreate
- OrganizationApiTokenCreateRequest
- OrganizationApiTokenResponseList
- OrganizationApiTokenScope
- OrganizationAvailableRole
- OrganizationAvailableRoleList
- OrganizationBillingUsageReportRequest
- OrganizationBillingUsageReportResponse
- OrganizationChangePlanRequest
- OrganizationContainerAutoDeployRequest
- OrganizationContainerPreviewRequest
- OrganizationCreditCodeRequest
- OrganizationCurrentCost
- OrganizationCustomRole
- OrganizationCustomRoleClusterPermission
- OrganizationCustomRoleClusterPermissionsInner
- OrganizationCustomRoleCreateRequest
- OrganizationCustomRoleList
- OrganizationCustomRoleProjectPermission
- OrganizationCustomRoleProjectPermissionsInner
- OrganizationCustomRoleUpdateRequest
- OrganizationCustomRoleUpdateRequestClusterPermissionsInner
- OrganizationCustomRoleUpdateRequestProjectPermissionsInner
- OrganizationCustomRoleUpdateRequestProjectPermissionsInnerPermissionsInner
- OrganizationEditRequest
- OrganizationEventOrigin
- OrganizationEventResponse
- OrganizationEventResponseList
- OrganizationEventResponseListLinks
- OrganizationEventSubTargetType
- OrganizationEventTargetResponseList
- OrganizationEventTargetType
- OrganizationEventType
- OrganizationGithubAppConnectRequest
- OrganizationJobAutoDeployRequest
- OrganizationRequest
- OrganizationResponseList
- OrganizationWebhookCreateRequest
- OrganizationWebhookCreateResponse
- OrganizationWebhookEventEnum
- OrganizationWebhookKindEnum
- OrganizationWebhookResponse
- OrganizationWebhookResponseList
- PaginationData
- PlanEnum
- PortProtocolEnum
- Probe
- ProbeType
- ProbeTypeExec
- ProbeTypeGrpc
- ProbeTypeHttp
- ProbeTypeTcp
- Project
- ProjectCurrentCost
- ProjectCurrentCostResponseList
- ProjectDeploymentRule
- ProjectDeploymentRuleRequest
- ProjectDeploymentRuleResponseList
- ProjectDeploymentRulesPriorityOrderRequest
- ProjectRequest
- ProjectResponseList
- ProjectStats
- ProjectStatsResponseList
- RebootServicesRequest
- ReferenceObject
- ReferenceObjectStatus
- ReferenceObjectStatusResponseList
- Referral
- RegistryMirroringModeEnum
- RemainingCredits
- RewardClaim
- ScalewayCredentialsRequest
- Secret
- SecretAlias
- SecretEditRequest
- SecretOverride
- SecretRequest
- SecretResponseList
- Service
- ServiceDeploymentStatusEnum
- ServicePort
- ServicePortRequest
- ServicePortRequestPortsInner
- ServiceResponseList
- ServiceStepMetric
- ServiceStepMetricNameEnum
- ServiceStepMetrics
- ServiceStorage
- ServiceStorageRequest
- ServiceStorageRequestStorageInner
- ServiceStorageStorageInner
- ServiceTotalNumber
- ServiceTypeEnum
- ServiceTypeForVariableEnum
- SignUp
- SignUpRequest
- Stage
- StageStepMetric
- StageStepMetricNameEnum
- StageStepMetrics
- StateEnum
- Status
- StatusKindEnum
- StepMetricStatusEnum
- StorageTypeEnum
- TransferOwnershipRequest
- TypeOfUseEnum
- UnexpectedError
- User
- UserResponseList
- Value
- VariableAlias
- VariableAliasRequest
- VariableEditRequest
- VariableImport
- VariableImportRequest
- VariableImportRequestVarsInner
- VariableImportSuccessfulImportedVariablesInner
- VariableOverride
- VariableOverrideRequest
- VariableRequest
- VariableResponse
- VariableResponseList
- Version
- VersionResponseList
- WeekdayEnum
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header