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QortalOS - torchieMATE - 64bit - 16GB FINAL - with Automation and no db

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@crowetic crowetic released this 16 Dec 02:04
· 3 commits to main since this release

---------------------------------------------------------------------QUICK START----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

note - ON FIRST START you will need to stop qortal or kill java (killing java is the easiest method) killall -9 java - Then EXPAND THE PARTITION, and RESTART. AFter that everything should take care of itself.

Use sudo raspi-config - advanced options - expand file system - to expand to size of whichever drive you image to, then restart.


'torchieMATE' is the latest of our customized linux kernels for the raspberry pi 4. This is likely to be the 'final' for at least some time, unless a big modification is needed. This release should make sure your Qortal Core is always updated, both 7 min after startup and at 1 AM every 5 days, a script will run to verify the release version's hash is the same as the one installed on the machine. If the hashes differ, the machine will update itself, and force itself to bootstrap, retaining all other data.

note - IF the machine DOES need an update, the 'auto-fix' script will do its work. During this time, since it is run with cron, you will not SEE anything on the screen. Therefore another script is included in case this scenario takes place called '' - placed on the Desktop. If you need to see what is going on and there is nothing obvious taking place on the screen, simply double-click that script and click 'run in terminal' - and it will give you details on both the current 'admin/status' API call, as well as what is currently happening in the Qortal logs.

This release is suitable to be run with or without a display, and has a very nice, customized GUI thanks to HFactor. The kernel customizations are done by Raz, and the final tweaks, automation scripts, and other modifications done by crowetic.

please NOTE - due to the tremendous amount of work that went into the customizations on the 'pi' user, the decision was made to leave it as 'pi' for this release. You may have noticed the headless version has a 'qortal' user.

----------------------------------------------------------------DEFAULT USER INFO---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For this release, the username/password defaults are:

Username - pi
Password - dmax911e

--------------------------------------------------------------------FINAL WORDS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Just like the previous NXT releases, etc... In the future I may re-work it so that the user will be 'qortal' like it is on the headless, but there are a TON of customisations to the pi account, so leaving it for now.

This version is FULL 64bit (ARM64) just like its headless predecessor, therefore supports ARRR. If you are a Linux user then you are better off with a full CLI based headless release.

All of the details from the headless release below regarding the kernel and its improvements, also apply to this release.

This release also includes a customised GUI done by HFactor, and some added modifications by crowetic and good stuff by Scare Crowe for ease of use and performance and debugging.

This is a NEW 16GB release that includes Qortal Core auto-start, new desktop icon to start Qortal (regardless of existing status, you can run this even if the auto-start is running, and it will still function.) - This version includes NO Qortal DB, but it includes FULL AUTOMATION via scripts by crowetic.

These scripts will automatically check if Qortal Core is up-to-date, then if it isn't, it will make sure it is, then automatically bootstrap. As times goes on the script will update to include more checks to ensure the node ALWAYS stays synchronized without any need to continually check on it.

This should be the 'final' release, unless future important changes are made.

The ONLY things that should need to be done 'manually' is sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade every once in a while to ensure all other packages stay updated.


16GB 'FINAL' fully automated release

  • Includes Qortal Core auto-start and automatic fix scripts if the core falls behind in version.
  • Users will need to killall -9 java upon FIRST START, and sudo raspi-confg and use 'advanced options' to 'expand partition', then restart device, after that EVERYTHING IS AUTOMATED. The core should take care of itself completely, and the UI uses AppImage version that also takes care of itself.

MD5 Hash -f246e28d7d8911e3b5b0085b2261966f Qortal-OS-torchieMATE-64bit-QORTector-FINAL-16GB-12.15.2022.7z

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