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Damian Serwin edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 5 revisions

Running daemon


Daemon use YAML configuration file that is specified as an argument after server command. You can find out more about configuration by inspecting conf/local.yml or conf/memory.yml.

Fat jar

To run cyclone daemon on your local environment you have to download the source code and build the fat jar. To do this you need to have maven and java 8 configured. Clone the repository and checkout the newest version using the git tag and git checkout <tag>.

One line to build them all.

git clone && git checkout 0.4 && mvn clean package

To start the deamon run the uber jar produced in target/ directory.

java -jar target/cyclone-examples-0.4.jar server conf/local.yml

Next go to the browser of your choice and access the Cyclone UI on http://localhost:8080/



To have cyclone running on the docker you need to have working PostgreSQL instance. Inside cyclone repository there is a docker compose file prepared. You can run it with single docker compose command: docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d postgres

Docker registry

The Cyclone is already available in the docker hub for your convenience.


Pull the latest image from the registry and run it using docker-compose.

docker pull cempaka/cyclone:0.4 && docker run -it -p 8080:8000 --network docker_default cempaka/cyclone:0.4

Building docker image

It is also possible to build the newest version of cyclone and run it from docker. To do so execute mvn clean package -Pdocker and run the image as before.


There is a full docker compose file for setting up the whole environment with docker and the newest cyclone image in docker/docker-compose.yml.

cd docker/ && docker-compose up -d

To scale number of cyclones use the scale command.

docker-compose scale cyclone=3
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