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This repository contains only the pre-built binary for running hummus in an AWS Lambda function. This is so you can deploy hummus to a Lambda function from a Windows machine.
To do so:
npm install hummus --save
npm install lambda-hummus --save
copy node_modules/hummus/binding/hummus.node node_modules/hummus/binding/hummus_backupForMyOS.node
copy node_modules/lambda-hummus/binding/hummus.node node_modules/hummus/binding/hummus.node
And then deploy your lambda function as you would normally.
- Use Version 2 for AWS Lambda Node 8.10.0+
- Use Version 3 for AWS Lambda Node 10.16.3+
- Use Version 4 for AWS Lambda Node 12.18.2+
- Use Version 5.0.4 for AWS Lambda Node 14.17.0+