driving detection and producting
- Install the Freematics device to car.
- To pair the Freematics with RPi, then run the following command in a terminal:
sudo rfcomm bind 0 24:0A:C4:06:50:2A 2
This will bind the Freematics device to /dev/rfcomm0 on channel 2.
Afterwards, /dev/rfcomm0 can be read like any serial device. (this step can be run with shell script when pi startup)
- To pair the Freematics with RPi, then run the following command in a terminal:
sudo rfcomm bind 0 24:0A:C4:06:50:2A 2
This will bind the Freematics device to /dev/rfcomm0 on channel 2.
- Start OBD run the EventDetect.py
required python3.5
1.install python packages needed in program:
- xlrd
- xlwd
- xlutils
- pip install --user numpy
- pip install --user scipy or sudo apt-get install python3-scipy
- pip install --user pandas
- pip install --user joblib
- pip install --user -U scikit-learn
- pip install --user pymysql
- pip install --user gensim
- pip install --user stop_words
- pip install --user nltk
- pip install --user fuzzywuzzy
2.startup bluetooth
- set up shell script for bluetooth
run chmod 777 testboot.sh
add command to rc.local at /etc/rc.local - Or copy shell script to /etc/init.d
run sudo update-rc.d script defaults 95
sudo systemctl enable bluetoothconn.service
- set up shell script for bluetooth
Arduino Install lib
https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries?setlang=cn -
Rasp pi connect bluetooth
https://blog.csdn.net/bona020/article/details/52141363 -
Excel analyze data
https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/203882457.html -
context.get counter in java script
https://blog.csdn.net/geek_monkey/article/details/80751284 -
Node-red write function
https://nodered.org/docs/writing-functions -
freematics data logger
https://freematics.com/pages/hub/freematics-data-logging-format/ -
freematics library
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