DISCLAIMER : The Scripts are not tested therefore use it on your own risk. our team will be not resposible for any damage.
You can contribute by adding new scripts, improving current scripts or documentation. Here are some instructions before making a Pull Request:
- Create an issue for making any changes to code. When the issue is approved you can make changes.
- Pull latest change from upstream branch before starting the changing of code.
- Add your file in a properly named directory (lowercase)
- Use Flake8 locally for linting Python Code. (We have linting checks so if your code fails it we will not merge the PR.)
pip install flake8
- Add pytest/unittest if possible
- Add README.md for your script instructions to run the script with required dependencies.
- Script should be in plugin format. (if possible, it will be great)
- π READ Contributions Guidelines at CONTRIBUTING.md
- Help us improve scripts. Report bugs here