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PxWeb ApiMentioned in Awesome Official Statistics

This is the official source code repository for PxWebApi. PxWeb is a nice web application for dissemination of statistical tables please read more abou it at the official web page on Statistics Sweden web site at

Current activities

We are currently developing PxWebApi 2.0

Development notes

curl -i -H "API_ADMIN_KEY: test" -X 'PUT'  https://localhost:8443/api/v2/admin/database
curl -i -H "API_ADMIN_KEY: test" -X 'POST' https://localhost:8443/api/v2/admin/searchindex
curl -i -H "API_ADMIN_KEY: test" -X 'PATCH' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '["TAB001", "TAB004"]' https://localhost:8443/api/v2/admin/searchindex

Code formatting

We use dotnet format to clean the source code. The build pipeline aslo checks for formatting error.

If you don't want to manually run dotnet format or Code Cleanup in Visual Studio you can use git pre-commit. After installing pre-commit for your operating system, run pre-commit installfrom the root of this repo and you're done.

The rules for formatting are set in the .editorconfig file. Visual Studio supports this automatically, and for VS Code we have the EditorConfig extension. More information on EditorConfig