Documentation for the PxApi
When creating a PR for updatedating PxAPI-2.yml please use the following command to also include changes in generated server code.
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v7.11.0 generate -i /local/PxAPI-2.yml -g aspnetcore -c /local/aspnetcore-generator-config.yml -o /local
Replace ${PWD}
with $(pwd)
when running on Linux
This api lets you do 2 things; Find a table(Navigation) and use a table (Table).
Table below is added to show how tables can be described in yml.
Status code | Description | Reason |
200 | Success | The endpoint has delivered response for the request |
400 | Bad request | If the request is not valid |
403 | Forbidden | number of cells exceed the API limit |
404 | Not found | If the URL in request does not exist |
429 | Too many request | Requests exceed the API time limit. Large queries should be run in sequence |
50X | Internal Server Error | The service might be down |
NuGet packages get frequently updated.
To upgrade this solution to the latest version of all NuGet packages, use the dotnet-outdated tool.
Install dotnet-outdated tool:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-outdated-tool
Upgrade only to new minor versions of packages
dotnet outdated --upgrade --version-lock Major
Upgrade to all new versions of packages (more likely to include breaking API changes)
dotnet outdated --upgrade
Linux/OS X: