This is a simple implementation of a little Simply Typed Lambda Calculus. It is based of the wonderful (but unfortunately unfinished) book from Stephen Diehl : Write You A Haskell.
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Evaluate a simple expression right away.
$ npm run --silent stlc eval "(\x : Int . x) 42"
42 : Int
Or fire up the repl altogether and start playing with the language.
$ npm run --silent stlc repl
λ> (\x : Int . x) 42
42 : Int
λ> .exit
This is a light version of simply typed lambda calculus. There are only 3 types : Int, Bool, Function (->)
Some basic operators are also implemented:
(both prefix for negation and infix for substraction)*
And the if ... then ... else ...
Lambda for function application and its arguments:
(\f : Int -> Int . \x : Int . f x) (\n : Int . 10 * n) 5
This would be the not
(\b : Bool . if b then False else True)
Less than or equal:
(\n : Int . \m : Int . n < m || n == m)