Live Demo Link:
Installing Magnificent UI is very easy!
There are two ways in which you could do so.
@import url("");
Use Typography to format the text of your website.
You will find the following types of Typography on
Font and its CDN
An alert displays a short and important message in a way that attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task.
You will find the following types of Alert on
Basic and Descriptive Alert
- Info Alert
- Success Alert
- Warning Alert
- Error Alert
- Dissmissable Alert
Buttons allow users to take action and make choices with a single press.
You will find the following types of Button on
Standard Button
- Primary Button
- Secondary Button
- Success Button
- Warning Button
Outlined Buttons
- Primary Outline Button
- Secondary Outline Button
- Success Outline Button
- Warning Outline Button
Icon and Icon with Label Button
Floating Action Icon and Link Button
Avatar can be used to show a user's profile picture on the profile information page, on the navigation bar, and in blogs grid items.
You will find the following types of Avatar on
Standard Round Avatars
Round Avatars with Status
Text Avatars
Badges are small status descriptors for UI elements. A badge consists of a small circle, typically containing a number or other short set of characters, that appears in proximity to another object.
You will find the following types of Badge on
Badge with Text
Badge with Button
Badge with Icon
Cards are used to display content and action on a particular topic. It provides a flexible and extensible content container with multiple variants and options.
You will find the following types of Card on
Vertical Cards
Horizontal Cards
Cards with badges
Cards with dismiss button
Cards with text overlay
Text only cards
Shopping Cards Vertical
Shopping Cards Horizontal
Shopping Cards Variant: Cart
Image components are used when you need to display pictures.
You will find the following types of Image on
Responsive Image
Responsive Round Image
The Input HTML element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user.
You will find the following types of Input on
- Text Input
- Email Input (required field)
- Password Input (required field)
- Number Input
- Date Input (dd/mm/yyyy)
- File Upload Input
- Telephone Number Input
- Slider Input
- Radio Input
- Checkbox Input
Snackbar provides brief messages about app processes at the bottom of the screen.
You will find it on
Lists are used to display content in an ordered manner.
You will find it on
Menu List
Stacked List
The modal component provides a solid foundation for creating dialogs. popovers, lightboxes, or whatever else.
You will find it on
Ratings provide insight regarding others' opinions and experiences, and can allow the user to submit a rating of their own.
You will find it on
Grid helps users to better understand the information as it's shown in a more structured and logical way.
You will find the following types of Grid on
2 Item Grid
3 Item Grid
Navigation bar is used to navigate through the web apps or websites.
You will find it on
Slider allows user to make a selection of a value from a range of values.
You will find it on
Theme can be toggled between light mode and dark mode by clicking the toggle located at the top-right corner of every page.
Theme will remain persistent between different browser sessions. (Implemented local storage to store theme memory)
- First: Clone the repository by running the command in your terminal.
git clone
A directory named "Magnificent-UI" will be created on your machine.
Go to the index.html and use the live server to run the project.