CIMC is a 16-bit, loosely PC/x86 based redstone computer in Minecraft. The project aims to be as scalable as possible.
The computer uses our own cx16
16-bit CPU:
- 4 general-purpose registers
- Arithmetic operations
- Add, subtract, multiply (wit 32-bit output!), divide, AND, OR, XOR, shift left, shift right
- Reserved: Floating point !!
- Stack
- Simple x86 paging based virtual memory (64 KiB addressable memory, 512 B pages)
- 16 I/O ports, 16-bit parallel bus
- 8 external interrupts
- CPU exceptions
- 2 user accessible interrupts
- 384B built-in BIOS ROM
- CPU identification (CPUID)
7.625 KiB (7808 B) of RAM
- 256 I/O ports
- 16 IRQs
- 16-bit parallel I/O bus
- Special fast I/O bus ("Fast I/O")
- Full DMA system
Graphics adapter and display
- Monitor (128x64, redstone lamp)
- Text mode with ability to load custom font
Mass storage (64 KiB)
- 8 parallel 8 KiB-blocks "partitions" (effectively 7, one is for name registry)
- Filesystem acceleration with directory structure
- A maximum of 512 files (65535 IDs)
- 12-character names (the last character is for extension)
Sound adapter
- 256 sound blocks for each speaker
- A maximum of ?? parallel channels
- 3-Speaker Dynamic Sound Distribution (DSD) for minimizing delays
- 32B shift buffer for each channel
(Almost) full keyboard (QWERTY)
- Caps Lock, Alt, Control, Shift control keys
- Programmable Interval Timer (PIT)
- Programmable interrupt controller (PIC), with interrupt masking
- Real Time Clock - for querying MC time
- Device Info (DI) interface used to detect and query device capabilities
- Power Management Interface (PMI) for managing power state.
- Support for Shutdown & Reboot.
- Support for Power & Reset Buttons
- Support for Power & HDD "LEDs"
Additional features ;)
- Full-pledged chassis
- CPU and chassis fan
- Network adapter
- BIOS / Bootloader
- Ability to load kernel from file (thanks to FS acceleration)
- Simple operating system (VERY loosely Unix-based)
- Up to 3 processes (shell, command, worker) + kernel, not preemptive for now
- File descriptors (up to ?? per process)
- Standard streams
- Simple shell with Unix-like commands
- Applications
- Text editor
- Calculator
- Paint
- Hex editor
- Some game
- CIMC demo, showing various features of the computer.
See spec/OS/os-extensions.txt for details.
- Font, up to 256 characters (.ttf)
- Sound, up to 32B per channel (.mp3, .sig)
- Graphics, up to 16x16 (.cgr)
- Animation, up to 16x16, 8 frames (.gif)
- Executable - "normal" executable, library, object file (.exe, .obj)
- ASCII (.txt, .msg, .cpp, .sh, .asm)
NOTE: Currently all development software works only on Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 20.04)
Full cx16 emulator -- WIP
Compiler/toolchain (C-based) -- WIP
Font generator (from image file) -- TODO
Sound generator (from MIDI) -- TODO
Full specification of entire architecture -- WIP
Because the worlds starts to lag, we must to find out a way a minimize it.
Possible ways are:
- Some no-lag plugin
- Custom MC server/MC client? - info about creating operating systems - FAT12 specification - Full spec of x86