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PulseTile version - built with React Admin - using Lerna repo structure


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General information

PulseTile - open-source UX / UI framework for healthcare - version based on React Admin , using a Lerna monorepository.

PulseTile-RA functionality includes:

  • Core Framework - Pages (Business Intelligence, Multipatient View, Single Patient View etc.);
  • Plugins aka Tiles (Allergies, Medications, Problems, Vaccinations etc.);
  • Tools (Advanced patients search, Patients search by Clinical Query, Contrast Mode, UserTour etc.).

This repository also includes five different versions of PulseTile-RA project:

Each project has unique set of plugins, pages and available tools. The main idea of this project is using general package pulsetile-react-admin to create a lot of different application versions.


This project is based on two main technologies: React-Admin and Lerna.

React-Admin is a framework based on ReactJS-library. It adapted especially for CMS development. More information about React-Admin you can find in ReadMe-files of the projects.

Lerna is a tool for multi-package projects managing. Besides this, it gives possibility to create a lot of versions of the project in one repository.


If you want to install PulseTile-RA locally, you should check that following modules are installed at your local machine globally:

$ npm -v           //  3.5.2 and more
$ node -v          //  8.10.0 and more
$ yarn -v          //  1.16.0 and more
$ git --version    //  2.17.1 and more

If any of these modules are absent at your local machine, you should install them.

Next clone the project from GitHub:

$ git clone

Install all required modules:

$ cd PulseTile-RA-Lerna   // Project directory
$ yarn install

Bootstrap all your Lerna-packages:

$ lerna bootstrap

Create a build of pulsetile-react-admin package:

$ cd packages/pulsetile-react-admin
$ npm run build

After those steps your project will be ready for work.

Project structure

Structure of this project is described below:

|--- packages
|------- pulsetile-react-admin
|--- projects
|------- helm
|------- london
|------- nodered
|------- scotland
|----------- build
|----------- public
|----------- src 
|---------------- custom
|---------------- images
|---------------- App.js
|---------------- index.js
|----------- package.json
|------- showcase

There are two main directories: packages/ and projects/.

The packages/ directory includes pulsetile-react-admin package. It also includes all possible plugins, pages and tools of PulseTile-RA.

All versions in the projects/ directory are based on pulsetile-react-admin package. Each version has index.js - it is a root file of project version.

custom/ and images/ directories include custom Layout with Topbar, Sidebar and Footer.

App.js is used to import pulsetile-react-admin package and set all required settings for the current version. These settings are described below.

Data exchange

Data exchange between client and server sides in PulseTile-RA-Lerna is realized by two tools:

  • in Data Provider;
  • in custom actions, reducers and sagas.

Data provider (for plugins)

Data Provider is used for typical operations in plugins (like Allergies, Contacts, Medications etc.):

  • show list of items for table, chart or timeline (GET_LIST);
  • show information about separate item (GET_ONE);
  • create new item (CREATE);
  • update information about item (UPDATE).

Each of this operations has typical parameters:

  • URL forming principle;
  • request options;
  • request and response data structures.

Information about request and response structures for all plugins are described in the Documentation.

Data provider (for authorization)

Authorization provider is a special case of data provider. It provides user login and logout actions.

IMPORTANT! When you create a new project, your project uses data provider from pulsetile-react-admin by default. But if you want, you can create custom data provider (as for plugins, as for authorization) and pass it as property to pulsetile-react-admin package. Examples of projects with the custom data providers are:

Custom data exchange functionality

As you can see, data provider (as default, as custom) can be used only for typical operations. It isn't enough for application, which have a lot of functionality besides working with plugins and authorization.

For this reason PulseTile-RA-Lerna has a possibility to run custom request to the server side. In this case as custom we mean each request, which can't be realized by available in data provider actions.

The package pulsetile-react-admin has custom actions, reducers and sagas. The using of actions, sagas and reducers in PulseTile-RA-Lerna is similar to principles of ReactJS.

All custom reducers are combined in an object and passed to main <Admin /> component by a property customReducers.

All custom sagas are also united in an array and passed to main <Admin /> component by a property customSagas.

IMPORTANT! If your project is needed in request to the server side, which hasn't been realized in pulsetile-react-admin before, you should do following:

  • create all required actions for you request (action example);
  • create new reducer and described rules for each action (reducer example);
  • add new reducer to combined object (example);
  • create new sagas and described rules for each request (sagas example);
  • add new sagas to common array (example);
  • add your action, which should be initialized to export of package;

After this operations your new action will be available in your project by:

import { yourActionName } from "pulsetile-react-admin";

Version parameters

Let's look inside App.js file of nodered version:

// projects/nodered/src/App.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { App, PatientSummaryPage } from "pulsetile-react-admin";
import * as themeConfiguration from "./custom/themeConfig";
import CustomLayout from "./custom/Layout";
class Core extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
 export default Core;

App is a root component of application. It is imported from pulsetile-react-admin package. This component has following properties:

themeConfiguration is an object that includes:

  • themeShortMenu is an array of short menu (for the pages Charts, Patients List and Business Intelligence);
  • themeFullMenu is an array of full menu (for all other pages);
  • themeCommonElements is a list of settings that can be enabled or disabled (look at the list below);
  • themeImages is a list of images that can be set in project (look at the list below);
  • pagesList is a list of visible pages. List of all possible pages is presented here;
  • pluginsList is a list of visible plugins. List of all possible plugins is presented here;
  • pluginsOnlyForReview is a list of plugins, where user can only review the list of items, but can't edit them or create new item.

CustomLayout parameter should define custom layout component. It is located in custom/ directory.

CustomHomepage parameter should define component of Homepage. It has URL http://{yourDomain}/#/. User comes to login page after authorization. By default Homepage is Charts page.

isAuthAbsent (false by default). If it true, user will come to the homepage without authorization.

isNodeRedVersion (false by default). If it true, package will use NodeRed data provider instead of default.

List of themeImages

Let's look at themeImages object:

import BackgroundImage from "../images/background.jpg";
import logo from "../images/pulsetile-logo.png";
export const themeImages = {
    backgroundImage: BackgroundImage,
    logo: logo,

It can have two parameters: backgroundImage and logo. The first sets background image, and the second sets logo on it. For example, let's look at OneLondon version:

Background image and Logo

Images should be located inside /projects/{projectName}/images directory.

List of themeCommonElements

This object includes following properties:

  • isQwedVersion/isNodeRedVersion - boolean that define type of data provider (NodeRed or QWED);
  • menuHasChevrons (false by default) - to set right chevrons near menu items:


  • isFooterAbsent (false by default) - to hide Footer;

  • isTableHeaderIcon (false by default) - to set icons on Patient Summary panels:


... and on Table Headers:


  • patientSummaryPermission (false by default) - trigger Patient Access Disclaimer popup:


  • patientListColumnToggling (false by default) - allow user hide or show columns at the patients list:


  • isPatientListCount (false by default) - boolean that display additional columns at Patients list:


  • redirectToPlugin (false by default) - allow to redirect user at the chosen plugin page;


  • feedsSelectors and feedsPanels set the component that should be used for Feeds Selectors


... and Feeds panels on Patient Summary page:


These two settings are used only if current project version has Feeds.

  • homePage set which component should be used as Home page (Charts page by default);

  • respectPanel set the component that should be used for ReSPECT-plugin panel on the Patient Summary page.


These setting are used only if current project version has ReSPECT-plugin.

  • hasPatientSummaryRoll (false by default).

If false we see Patient Summary table:


If true we see roll view at the Patient Summary page:


  • patientIdLabel (false by default).

This parameter gets possibility to set patient ID label:


By default this parameter is false, and patient ID label is NHS No.:


  • showPatientsAge (false by default)

This option set visible patient age at the patients list:


  • isCreateButtonInverted (false by default)

This option gives possibility to set inverted view for create button, with "Add new" label:


By default this button has following view:


  • isPatientSystemInformationAbsent (false by default)

This option gives possibility to hide System Information panel from patient details:


How can I create new project version?

If you want to create new project version, you should do the following:

  • Create new directory inside projects/
$ cd projects
$ mkdir {myProjectName}
$ cd {myProjectName}
  • Copy public/ directory from any other project version (including all required fonts, icons, favicon and index.html file).

  • Create package.json file inside {myProjectName} directory. You can copy package.json file from any other project version, but after this you should set name of your project:

// projects/{myProjectName}/package.json

  "name": {myProjectName},
  "version": "1.0.0",
  • Create index.js file similar to any other version:
// projects/{myProjectName}/index.js

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';

  <App />,
  • Create App.js file without settings:
// projects/{myProjectName}/App.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import { App } from "pulsetile-react-admin";

class Core extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <App />

export default Core;
  • Bootstrap new project as Lerna-package:
$ cd ../.. 
$ lerna bootstrap
  • After new project was bootstrap, you should re-install all required dependencies:
$ yarn install
  • After you install all dependencies, you can see that node_modules/ was added to your new projects directory. So, you can try to run your application locally:
$ npm start
  • You would see, that your application started successfully, but at that time you won't see plugins pages of application. To set them, you should add theme configuration settings.

  • Create projects/{myProjectName}/custom/themeConfig.js file and add some settings here:

import { Charts } from "pulsetile-react-admin";

export const themeShortMenu = [
    { id: 'menu-charts',   url: '/',         label: 'Charts' },
    { id: 'menu-patients', url: '/patients', label: 'Patients' },

export const themeFullMenu = [
    { id: 'menu-summary',       url: '/summary',       label: 'Patient Summary' },
    { id: 'menu-problems',      url: '/problems',      label: 'Problems / Issues' },
    { id: 'menu-medications',   url: '/medications',   label: 'Medications' },
    { id: 'menu-allergies',     url: '/allergies',     label: 'Allergies' },
    { id: 'menu-contacts',      url: '/contacts',      label: 'Contacts' },

export const themeCommonElements = {
    isQwedVersion: true,
    homePage: Charts,

export const themeImages = {};

export const pagesList = [

export const pluginsList = [

export const pluginsOnlyForReview = [];

... and import this file in App.js:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import { App } from "pulsetile-react-admin";
import * as themeConfiguration from "./custom/themeConfig";

class Core extends Component {
  render() {
    return (

export default Core;

If you update npm start, you would see, that pages Charts and Patients are visible. Plugins Allergies, Contacts, Problems and Medications are visible too.

  • Customize your project according to examples in other versions. Default Topbar, Sidebar and Footer are similar to Showcase-version.

How to set theme colors

Color palette is set in projects/{myProjectName}/public/index.html. All settings are located inside window.config and available in each component of your application:

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.config = {
    domainName: "http://{yourDomainName}",
    isOldDesign: false,
    isRectangleButtons: false,
    lightPalette: {
      mainColor: "#ff5d00",
      secondaryMainColor: "#ff5d00",
      tableHeadColor: "#e9e4e4",
      dangerColor: "#da534f",
      disabledColor: "#e9e4e4",
      borderColor: "#e5e5e5",
      paperColor: "#fff",
      toolbarColor: "#e5e5e5",
      fontColor: "#3E3E3E",
      viewButton: "#ff5d00",
      topbarButton: "#757575",
      menuItemsColor: "#3E3E3E",
    darkPalette: {
      mainColor: "#000",
      secondaryMainColor: "#000",
      tableHeadColor: "#e8e8e8",
      dangerColor: "#da534f",
      disabledColor: "#e9e4e4",
      borderColor: "#000",
      paperColor: "#fff",
      toolbarColor: "#fff",
      fontColor: "#000",
      viewButton: "#000",
      topbarButton: "#000",
      menuItemsColor: "#000",

First of all, you should set your domain name. It will be used for all requests to the server side.

Parameters isOldDesign and isRectangleButtons should be false.

You can see, that project has two palette of colors - light and dark. Light palette is used by default. Dark palette can be used if user switch on contrast mode by the clicking on the icon in the Topbar.

Which colors can we set here:

  • mainColor and secondaryMainColor should be equal if isOldDesign is false, and different in opposite case. These parameters can set the main color of your project version;
  • tableHeadColor set the color of table headers:


  • dangerColor set the color of Cancel and Decline buttons:




  • disabledColor set a color of disabled fields;


  • borderColor set a color of block borders;

  • paperColor is used for light background;

  • fontColor set a color of the text at light background;

  • toolbarColor set a color of tables and forms toolbars;

  • viewButton set a color of View button which redirects user from Patients list to Patient Summary page:



  • topbarButton set a color of right-corner buttons in topbar (Contrast mode and User panel buttons):




  • buttonsColor set a color of pagination buttons, logout button, edit button etc.



  • breadcrumbsColor set a color of breadcrumbs:



  • selectedTableRowColor set color of selected row in the table:


  • menuItemsColor set a color of menu items:




If you want, you can add your custom settings to the palette.


PulseTile version - built with React Admin - using Lerna repo structure







No releases published


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Contributors 3
