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Unicode UTF 8 characters for TitleManager

Tarkan Nielsen edited this page Jan 7, 2017 · 3 revisions

How to solve issues with Unicode / UTF-8 characters in TitleManager

This is not much of an issue on *nix systems such as Linux & OS X, however, Windows is suffering a lot so chances are that, if your main server is running Linux or OS X, you won't have this issue.

To fix the issue, you'll have to save your file with the file encoding UTF-8, here's how to do it on multiple different editors.

Sublime Text

File > Save with Encoding > UTF-8


Edit > Select Encoding > UTF-8


Encoding > Encode in UTF-8
Encoding > Convert to UTF-8

If the above method didn't work, then try the below method.

Editing your launch script

I'll be assuming that you have full control of your launch script in this step. You'll have to add the parameter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to your launch script, here's an example:

Example #1 java -jar spigot.jar would be java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar spigot.jar

Example #2 java -Xms=256M -Xmx=1024M -jar spigot.jar would be java -Xms=256M -Xms=1024M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar spigot.jar