Validate Stack
aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://./s3/s3.yaml
Deploy Stack
aws cloudformation deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --stack-name S3 --template-file s3/s3.yaml
- Create AWS Account by new Email
- Create IAM User: deploy with Administrator Access Permission
- Update AWS Credential in Github Organization Secrets
- Update Stack
- s3
- new s3 bucket name
- add bucket policy to old bucket
- redis
- Update engine version
- acm
- Certificate Approval
- cloudwatch
- copy dashboard source from console to
- copy dashboard source from console to
- opensearch
- migrate opensearch and dashboard setting
- Update opensearch version
- s3
- tag
to initial environment - migrate ptt-alertor
- service-ptt-alertor
- push image to ECR
- stop service in former account
- update ECS Service's Number of tasks to 0
- docker stop container
- dynamodb
- create DynamoDBCrossAccessRole in old account and add new account in trust entity
- use glue job to migrate db from old account to new account
- migrate redis db
- DNS change
- update ptt-alertor task definition
- service-ptt-alertor
- deactivate former account