cd server-side
run "npm install" to install all dependencies
run "nodemon" to start the server running on port 5000
cd client-side
run "npm install" to install all dependencies
run "npm start" to start the the development server, you should now be able to view the app on the browser at "localhost:3000"
- Ensure to start the server first so the frontend can call the api successfully without failing.
- Typescript
- Node
- React
- Handles 100, 000s of rows.
- Generic, reusable API that abstracts away the underlying implementation.
- Light backend that serves up the data
- Allow sorting by clicking on columns
- Auto-sizes columns based on cell content
- Edit cell content.
- Ability to delete rows
Construct a re-usable datagrid component in React supported bv a light-weiaht server usina node.js
- Typescript
- Node
- React
Please don't use a 3rd party data grid library.
- Handles 100, 000s of rows.
- Generic, reusable API that abstracts away the underlying implementation.
- Light backend that serves up the data
- Allow sorting by clicking on columns
These are ontional. do as manny as vou can/want
- Auto-sizes columns based on cell content
- Resizable / draggable columns
- Edit cell content.
- Ability to delete rows
- Tests
Please share your code in a repo.
Please indicate in the README which requirements were implemented.
You should see this challenge as a way to showcase your software engineering skills in a professional environment.