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Ashwin Hegde edited this page Feb 26, 2015 · 2 revisions

Protocore comes with Grunt ecosystem - a JavaScript task runner to perform repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting etc. Many of the tasks you need are already available as published Grunt plugins.

Few task automations has been configured to detect errors and potential problems in codebase and to enforce your team's coding conventions.

Following are the default Grunt plugins that has been integrated with Protocore codebase.

Individual tasks

Grunt Plugin Command Task Performed
grunt-htmlhint grunt htmllint Detect errors and issues for HTML documents for index.html and templates.
grunt-contrib-csslint grunt csslint Detect errors and issues for CSS stylesheets.
grunt-contrib-jshint grunt jshint Detect errors and issues for JavaScript.
grunt-jscs-checker grunt jscs Detect unwanted spacing etc. for JavaScript.
grunt-contrib-less grunt less:readyMade Compile all the less files. The files which comes with third party libraries or frameworks like Bootstrap 3.0
grunt-contrib-less grunt less:customMade Compile all the less files. The files which created by users as their custom stylesheets.
grunt-contrib-watch grunt watch Keep watch on less folders & files. Any changes in less file will automatically compile all the less files.
grunt-contrib-qunit grunt qunit Perform unit testing.

Combine tasks

Command Task performed
grunt default Executing this command will perform the task to detect errors and issues for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and less compilation to CSS. It includes jshint, jscs, htmlhint, csslint, less:readyMade, less:customMade.
grunt build Executing this command will perform the default task including clear and building production build.
grunt compileless Executing this command will perform only less compilation to CSS which includes two sub-task less:readyMade, less:customMade.
grunt tests Executing this command will perform unit testing.
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