Hi! This is my attempt at programming in general, much less using Git and Github (which, when I had nothing to contribute, was extremely hard btw). This program is going to be by no means professional or “traditional,” to how the normal programs go, but that’s because it is my first try. I have made this project public so that some people may help me not only in the Python program, but using Git, common programming practices I should know about, how to make my code efficient, etc.
You may find it hard to use the code because it is specific to a college-specific web app called “OASIS.” If that’s the case and you want to help me contribute, please feel free to contact me.
Setup as a Python app:
1: Unzip file to somewhere you can find it
2: Open Terminal (bash)
3: Change into directory of project
4: Enter "source venv/bin/activate" (without the quotes) then hit enter/return
5: Enter "python setup.py py2app" (without the quotes)
6: The app should be found in the dist folder in the same directory. Have fun!
Thanks in advance!!