This repository holds the codified infrastructure to deploy a public influx v1.7 database which holds the default heat demand profiles.
The database has been configured with authentication and a single user 'public' is configured with READ privileges. A reverse proxy is added for https support as well as adding the credentials of 'public' to any requests to /query so any query received is performed as if the credentials for 'public' were also configured. In other words, requests from users do not have to contain credentials.
All other influxdb endpoints such as /ping, /debug and /write are blocked by the reverse proxy. All authentication methods such as providing basic authorization headers or providing a username and password through query parameters are blocked.
The goal of this database is to be a read-only database.
Setup may be performed by creating a .env
and filling the necessary parameters:
cp .env-template .env
# Change the values in .env
The database is configured upon initialization and all data is loaded as well. To run this system all that is needed:
docker compose up -d
The system may be stopped:
docker compose stop
Or completely cleaned up:
docker compose down -v
This should suggest as it reads only data:
./influx -host -port 80 -database energy_profiles -execute 'SELECT * FROM "WarmingUp default profiles"'
./influx -host -port 80 -database energy_profiles -execute 'SELECT * FROM "Space Heat default profiles"'
These should not work as they create changes in the database:
./influx -host -port 80 -database energy_profiles -execute 'CREATE DATABASE hello'
./influx -host -port 80 -database energy_profiles -execute 'INSERT WarmingUp\ default\ profiles field1=hello 10'
./influx -host -port 80 -database energy_profiles -execute "CREATE USER \"fred\" WITH PASSWORD '123'"
./influx -host -port 80 -import -path "./influxdb/energy_profiles.warmingup_default_profiles.influx_line"
curl -v -XPOST '' --data-urlencode 'q=CREATE DATABASE "mydb"' # Create database through curl and query parameter authentication
curl -v -XPOST '' --data-urlencode 'q=CREATE DATABASE "mydb"' # Even if just the username or password is added.